掘用英语怎么说 掘的英语翻译

掘用英语说"dig",在日常中也可以翻译为"  Data Mining",在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到59个与掘相关的翻译和例句。

掘用英语怎么说 掘的英语翻译

掘用英语说"dig",在日常中也可以翻译为"  Data Mining",在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到59个与掘相关的翻译和例句。

digger wasp Ectemnius lapidarius Sphex ( 掘土蜂 )

Tunnel Boring Machine TBM tunnel borer tunneler ( 隧道掘进机 )

“You will surely see water coming out if you really dig deep enough”. ( 掘井九轫 必得其水 )

1. Buried in a grave he dug himself.

2. Look at that city, let's continue to dig

3. i'm going to try the tang soo do. Ready?

4. He puts in a stick of dynamite to start the water running.

5. Must we desecrate poor Lucy's grave?

6. How now brown cow? How now brown cow?

7. Enemies of justice, prepare for war!

8. Who said i found it in a grave?

9. We'll leave no stone unturned!

10. Just waiting to be discovered.

11. Under fire you will dig a hole with your teeth if you have to.

12. Maybe we didn't dig down far enough.

13. Maybe if we dig long and hard enough, we'll tunnel our way out of this dump.

14. You ain't got all day! Dig, dig!

15. invasion of the Body Snatchers in iowa.


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