gandalf是什么意思 gandalf的中文翻译、读音、例句


gandalf是什么意思 gandalf的中文翻译、读音、例句

作为 AI,我可以提供以下解释:

gandalf 是一个名称,通常用于描述托尔金创作的《魔戒》中的一个人物。它也可以用作缩写词来描述其他概念或主题,如网络安全领域中的“Global Autonomous Network Defense Framework”(全球自主网络防御框架)。

1. 词源和发音:Gandalf 一词来自北欧神话的字词,意为“魔法师”。通常的发音为 /ɡænˈdælf/(gan-dalf)。

2. 魔戒中的角色:在魔戒中,甘道夫是一个强大的巫师,被送到中土(Middle-earth)来帮助对抗黑暗势力。他非常睿智、善良和勇敢,是中土的守护者之一。


- Gandalf stood before the gate of Moria, clutching the hilt of Glamdring. (《The Fellowship of the Ring》)

- The Balrog reached the bridge. Gandalf stood in the middle of the span. (《The Fellowship of the Ring》)

- Frodo looked up at Aragorn and Gandalf standing tall above them. (《The Two Towers》)

- Eventually, Gandalf went on to destroy the One Ring and banish evil from Middle-earth. (《The Return of the King》)

3. 缩写词:Gandalf 也可以用作缩写词,用于其他领域和主题。例如,在网络安全领域,GANDEF(Gandalf)是指“Global Autonomous Network Defense Framework”,它是一个自主防御系统,用于监视和保护网络免受攻击。


- GANDEF is designed to provide a more comprehensive approach to network security. (网络安全)

- The team is working on improving the Gandalf system to better defend against new threats. (网络安全)

4. 流行文化中的意义:Gandalf 魔法师角色,也在流行文化中有一些其他的意义和引用。例如,在《指环王》电影中,众多CGI制作的动物和怪物被戏称为“gandalfs”,以致于在游戏中也有了相应的角色。


- The gamers were excited to play as the gandalf character in the new fantasy game. (游戏)

- During the special effects workshop, the team created a variety of different gandalfs to populate the movie's world. (电影特效)


读音:găn dào fū

例句:Gandalf is a wise and powerful wizard in the Lord of the Rings.(甘道夫是《指环王》中一位智慧而强大的巫师。)




例句:So before you tell me you spent the weekend with Gandalf and Bilbo Baggins, have a good look at this. (你周末跟佛罗多和甘道夫一起过 那这是什么)


例句:For example, there have been six boys named Gandalf after the character in the Lord of the Rings novels and films. (例如,有六个男孩以《指环王》小说和电影中的角色被命名为甘道夫。)


例句:Sean Astin's father, John Astin, auditioned for the role of Gandalf. (西恩·奥斯汀的爸爸约翰·奥斯汀想演甘道夫。)


例句:The Gandalf type is your heaviest hitter, but you try to leave them in the rear and call them up only in times of desperation. (翻译:甘道夫类型的程序员是你的究极兵器,但是你会总是但愿能把他们排到后面,只在快要失望的时候才向他们追求辅助。)





1. Sean Astin's father, John Astin, auditioned for the role of Gandalf. (翻译:西恩·奥斯汀的爸爸约翰·奥斯汀想演甘道夫。)

2. The Gandalf type is your heaviest hitter, but you try to leave them in the rear and call them up only in times of desperation. (翻译:甘道夫类型的程序员是你的究极兵器,但是你会总是但愿能把他们排到后面,只在快要失望的时候才向他们追求辅助。)

3. Gandalf: Gandalf? Yes, that was what they used to call me. (Aragorn nods ) Gandalf the Grey. That was my name. (翻译:甘道夫?是的,那是以前你们称呼我的。灰袍巫师甘道夫。那是我以前的名字。)

4. Luckily for the team, this person is just as adept at working magic as Gandalf. (翻译:对于团队来讲荣幸的是,这人对自己工作的熟练水平就像甘道夫同样。)

5. Gandalf discovered Sauron years ago. (翻译:甘道夫数年前就发现了索伦。)

6. Up attributes are things like being playful, being fresh like the Fresh Prince, contemporary, adventurous, edgy or daring like Errol Flynn, nimble or agile, profane, domineering, magical or mystical like Gandalf. (翻译:高调品牌一般较为玩世不恭 就像Fresh Prince那样新奇 时尚,冒险 像埃罗尔·弗林那样前卫,大胆 敏捷,灵活,世俗,霸气 像甘道夫那样神奇又神秘 )

7. Even the most powerful of beings that are beyond mortal (Gandalf, Elrond, Galadrial) and even powerful mortals (Aragorn) know they cannot resist the ultimate power of the One Ring and must destroy it. (翻译:即使最强大的人物,像超越凡人的甘道夫、爱隆王以及凯兰翠儿,和英勇的凡人阿拉贡都知道他们无法抗拒魔戒之王的终极力量,也因此必须毁灭它。)

8. The map Gandalf picks up in Bilbo's study is a reproduction of the map Tolkien drew for the book "The Hobbit" . (翻译:甘道夫从比尔博的书桌上拿起来的那张地图是托尔金为《哈比人》这本书画的地图的仿制品。)

9. Everyone stops arguing . Gandalf closes is eyes as he hears Frodo 's statement . Everyone slowly turns toward Frodo , surprised. (翻译:每个人停止吵架。刚多尔夫闭上眼睛,当他听到弗拉多的声明时。所有人慢慢转向弗拉多,惊讶着。)

10. gandalf : the gray rain curtain of this world rolls back . . . and than you see it. (翻译:甘道夫:灰色的雨滴会把遮盖世界的帘幕揭起。然后,你就可以看见。)

11. said Gandalf. "Now you mean that you want to get rid of me, and that it won't be good till I move off. " (翻译:甘道夫说:“这次你的意思,是想叫我赶快滚蛋,如果我不走,早上就不会好,对吧?”)

12. Hey, Guys, whaddya say ya clear out, let Gandalf and I have this site. (翻译:嗨 伙计们 你们这也叫清号场了吗 我和甘道夫该说些什么好呢?)

13. You have no power here Gandalf the Grey. (翻译:你在这里没有力量,灰袍甘道夫。)

14. - Say the magic words, fat Gandalf. (翻译, fat Gandalf.)

15. Merry: How do we know this Strider is a friend of Gandalf? (翻译:梅利:你怎么样知道他是甘道夫的朋友? )






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