掌中用英语怎么说 掌中的英语翻译

掌中在英语中的翻译是"centre of the palm",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到80个与掌中相关的释义和例句。

掌中用英语怎么说 掌中的英语翻译

掌中在英语中的翻译是"centre of the palm",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到80个与掌中相关的释义和例句。

SINAGO Sina hands Sina News SinaNew Alpha ( 掌中新浪 )

Carney On Palming pingm ( 掌中藏牌 )

VTER star tac palm pilot ( 掌中宝 )

Chicken Feet Served on a Sizzling Iron Plate ( 铁板掌中宝 )

Handy Taskman HandyTask ( 掌中任务 )

1. Noda Castle and Nagashino Castle have fallen to ieyasu!

2. Yes, we have the palmar cimelia, and can help you to find terrorist at any concealment of the spot.


3. How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand?

4. Study on the methos of extracting pectin from the cactus

5. The entire rose stem and posy can be folded in the palm. Loose your hand and the whole bunch of flowers can popup automatically.


6. Her skull steeped between my fingers...

7. Now this "the bookworm" crosses the seas to cross ocean, lithely fell in the Chinese English study palm.


8. i mean, you hold people's greatest hopes and dreams in the palm of your hand, really.

9. Amazing how two little girls with no money and learning slipped through your fingers for an eternity.

译文:多么神奇 两个没钱的小女孩是 怎样为了永生 而从你的魔掌中溜走的。

10. How do you hold a moonbeam ln your hand?

11. Severe and delicate like the feeling in your hand, which tells you you have nerve cells.

译文:严苛而又微妙,就像在你掌中的感觉 , 告诉你你是拥有神经细胞的。

12. You've seen "The Gossips"? it's so small it fits in your hand, like a secret.

13. Keep the center of your palm off the ball when dribbling.

14. You can't get out of my palm

15. Look. i've got Africa all over my hand.


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