boozy是什么意思 boozy的中文翻译、读音、例句


boozy是什么意思 boozy的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词释:boozy是形容词,表示喝醉的、酒精度高的、酗酒的等含义。

例如:She has a reputation for being a bit boozy at parties. (她在聚会上有点喝醉的名声。)

2. 语境适用:通常用于形容人、场合或气氛等,如酒吧、派对、饮酒过量等场合。

例如:The party was a bit boozy for my liking. (这个派对喝酒有点过量,不太适合我。)

3. 同义词辨析:boozy可以与drunken、inebriated等词语作比较,其中drunken更偏向于形容喝醉了的状态,而inebriated则更形象地描述了酒精影响下的人的行为和表现。

例如:He was clearly drunken after finishing the bottle of whiskey. (他喝完那瓶威士忌显然已经喝醉了。)

The inebriated man stumbled out of the bar and into the street. (那个醉汉蹒跚着从酒吧走出来,走进了街道。)

4. 构词来源:boozy是由booze(酒)加上-y构成的形容词,常用于口语中。

例如:He's always been a little bit boozy. (他总是有点儿爱喝酒。)

5. 用法提示:boozy通常作为形容词使用,可以修饰人或场合。在翻译或写作中,需要根据语境和需要选择合适的同义词或对应词汇。

例如:The boozy atmosphere of the bar made him feel uncomfortable. (酒吧里那种充满酒精味的气氛让他感到不舒服。)


1. The party was getting a bit too boozy for her taste, so she decided to leave early. (对于她口味来说,这个聚会太过于放纵,所以她决定早点离开。)

2. He had a boozy night and woke up with a terrible hangover. (他喝了很多酒,醒来时头痛欲裂。)

3. She has a reputation for being a bit too boozy at work events. (她在工作场合喝酒有点儿过量,已经有了这个名声。)

4. The bar was known for its boozy tails and lively atmosphere. (这个酒吧以其醇香的鸡尾酒和热闹的氛围而闻名。)

5. The boozy night ended with a group of friends singing and dancing until the early hours of the morning. (这个喝醉了的夜晚以一群朋友唱歌跳舞,一直持续到凌晨。)

boozy 的中文翻译是“酗酒的”,读音为 [ˈbuːzi]。


1. He spends most of his time in the pub and has become quite boozy.(他大部分时间都待在酒吧,变得非常酗酒。)

2. The party was full of boozy guests who drank too much alcohol.(派对上有很多酗酒的客人,他们喝了太多的酒。)

3. She was arrested for drunk driving because she was feeling a little boozy.(她因为喝了点酒而被捕,因为她感觉有点酗酒。)




例句:And finally we lie on the floor, behind the piano, while someone sings a dreary song. The air is stifling and her breath is boozy. (后来我们在地板上躺下,就在钢琴后面,有人在唱一支凄凉的歌,空气令人窒息,女人口中有一股酒气。)


例句:Mimi on the floor wearing a T-shirt and nothing else... watching some old American soap dubbed in German... and me on the couch watching her... sprawled in a sort of boozy stupor. (躺在地板上,只穿了一件T恤衫, 正在看一部德语配音的美国老肥皂剧 而我喝得昏沉沉的)


例句:The Frontline Club in London has long been where foreign correspondents gather to swap boozy stories about far-flung adventures and bravado. (在伦敦前线俱乐部一直在外国记者聚集一堂,交换有关遥远的冒险和虚张声势boozy故事。)

4.嗜酒的 、豪饮的

例句:Why you asked that boozy us-hag to officiate your wedding. (翻译:要请那个成天醉醺醺的老巫婆 why you asked that boozy us -hag to 主持你们的婚礼 officiate your wedding.)


1. The Frontline Club in London has long been where foreign correspondents gather to swap boozy stories about far-flung adventures and bravado. (翻译:在伦敦前线俱乐部一直在外国记者聚集一堂,交换有关遥远的冒险和虚张声势boozy故事。)

2. Why you asked that boozy us-hag to officiate your wedding. (翻译:要请那个成天醉醺醺的老巫婆 why you asked that boozy us -hag to 主持你们的婚礼 officiate your wedding.)

3. Colin didn't like to drink much and he found the boozy, aimless conversation of the usual Hollywood gatherings intolerable. (翻译:科林不喜欢多喝酒,而且不能忍受好莱坞经常时那种酒后胡言和信口开河的谈话。)

4. My boyfriend and I got together at the end of a boozy New Year's Eve party three years ago. (翻译:我和我的男朋友在三年前一个醉醺醺的新年前夜派对上在一起的。)

5. After a boozy West Ham Christmas party, Trevor Lloyd Sinclair was arrested after running about and jumping on a stranger's car. (翻译:在西汉姆圣诞party后 醉醺醺的Trevor Lloyd Sinclair 因在陌生人的汽车上又跑又跳被捕)

6. My boyfriend and I got together at the end of a boozy New Year's Eve party three years ago. (翻译:我和我的男朋友在三年前一个醉醺醺的新年前夜派对上在一起的。)

7. Worn out by my parents and abused by us, my hand scratches wads of gum underthe mattress, from the time when my father was afraid to wake my mother with his boozy, beery breath. (翻译:被我父母用旧后又被我们 我抓着床垫下的橡树板 从我爸爸害怕他的 带酒气的呼吸吵醒妈妈)

8. Oh, yeah. Nip slips. Boozy bar exits. (翻译:对,露出的照片,酒吧酗酒,沙滩上难看的身材)


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