mtn是什么意思 mtn的中文翻译、读音、例句


mtn是什么意思 mtn的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词释: mtn 可能是 mountain 的缩写,意为“山”,也可能是某个品牌的缩写。

2. 语境运用: mtn 可以出现在旅游、户外活动、地理等领域。在网络广告中,mtn 可能是某个品牌或公司的名字或简称。

3. 发音: mtn 的发音与 mountain 相同,音标为 [ˈmaʊntən]。

4. 拓展词汇:与 mtn 相关的词汇包括 mountain (山)、peak(山峰)、landscape(风景)、adventure(冒险)等。

1. I love hiking on mtn trails in the summer.(我喜欢在夏天徒步旅行在山间小径上。)

2. We spent the weekend camping on top of the mtn.(我们周末在山顶上露营。)

3. MTN Group is a South African multinational mobile telecommunications company.(MTN集团是一家南非跨国移动电信公司。)

4. The mtnous terrain made it difficult for the rescue team to reach the stranded hikers.(多山的地形使得救援队难以到达被困的徒步者。)

5. I just bought this mtn bike and can't wait to take it out for a ride.(我刚刚买了这辆山地自行车,迫不及待想骑出去骑一会儿。)

1. MTN是移动通信之一,提供手机和数据通信服务。MTN is a mobile communications operator that provides mobile and data communication services.

2. MTN也可以指一种金融工具,即山地票据,是在非洲发行的一种债券。 MTN can also refer to a financial instrument, namely mountain notes, which are bonds issued in Africa.



1. 我订了MTN的手机服务。I subscribed to MTN's mobile service.

2. 这家公司计划发行一批MTN以筹集资金。The company plans to issue a batch of MTNs to raise funds.




例句:One thing I'll need to look at is what sort of support MTN has for commits mailing lists. (我要确定的一件事是MTN对代码提交的邮件列表有什么样的支持。)


例句:It's sold at umbrella stands all over the streets, where people are unregistered, unlicensed, but MTN makes most of its profits, perhaps 90 percent of its profits, from selling through System D, the informal economy. (他们就在街上那些伞搁架上卖, 尽管人们都是没有登记,没有执照的 但MTN确实赚了一笔, 约占他们总盈利的90%吧, 就仅从这个D系统,这个非正式经济中得到盈利。)


例句:Now it has dropped the requirement for control, expect rumours of a move on South Africa's MTN to linger. (现在,它已经放弃了控股要求,有关它将入股南非MTN的传言,预期还将继续流传下去。)


例句:This is an ad for MTN, which is a South African multinational active in about 25 countries, and when they came into Nigeria — Nigeria is the big dog in Africa. (翻译:这是一个广告,给MTN做的 一个南非的跨国公司 覆盖范围约有25个国家, 当他们进驻尼日利亚时 -- 尼日利亚在非洲是举足轻重的。)


mtn一般作为名词使用,如在Mtn.(abbr. mountain [亦作mtn.])等常见短语中出现较多。

Mtn.abbr. mountain [亦作mtn.]


1. Now it has dropped the requirement for control, expect rumours of a move on South Africa's MTN to linger. (翻译:现在,它已经放弃了控股要求,有关它将入股南非MTN的传言,预期还将继续流传下去。)

2. This is an ad for MTN, which is a South African multinational active in about 25 countries, and when they came into Nigeria — Nigeria is the big dog in Africa. (翻译:这是一个广告,给MTN做的 一个南非的跨国公司 覆盖范围约有25个国家, 当他们进驻尼日利亚时 -- 尼日利亚在非洲是举足轻重的。)

3. MTN is fine-tuning its service in Uganda before rolling it out across Africa. (翻译:在全非洲推行之前,MTN在乌干达将移动理财服务做了微微调整。)

4. One thing I'll need to look at is what sort of support MTN has for commits mailing lists. (翻译:我要确定的一件事是MTN对代码提交的邮件列表有什么样的支持。)

5. Checking all MTN & SRN-wt. Loss settle with procurement. (翻译:与采购核查所有的原料运输单,解决失重问题。)

6. In this communication, we propose a tree-net architecture based all optical conversion scheme from binary number to its MTN form. (翻译:我们提出一种基于树状网络结构的全光转换方案,可将二进制数转换为其对应的修正型三进制数。)

7. Modified trinary number ( MTN ) has already taken a significant role towards carry and borrow free arithmetic operations. (翻译:修正型三进制在无需进位和借位的算术运算中有着特殊意义。)

8. Themba Khumalo of MTN recalls the firm’s launch of mobile services in South Africa in 1994, using the postpaid model. (翻译:MTN的腾巴库马洛回顾了公司1994年在南非推出移动服务业务时采用后付费模式的情况。)

9. MTN is fine-tuning its service in Uganda before rolling it out across Africa. (翻译:在全非洲推行之前,MTN在乌干达将移动理财服务做了微微调整。)

10. This article based on the MTN, and put emphasis on the parameters of liquid crystal display (LCD), such as the elastic constants, dielectric constant, pretilt angle and cell gap. (翻译:本文主要针对MTN模式设计,着重关注液晶弹性常数,介电各向异性,预倾角度,以及盒厚变化对显示效果的影响。)

11. Reports have said the service helps MTN censor the news, but Huawei denies it sells any equipment that can do this. (翻译:有报道称,该项服务帮助MTN对新闻进行,但华为否认自己出售能够进行此类操作的任何设备。)




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