ombudsman是什么意思 ombudsman的中文翻译、读音、例句


ombudsman是什么意思 ombudsman的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an , the information you asked for. Here are the explanations and examples for the term 'ombudsman':

1. Definition: An ombudsman is a person who investigates complaints and problems, usually relating to the actions of an organization or government, on behalf of individual citizens.

Example: The ombudsman is here to help you if you have any complaints about the services provided by the bank.

2. Role: The role of an ombudsman is to provide impartial and independent advice and assistance to people who have grievances against an organization or government.

Example: The ombudsman is responsible for investigating complaints from citizens about the police department.

3. Jurisdiction: The jurisdiction of an ombudsman may vary depending on the country or organization. Some ombudsman offices may only deal with complaints from specific industries or sectors.

Example: The energy ombudsman deals with complaints from consumers about electricity and gas suppliers.

4. Authority: The authority of an ombudsman may vary depending on the country or organization. Some ombudsman offices may have the power to investigate and enforce their decisions, while others may only make recommendations.

Example: The ombudsman's decision is final and binding on the organization to which the complaint relates.

Here are the examples of the term 'ombudsman' in Chinese and English:

1. 消费者ombudsman将投诉转介给机构,并直接跟进其处理过程。 (The consumer ombudsman will refer complaints to the institution and follow up directly on its handling process.)

2. 奥克兰ombudsman办公室提供了一个免费的,独立的,机密性高的服务。 (The Auckland ombudsman's office provides a free, independent, and highly confidential service.)

3. 工党的计划是为德国设立一个环境ombudsman。 (The Labour Party's plan is to establish an environmental ombudsman for Germany.)

4. 前往ombudsman的网站,以查看有关其操作和服务范围的更多信息。 (Visit the ombudsman's website for more information on its operations and scope of services.)

5. 在收到投诉后,ombudsman将尽快进行调查,并在必要时与有关方面联系。 (Upon receipt of a complaint, the ombudsman will investigate as soon as possible and contact relevant parties as necessary.)

ombudsman 是指一种独立的、中立的、负责维护公民权利的官员,通常被聘用来处理公众对、组织或公司的不满和投诉。同时,他们还可以代表公民对、组织或公司提出建议和监督他们的行为。




1. The ombudsman investigates complaints against the government.


2. The company has appointed an ombudsman to handle customer complaints.


3. The ombudsman can act as a mediator between the government and the public.





例句:Officer Parkman, pending review of your case by a civilian ombudsman and union representative, we're enforcing a six-month suspension of your active duties. (帕克曼警官,把你的案子 交给政风 调查处 我们要你停职六个月)


例句:That's a big way we, as a small group of activists, have drafted an ombudsman bill for the government of India. (路漫漫其修远兮, 作为一小群活动家,我们 已经向印度起草了申诉专员条例草案。)


例句:The Office of The Ombudsman aims to redress grievances and address issues arising from maladministration in the public sector. (香港申诉专员公署处理及解决因公营机构行政失当而引起的不满和问题。)


例句:He added that the ombudsman is the subject of an impeachment hearing before Philippines' House of Representatives. (翻译:他还说,申诉专员是菲律宾众议院一个听证会的对象。)


ombudsman一般作为名词使用,如在Financial Ombudsman([网络] 金融业巡视专管员;呭爱公婴人)、ombudsman for justice([法] 司法官员)、Parliamentary Ombudsman(议会政务监察官)等常见短语中出现较多。

Financial Ombudsman[网络] 金融业巡视专管员;呭爱公婴人
ombudsman for justice[法] 司法官员
Parliamentary Ombudsman议会政务监察官
press ombudsman报业公评人


1. The Office of The Ombudsman aims to redress grievances and address issues arising from maladministration in the public sector. (翻译:香港申诉专员公署处理及解决因公营机构行政失当而引起的不满和问题。)

2. He added that the ombudsman is the subject of an impeachment hearing before Philippines' House of Representatives. (翻译:他还说,申诉专员是菲律宾众议院一个听证会的对象。)

3. Of these is the establishment of a separate banking ombudsman along the lines of the practice in some other jurisdictions. (翻译:方案是设立独立的银行申诉专员,近似某些地方所实行的做法。)

4. A foreigner living in a Swedish village wrote to the Ombudsman complaining that he had been ill-treated by the police. (翻译:一个住在瑞典乡村的外国人写信给司法特派员,抱怨说他受到。)

5. Mr Cutts says that an ombudsman "is something we've talked about" but Google prefers its "community approach" . (翻译:卡茨表示,“我们谈论过设立”监察专员,但谷歌更喜欢自己的“社区方式”。)

6. The Ombudsman is not subject to political pressure. He investigates complaints large and small that come to him from all levels of society. (翻译:司法特派员不受任何压力的制约。他听取社会各阶层的各种大小意见,并进行调查。)

7. That's a big way we, as a small group of activists, have drafted an ombudsman bill for the government of India. (翻译:路漫漫其修远兮, 作为一小群活动家,我们 已经向印度起草了申诉专员条例草案。)

8. They look everywhere: ministry departments, local government, an ombudsman's office. (翻译:他们举目四望: 政商部门、当地、监察员办公室。)

9. The Ombudsman said it had discovered more than 6000 cases of overpayment in the past five years, amounting to 21-million dollars. (翻译:申诉专员公署发现过去五年,共有六千多宗多付高额津贴的个案,涉及二千一百万。)

10. When a modification was denied, it would be automatically reviewed by an ombudsman or independent review panel. (翻译:当一项修改被否定时,将会自动的由监察员或者是独立的小组重新。)

11. Zhao ombudsman said he heard that there are big city, he asked w. connors idea, w. connor said himself not to and close the gates. (翻译:赵特派员说了自己听说城里面有大事,他问了马戎的想法,马戎说自己不去,紧闭城门。)






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