年少时候用英语怎么说 年少时候英语翻译

年少时候用英语翻译为"spread out over",还可以翻译为How's the time?,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到94个与年少时候相关的翻译和例句。

年少时候用英语怎么说 年少时候英语翻译

年少时候用英语翻译为"spread out over",还可以翻译为How's the time?,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到94个与年少时候相关的翻译和例句。

示例:Well, how is it different this time? how is it different this time?

2. Starstruck, camera flashes Cover of magazines

3. Well, originally, we shot crack and it turned out it had a little problem which is something about crack is disturbing.

4. Mm, perhaps, but wounds that are made when we're young

5. Some kidults collect toys they once played with.

6. During his youth he lived in Paris.

7. Once i saw you, it reminds me of my youthful time.

8. Quite early in life the pirate showed the cloven foot when he used to rob children of their toys.


9. in my own adolescence, i went to extreme lengths to try to be straight.

10. He reminds me of someone i knew in my youth.

11. There's nothing that unusual about what i'm doing with this.

12. A little affair with a married woman puts a finishing touch to a young man's education.

13. Family broke up at a tender age.

14. 'When i was young... i met this beautiful girl by a lake.'

15. 'When i was young... 'l met this beautiful girl by a lake.




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