虚拟资本用英语怎么说 虚拟资本英语翻译

虚拟资本在英语中的翻译是"  Fictitious Capital",还可以翻译为virtual capital -,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到57个与虚拟资本相关的翻译和例句。

虚拟资本用英语怎么说 虚拟资本英语翻译

虚拟资本在英语中的翻译是"  Fictitious Capital",还可以翻译为virtual capital -,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到57个与虚拟资本相关的翻译和例句。

2. virtual consultation(虚拟诊察;虚拟谘商)

3. virtual campus( 虚拟校园;虚拟院校;虚拟校区)

4. virtual hard disk( 虚拟硬盘;虚拟硬碟;虚拟磁碟)

5. virtual product( 虚拟产品;虚拟物件;虚拟商品)

virtual capitalism ( 虚拟资本主义 )

fictitious capital movement ( 虚拟资本运动 )

Fictitious Economy ( 将其定义为虚拟资本 )

virtual social capital ( 虚拟社会资本 )

1. it was called virtual reality.

2. Corporations may deduct the cost of capital following capital cost allowance regulations.

3. VMA? Virtual Memory Address?

4. Capitalism: good; non-capitalism: bad.

5. "Denatured" capital accumulation is one that turns public capital into private capital with every artifice.


6. The capital of the sun and the amut... and the capital of the murder.

7. VNS? Virtual Network Services?

8. He was robbed of a bunch of imaginary that's useful in a make-believe place.

9. VCC? Virtual Circuit Connection?

10. VNS? Virtual Network Switching?

11. is this my virtual reality or Cartman's virtual reality?

12. - My capital contribution.

13. VPC? Virtual Path Connection?

14. He practically lived online.

15. You'd be entering a virtual world with a virtual language.


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