针怎么画用英语怎么说 针怎么画英语翻译

针怎么画用英语说"freehand sketching",其次还可以说成"how about",在《中小学生词典》中,共找到29个与针怎么画相关的短语释义和例句。

针怎么画用英语怎么说 针怎么画英语翻译

针怎么画用英语说"freehand sketching",其次还可以说成"how about",在《中小学生词典》中,共找到29个与针怎么画相关的短语释义和例句。

2. What's the matter?(怎么回事?怎么啦?)

3. whats wrong( 怎么回事;怎么了;你怎么了)

4. how matters stand(情况怎么样,怎么回事)

5. freehand sketching(徒手画,画草图)

1. Michael, the painting, how are we gonna get rid of it?

2. And how did you picture me?

3. how those images really capture -- play with the stereotypes.

4. (Laughter) How are we all doing?

5. How can she paint your portrait if you keep moving?

6. - How did you get him to do this?

7. How did you make these pictures?

8. i forgot about the injection. i'm sorry.

9. Honey, draw whatever your imagination tells you.

10. Then how did your needles work?

11. i'll show you how to paint.

12. How do you know he doodled it? How do you know this is his?

13. So how did i get started cartooning?

14. Not a needle. Not a needle.

15. - Worse than not insightful.


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