frantically是什么意思 frantically的中文翻译、读音、例句


frantically是什么意思 frantically的中文翻译、读音、例句


'frantically' 是一个副词,意思是“狂乱地,疯狂地”,常用于描述人或物极端紧张和慌张的状态。以下是从至少5个方面的解释:

1. 词义释义:表示紧张、慌张或疯狂。

2. 用法:一般用于描写人或事物的状态或行为。

3. 词性:副词。

4. 同义词:madly, hectically, desperately, wildly, frenziedly。

5. 反义词:calmly。


1. He was frantically searching for his lost wallet, checking every pocket and corner of the room.(他正在疯狂地搜寻他丢失的钱包,检查房间的每一个口袋和角落。)

2. The dog was barking frantically, trying to warn its owner of the approaching danger.(那只狗狂吠不止,试图警告它的主人接近的危险。)

3. She ran frantically towards the bus stop, afraid of missing the last bus.(她疯狂地向公交车站跑去,害怕错过最后一班车。)

4. The emergency workers were working frantically to save the lives of the trapped victims.(急救人员正在疯狂地工作,试图拯救被困的受害者。)

5. He glanced frantically at his watch, realizing that he was already fif minutes late for the appointment.(他疯狂地看了一眼表,意识到他已经迟到了15分钟。)




1. She searched frantically for her keys before realizing she had left them in the car.


2. The doctor worked frantically to save the patient's life.


3. The villagers frantically prepared for the approaching storm.





例句:And here we are frantically building these experiments, doing these calculations, writing these computer codes. (在这里,我们疯狂地搭建实验, 做计算,写计算机代码。)


例句:I myself, am a recent vegetarian, which means I spent the first 30 years or so of my life frantically inhaling animals -- as many as I could get my hands on. (我自己,最近开始成为了素食主义者, 换句话说我花了 接近30年的人生 疯狂地食用动物- 不放过任何我能获取到的。)


例句:he immediately used the two half rods like a pair of wing-shaped swords, and brandished them frantically, at times mixing in some unknown styles, styles difficult to identify, to beat his opponent (将被斩断的棍当成一对八斩刀... 大舞一轮 还加上一些我都不知道的外来招式)


例句:They rotate around frantically lamp. (翻译:ﺍﺪﺟ ﺓﺮﻴﺒﻛ ﺶﻴﻌﻟﺍ ﻲﻓ ﻢﻬﺘﺒﻏﺭ .ﺡﺎﺒﺼﻤﻟﺍ)


1. he immediately used the two half rods like a pair of wing-shaped swords, and brandished them frantically, at times mixing in some unknown styles, styles difficult to identify, to beat his opponent (翻译:将被斩断的棍当成一对八斩刀... 大舞一轮 还加上一些我都不知道的外来招式)

2. They rotate around frantically lamp. (翻译:ﺍﺪﺟ ﺓﺮﻴﺒﻛ ﺶﻴﻌﻟﺍ ﻲﻓ ﻢﻬﺘﺒﻏﺭ .ﺡﺎﺒﺼﻤﻟﺍ)

3. Africa is crawling with British professors frantically trying to flog sociology courses to the natives. (翻译:非洲满是英国教授 Africa is crawling with British professors 拼命要把社会学课程塞给当地人 frantically trying to flog sociology courses to the natives.)

4. My mind was working frantically, running over the events of the evening. (翻译:我的脑子疯狂地运转着, 将那天晚上发生的事情过了一遍。)

5. She frantically began to turn the rest of the pages in the book only to find that they, too, were all empty. (翻译:她疯狂地朝后面翻去,结果发现,里面全都是空无一字的白页。)

6. I saw a man on campus frantically scribbling notes. (翻译:有个男生坐在校园的椅子上 用非常快的速度在笔记本上 写着图形还有算式...)

7. He stopped as he felt the beanstalk shake, then frantically began to climb back up to safety. (翻译:怪物感觉到豆茎摇晃起来,便疯狂地往回爬,想回到安全的地方。)

8. Look, Miranda, I don't wanna scare you but if there is a second killer out there, he is frantically trying to cover his trail. (翻译:听着,米兰达,我并不想吓唬你 但是如果真有另外一个凶手 他一定急着销毁一切痕迹)

9. The government of Iceland has had to nationalise two of its biggest banks and is frantically seeking a lifeline loan from Russia. (翻译:冰岛将其最大的两家银行国有化,并发狂似的向俄罗斯寻求续命贷款。)

10. The blood drains from your face, your mind goes into overdrive, frantically searching for some place to run and hide. (翻译:连你脸上的血液都沸腾了 你的思维开始坐上了过山车 此刻最想做的时候就是逃离或者找地方躲起来 )

11. Top chefs across the US are frantically dusting off their CVs - the White House has announced it is looking for a new executive chef. (翻译:全美国的顶级大厨们都满怀热情地重新翻出求职履历,因为白宫最近宣布正在物色一位新的首席大厨。)

12. I'm standing here on Nostrand Avenue in Crown Heights, where the scene behind me can only be described as unconscionable frantically helping victims of an apparent terrorist attack. (翻译:我所在位置是 皇冠高地的诺斯全街上 这里简直是 无法无天的现场 加紧协助 显然遭到恐怖攻击的受害人)

13. She frantically types over the same area several times to create dark shading and uses just a few letters for the lighter patches. (翻译:她要靠在同一地方多次敲击以使得这块看起来更暗。当然反之少敲几个字的地方就显得颜色要浅一些。)

14. But I do not like a lot of the same fans frantically all Fall in love with him. (翻译:并不会像很多追星一族一样疯狂地爱上他的一切。)

15. That didn't seem to prevent the doctors from being frantically busy in their days, as he explained. (翻译:即使这样 当时的医生们还是忙得不可开交 对此,他解释道 )




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