荣誉证书用英语怎么说 荣誉证书英语翻译

荣誉证书的英语是"  Certificate",还网络中常译为"  Certificate of Distinction",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到77个与荣誉证书相关的释义和例句。

荣誉证书用英语怎么说 荣誉证书英语翻译

荣誉证书的英语是"  Certificate",还网络中常译为"  Certificate of Distinction",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到77个与荣誉证书相关的释义和例句。

荣誉证书翻译为   Certificate of Distinction。

Get the Image ambassador honorary certificate and the commemorative medal.

The Certificates of Working Honor ( 工作荣誉证书 )

Honor certificate of excellence ( 优秀员工荣誉证书等 )

Company's Certificate ( 公司荣誉证书 )

certificate Award Certificate ( 证书荣誉证书 )

Products' Certificate ( 产品荣誉证书 )

1. There is no mission of honor now.

2. iPPC? international? Oil? Prevention Certificate?

3. it's a notification for changing school!

4. i have a teaching credential. And i figure...

5. And honor honor is just another word for weakness!

6. Even the certificates of pedigree and expertise.

7. Buying all sorts of false and honorary certificate is the first action that diddle consumer trusts .

10. You all get your California Technology License.

11. So do y'all have references?

12. Then with authority, hang up.

13. But you know your brother and you know he's and you know that he's in love with Daniel.

14. For what he invents or achieves scitech-wise, a citizen may apply for the certificate of honor and monetary or other prizes.


15. inspection Certificate of Temperature & Ullage


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