rari是什么意思 rari的中文翻译、读音、例句


rari是什么意思 rari的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和含义

- 'rari'通常作为缩写词出现,表示稀有、罕见的意思,也可以表示奢侈的、珍贵的。它可以作为形容词、名词、动词等不同的词性。

- 例如:This is a rari car.(这是一辆稀有的车。)I love to collect raris.(我喜欢收集稀罕的东西。)

2. 用法和搭配

- 'rari'通常用于描述高端、昂贵的物品,如豪车、珠宝等。

- 例如:He drove his rari to the party.(他开着他的豪车去了派对。)She wore a rari necklace to the gala.(她在晚会上戴了一条珍宝项链。)

3. 发音和拼写

- 'rari'的发音为 /rɑːri/,其中的'r'是清晰的发音。

- 'rari'的拼写为r-a-r-i,注意它的拼写中间是两个'r'。

4. 附加信息

- 'rari'常常会被用于豪车的名称、品牌、型号等,如Ferrari(法拉利)等。

- 例如:I saw a Ferrari in the parking lot today.(今天我在停车场看到了一辆法拉利。)She wants to buy a rari for her husband's birthday.(她想在丈夫的生日给他买辆豪车。)


1. He owns a rari watch that's worth more than my car.

- 他拥有一只价值比我车还贵的稀有手表。

2. The museum has a collection of rari coins from ancient civilizations.

- 这个博物馆有从古代文明时期收集的一批稀有硬币。

3. She was so excited when she won the rari vase at the auction.

- 当她在拍卖中赢得了一只珍贵的花瓶时,她感到非常兴奋。

4. His rari sports car can go from 0 to 60 in less than 3 seconds.

- 他的豪华跑车可以在不到3秒的时间内从0加速到60。

5. The limited edition rari ss sold out within minutes of being released.

- 发布不久后,限量版的稀有鞋子就在几分钟内卖光了。




1. This type of bird is quite 'rari' in this area.


2. The painting is a 'rari' masterpiece that is worth a lot of money.


3. It's 'rari' to find someone who is truly devoted to their job these days.





例句:♪ I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know ♪ (♪ I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know ♪)


例句:♪ When I rock, when I rock, when I rock, when I rock ♪ (When I rock, when I rock, when I rock, when I rock ? ?)


例句:I wanna, I wanna I wanna, I wanna (I wanna, I wanna I wanna, I wanna)


例句:I said I-I would not do it. (翻译:I said I -I would not do it.)


1. I wanna, I wanna I wanna, I wanna (翻译:I wanna, I wanna I wanna, I wanna)

2. I said I-I would not do it. (翻译:I said I -I would not do it.)

3. Under the right conditions, I-I-I am capable of just, really crazy stuff. (翻译:Under the right conditions, I -I -I am capable of just,)

4. ♪ I live and I breathe for you, (翻译:♪ I live and I breathe for you)

5. rar Construction Quality Acceptance of the latest international standards and practice book. Rar. . . (翻译:最新建筑工程质量验收与国际标准实务全书。)

6. ♪, I, I, I, I, I I got to run ♪ (翻译:I ♪ ♪ I got to run ♪)

7. And I got out and I-- you know, I uploaded it and I sent it to the news stations. (翻译:{\3cH202020}And I got out and I... I uploaded it and I sent it to the news stations.)

8. I know, I know, I know, I know. (翻译:我知道,我知道 I know, I know, I know, I know.)

9. Jo, I-I-I need your expertise as a law-enforcement officer. (翻译:Jo, I -I -I need your expertise)

10. I have a speech that I wanna make to you, but I was afraid that I was gonna forget it. (翻译:I have a speech that I wanna make to you, but I was afraid that I was gonna forget it.)

11. I, uh... I just, uh, uh... (翻译:Well, I, uh, I, uh, I just, uh, uh...)

12. d i kissed a girl And i liked it d d ooh, yeah, i liked it d [ cheers and applause ] (翻译:I liked it♪ I liked it♪)

13. Select the RAR deployed at the node level. (翻译:选择在节点级别部署的rar。)

14. I got the clock I got the time I got the rhyme (翻译:I got the clock I got the time I got the rhyme)

15. "Dangerous" music with video. Three... (翻译:♪ You and I, you and I ♪)






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