screenings是什么意思 screenings的中文翻译、读音、例句


screenings是什么意思 screenings的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:screenings意为筛选、筛查,一般指对物体或人员进行检查或筛选。

2. 词性:screenings为名词,复数形式。

3. 常用场景:screenings常用于医疗、教育、职业招聘等领域,用于描述对人员、材料或设备进行细致的筛查、检查和审核。

4. 词组搭配:常见的搭配有medical screenings(医疗检查)、job screenings(职业面试)、security screenings()等。

5. 相关短语:常见的相关短语有screening test(筛查测试)、screening process(筛查过程)、screening criteria(筛选标准)等。

6. 发音拼写:[ˈskriːnɪŋz],其中'screen'发音为/skriːn/,'ings'发音为/ɪŋz/。




1. The company will conduct screenings to find the most qualified candidates.(公司将进行筛选以找到最合格的候选人。)

2. The school requires all students to undergo health screenings before the start of the school year.(学校要求所有学生在学年开始前接受健康检查。)

3. The film screenings at the festival were very popular among moviegoers.(电影节上的放映在电影爱好者中非常受欢迎。)




例句:The film-makers will be present at the screenings to introduce their works. (电影制作人将在放映时到场介绍他们的作品。)


例句:Get regular cancer screenings. (定期进行癌症筛查检测。)


例句:A programme of different activities will be arranged in this section, including lectures, seminars, film screenings, receptions and dinners. (各种特制活动如讲座、讨论会、电影放映、音乐会、招待会和晚宴等都将在这里举行。)


例句:We're working on ways to frequently activate an early-stage cancer alarm by enabling regular screenings that would start when a person is healthy so that action could be taken to stop cancer the moment it emerges, and before it can progress beyond its infancy. (翻译:我们想要找到一种能够频繁触发 早期癌症诊断的方式, 在人们仍处于健康状态时 就开始定期检查, 所以一旦产生癌症征兆, 人们就可以马上采取行动, 而不是等到过了初期治疗阶段。)


screenings一般作为名词使用,如在genetic screenings(【遗传学】遗传普查,遗传筛选)、rice screenings(碎米)、rock screenings(石肩)等常见短语中出现较多。

genetic screenings【遗传学】遗传普查,遗传筛选
rice screenings碎米
rock screenings石肩
screenings pulp木节纸浆
screenings refiner筛渣再磨机
screenings wrapping木节包装纸
wheat screenings小麦筛渣
pulp mill screenings纸浆筛余物


1. A programme of different activities will be arranged in this section, including lectures, seminars, film screenings, receptions and dinners. (翻译:各种特制活动如讲座、讨论会、电影放映、音乐会、招待会和晚宴等都将在这里举行。)

2. We're working on ways to frequently activate an early-stage cancer alarm by enabling regular screenings that would start when a person is healthy so that action could be taken to stop cancer the moment it emerges, and before it can progress beyond its infancy. (翻译:我们想要找到一种能够频繁触发 早期癌症诊断的方式, 在人们仍处于健康状态时 就开始定期检查, 所以一旦产生癌症征兆, 人们就可以马上采取行动, 而不是等到过了初期治疗阶段。)

3. One meeting a week will be mostly taken up by first screenings and a brief discussion afterwards. (翻译:每周上课一次,先观赏影片,接著简短讨论。)

4. In fact, even in our test screenings where you give free tickets to people to watch your movie, we had a one to 25 ratio, meaning after 25 asks, only one person said yes, which is super low for these types of things. (翻译:事实上,即便在我们试映时, 免费让人们看我们的电影, 也只得到了1比25的比例, 意思是询问了25个人后, 只有一个人同意观看, 对试映来说实在太低。)

5. One had to leave behind the great closed-down halls of the casino in order to reach the theater where the screenings were held. (翻译:人们必须绕过那个关了门的大厅 才能前往剧院 那里的荧幕正等待放映.)

6. Part of these policies involves periodic health screenings for existing employees to constantly monitor their health. (翻译:公司政策包括了对在职员工的定期体检以监测员工的身体健康状况。)

7. They are less likely to go to the ER but more like to go to a doctor for routine screenings. (翻译:不用再常跑急诊室了 只是会更经常地去医院做例行体检 )

8. Every mention of the film since '71, every rumor about underground screenings, the official report from Sitges, Mr. Sweetman. (翻译:这是从71年开始 关于这部电影的所有描述... 关于电影留下的一切的传言... 锡切斯电影节的官方报导 斯威特曼先生)

9. Roger and Chaz and I met to plan the beginning of an ambitious schedule of filming, including interviews and critic screenings. (翻译:罗杰、夏茨和我见了个面 计划着开始一系列雄心勃勃的拍摄 包括采访和给影评人的放映)

10. There were no advance screenings. (翻译:该片也没有提前放映。)

11. Right now, neither Medicare nor private insurance companies pay for lung cancer screenings with CT scans, says Varmus. (翻译:现在,不管是医疗保险公司还是私人保险公司都不会为用CT扫描来检查肺癌付钱。)

12. El Topo really was the original midnight movie, the original cult film the first movie that played exclusively at midnight screenings and drew a loyal cult audience. (翻译:萨尔瓦多出现了许多午夜地下电影院。这里出现了第一部邪典电影 只在午夜 吸引观众的是邪典电影。)

13. We knew in these test screenings that when only two or three people would walk out at the scene, that we had it right. (翻译:- 我讨厌去那个地方 - 哦,真的啊... - 什么事,伯特?)

14. Recently, independent film screenings have begun to come together in a more sustained, organized, and standardized form. (翻译:近些年,独立电影的展播,开始整合成一种初具持续性和组织化、规模化的形式。)

15. The screenings look for adenomas, which are polyps or benign tumors as well as for particularly advanced adenomas and colorectal cancer. (翻译:筛查的目的是发现腺瘤,包括息肉或两性肿瘤,特别是进行性腺瘤和结肠直肠癌。)






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