moms是什么意思 moms的中文翻译、读音、例句


moms是什么意思 moms的中文翻译、读音、例句

'MOMS' 是“妈妈们”的缩写,是指一群有孩子的母亲。它是一个名词,属于复数形式。


- Working moms:工作妈妈

- New moms:新手妈妈

- Stay-at-home moms:全职妈妈

- Single moms:单亲妈妈

- Soccer moms:代表孩子参加各种活动的妈妈

- Busy moms:忙碌的妈妈们

- Support group for moms:支持妈妈们的团体


'MOMS' 的发音拼写为 [mɑmz]。


1. I joined a support group for moms who are struggling with postpartum depression.(我加入了一个支持困扰着产后抑郁症的妈妈的团体。)

2. Soccer moms are often seen driving minivans and cheering their kids from the sidelines.(足球妈妈经常开着迷你巴士,站在场边为孩子们加油。)

3. Working moms have to juggle their career and family responsibilities.(工作妈妈必须平衡她们的职业和家庭责任。)

4. Single moms are some of the strongest people I know.(单亲妈妈是我认识的最坚强的人之一。)

5. Stay-at-home moms often don't get the recognition they deserve for all the hard work they do.(全职妈妈通常不会因为她们所做的所有辛苦工作而得到应得的认可。)

6. Busy moms need to take some time for themselves every once in a while.(忙碌的妈妈们需要偶尔抽出一些时间来照顾自己。)

7. New moms can feel overwhelmed and unsure of themselves, but it's important for them to know that they're not alone.(新手妈妈可能会感到不知所措和不确定,但她们需要知道自己不是孤单的。)




1. Moms work hard all day to take care of their families.(妈妈们一整天辛勤工作,照顾家人。)

2. A group of moms organize a playgroup for their children to socialize with other kids their age.(一群妈妈们组织了一个游戏组,让他们的孩子与同龄人社交。)

3. Many moms worry about balancing their careers and family responsibilities.(许多妈妈们担心平衡工作和家庭责任。)




例句:The idea of having two moms is not super novel, especially where we live. (有两个妈妈并不十分新奇, 尤其在我生活的地方。)


moms一般作为名词使用,如在hockey moms([网络] 佩林老巢)、holy moms(副翼)、security moms([网络] 安全妈妈;安全母亲)等常见短语中出现较多。

hockey moms[网络] 佩林老巢
holy moms副翼
security moms[网络] 安全妈妈;安全母亲
soccer moms[网络] 足球妈妈;足球母亲;足球妈咪
tiger moms[网络] 虎妈
waitress moms[网络] 女服务员妈妈


1. You cheated on me multiple times with the moms from your birthday party gigs. (翻译:你被骗 在我多次 与妈妈 从你的生日派对演出。)

2. [RAPPING] After I confided, I was derided and chided My moms and I collided (翻译:我吐露心声后 她就笑我 骂我 吵闹便侵向我)

3. -Moms... Moms have to come up with a menu... bouquets. (翻译:妈妈, 妈妈, 两个妈妈都在安排鲜花, 菜单)

4. Moms tend to develop a more empathetic and emotional relationship with their children, Tolan says. (翻译:母亲们倾向于和孩子们建立感性的关系,托伦说。)

5. It's the kind of thing most moms would think was not a big deal. (翻译:这是什么样的事情 大多数妈妈会认为是不是一个大问题。)

6. But if our moms aren't at that place, then where are they? (翻译:但是,如果我们的妈妈是不是在那个地方,然后他们在哪里?)

7. Moms love to be pampered and a facial is a wonderful relaxing way to do it. (翻译:妈妈喜欢可以肆意的感觉,做面部美容是一个不错的放松方式。)

8. First grade... and we get left there by our moms... for the day. (翻译:小学一年级的时候 我们离开母亲身边 终于等到这一天了)

9. I was reading a story by one of the moms of the columbine killer. (翻译:我读过一位科伦拜恩校园枪杀案 凶犯母亲的故事)

10. Well, apparently, her moms must have forgot her purse or somethin', (翻译:那么,显然,她的妈妈必须有 忘了她的钱包或事端,)

11. Our moms used to rub their stomachs together when they were pregnant with us. (翻译:我们的妈妈用来擦肚子 在一起的时候,他们孕育着我们。)

12. And these changes can be reversed if the moms are swapped. (翻译:如果雌鼠妈妈被交换,这些变化就会对调。)

13. Do you see a lot of women on this job... a lot of moms with a kid juggling this job? (翻译:Andy 看看局里 干这行有几个是女的 有多少能兼顾工作和孩子的女警?)

14. My foster moms would beat me for no reason... (翻译:我的寄养妈妈wouId击败我 没有理由... ...)

15. Today's soccer moms are faced with a number of challenges that soccer moms of yesterday did not have to deal with. (翻译:如今的“足球妈妈”们面临着之前妈妈们所没有碰到过的大量挑战。)






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