saunders是什么意思 saunders的中文翻译、读音、例句


saunders是什么意思 saunders的中文翻译、读音、例句

'saunders' 并不是常见的单词,可能是指人名、地名或品牌名等。因此,无法提供关于词义、词性、词组搭配、短语、发音拼写等方面的信息。是几种可能的解释和相关翻译例句:

1. Saunders(人名):桑德斯(常见的英语姓氏)

- Mr. Saunders is the CEO of our company. (桑德斯先生是我们公司的CEO。)

2. Saunders(地名):桑德斯(美国多个城市和一个县的名称)

- I grew up in Saunders County in Nebraska. (我在内布拉斯加州桑德斯县长大。)

3. Saunders(品牌名):桑德斯(英国制造的高级音响设备品牌)

- The Saunders speakers are known for their exceptional sound quality. (桑德斯音响因其出色的音质而闻名。)

4. Saunders(姓氏):桑德斯(可能是某个具体人物的姓氏)

- Have you heard of the Saunders family? They are quite wealthy. (你听说过桑德斯家族吗?他们非常富有。)

5. Saunders(名字):桑德斯(可能是某个具体人物的名字)

- Saunders was a well-known musician in the 1970s. (桑德斯是70年代著名的音乐家。)

6. Saunders(机构名):桑德斯(指某个机构或组织的名称)

- I attended the Saunders Institute for Business Studies. (我曾经上过桑德斯商业研究所。)

7. Saunders(音乐专辑名):桑德斯(美国吉他手Monte Montgomery的专辑名)

- Have you listened to Monte Montgomery's "Saunders" al? It's fantastic. (你听过蒙特·蒙哥马利的《桑德斯》专辑吗?太棒了。)

saunders的中文翻译是桑德斯,读音为 [ˈsɔndərz]。


1. Saunders is one of the best lawyers in the city. (桑德斯是这座城市最好的律师之一。)

2. The Saunders family went on vacation to Hawaii. (桑德斯一家去夏威夷度假了。)

3. I'm reading a book by George Saunders. (我正在读乔治·桑德斯的一本书。)




例句:His name is Stephen Saunders and he is a former MI6 agent. (他叫斯蒂文 桑德斯 以前是军情6处的探员)


例句:Is there any chance, if Saunders was having a relationship with the vic, that he could have handled the champagne bottle, say, days ago, then had it planted? (有没有可能Saunders和受害人 的确是恋人关系 所以几天前他摸过香槟酒瓶 然后被人栽赃?)


例句:We've begun vetting the raw data we collected on Saunders. (我们已经开始搜集到的,关于桑德斯的原始数据)


例句:In a recent study, Stephen Saunders Webb has presented a formidable challenge to this view. (翻译:在最近的一项研究中,斯蒂芬·桑德斯·韦伯对这一观点提出了严峻的挑战。)


saunders一般作为名词使用,如在Port Saunders([地名] 桑德斯港 ( 加 ))、red saunders([医] 紫檀)、Saunders Basin([地名] 桑德斯海盆 ( 罗斯海 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Port Saunders[地名] 桑德斯港 ( 加 )
red saunders[医] 紫檀
Saunders Basin[地名] 桑德斯海盆 ( 罗斯海 )
saunders blue[网络] 桑德兰
Saunders County[地名] 桑德斯县 ( 美 )
Saunders Mountain[地名] 桑德斯山 ( 南极洲 )
saunders red[化] 红檀香木
saunders valve[网络] 隔膜阀;阀门
Saunders' disease[医] 桑德斯氏病(婴儿胃肠病)


1. We've begun vetting the raw data we collected on Saunders. (翻译:我们已经开始搜集到的,关于桑德斯的原始数据)

2. In a recent study, Stephen Saunders Webb has presented a formidable challenge to this view. (翻译:在最近的一项研究中,斯蒂芬·桑德斯·韦伯对这一观点提出了严峻的挑战。)

3. Yeah, the money trail Chappelle was following leads to a Jane Saunders. (翻译:是,薛皮尔跟踪的资金流动 带出了简 桑德斯)

4. She is the only thing that is standing between us and Stephen Saunders controlling the government. (翻译:现在她是唯一能阻止斯蒂芬 桑德斯控制的了)

5. I do have a death certificate for Saunders' mother from when he was nine. (翻译:我找到了Saunders母亲的死亡证明 那年他9岁)

6. I was the only one to get out, five other died including Saunders (翻译:只有我一个活着逃了出来, 包括桑德斯在内的其他5个人都死了)

7. - I'm ready with the eggs. - Mr Saunders mustn't move anything. (翻译:我准备好打蛋了希望 桑德斯先生不会搞得很乱)

8. It appears we're not the only ones looking into Adam Saunders. (翻译:看来不止我们在调查Adam Saunders)

9. We've been able to confirm that Saunders was the sole architect of today's actions. (翻译:我们可以确定桑德斯是本次行动的唯一策划者)

10. Trevor, the Saunders computer file. What server did you store it on? (翻译:特莱沃, 桑德斯的电脑文件你存放在那台服务器里)

11. So if Saunders did escape the building it would be the exact interval (翻译:因此如果桑德斯确实在那屋子, 一定就是那段时间逃跑的)

12. Mr. Adam Saunders, he's a prop trader at the investment firm of Baylor Zimm. (翻译:Adam Saunders先生 他是个自营交易员 供职于Baylor Zimm投资银行)

13. Saunders: It does, indeed. (翻译:桑德斯:确实。)

14. Mr. Reese, there's a small fortune in Saunders' closet. (翻译:Reese先生 在Sauders的衣橱里有一点小钱)

15. They took out a woman that we believe had recent contact with Saunders. (翻译:他们杀了一位我们相信最近和桑德斯有过接触的女人)






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