母畜小说用英语怎么说 母畜小说英语翻译

母畜小说的英语是"female young",在日常中也可以翻译为"female animals",在《中小学生词典》中,共找到17个与母畜小说相关的短语释义和例句。

母畜小说用英语怎么说 母畜小说英语翻译

母畜小说的英语是"female young",在日常中也可以翻译为"female animals",在《中小学生词典》中,共找到17个与母畜小说相关的短语释义和例句。

2. "As for the details fiction, fiction, lies, lies,

3. Or dramatic readings of novelizations? !

4. There's a term called metafiction, and that's just stories about stories, and meta's having a moment now.

译文:有个词叫“元小说” 即讲述小说的小说 现在“元”的概念非常热门。

5. And i'll raised my kids myself.

6. i'm writing a novel myself.

7. i write novels, stories, things like that.

8. From narrative character of novels to novelized character of drama

9. The fiction became too boring...

10. This isn't science fiction. This isn't a short story.

11. Oh. Uh, well, it's a horror novel.

12. - i'll be engrossed in a novel.

13. Best Western novel. "'The Saga of Jubal McLaws.'

14. When this novel comes out, i'll be right back at the top.

15. You fiction or nonfiction?

译文:你是小说还是非小说类作品? You fiction or nonfiction。


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