spirits是什么意思 spirits的中文翻译、读音、例句


spirits是什么意思 spirits的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 酒类饮品(Alcoholic Beverages): "Spirits"指的是高度酒,通常指蒸馏过的酒精和其他成分的混合物。这种酒基本上不含糖分和麦芽,并且通常具有很高的酒精含量。

例句1:I prefer to mix my spirits with a little soda water. (我喜欢用一点苏打水混合我的高度酒。)

例句2:The bar offers a wide selection of spirits, including whiskey, vodka and gin. (这家酒吧提供各种高度酒,包括威士忌,伏特加和琴酒。)

2. 灵魂(Soul): "Spirits"还可以指一个人或物的灵魂,尤其是在超自然或灵性的背景下。

例句1:He claimed to have seen a ghost, but his friend thought it was just his imagination playing tricks on his spirits. (他声称看到了一只鬼魂,但是他的朋友认为那只是他的想象在捉弄他的心灵。)

例句2:In many cultures, people believe that the spirits of their ancestors watch over and protect them. (在许多文化中,人们相信他们先祖的灵魂会看守和保护他们。)

3. 神经活动(Mood or Attitude): "Spirits"还可以指一个人的情绪或态度,通常指某种积极的状态或心情。

例句1:She was in high spirits after receiving the good news. (她在收到好消息后心情很好。)

例句2:Their team is in low spirits after losing the championship game. (他们团队在输掉冠军比赛后情绪低落。)

总结: "Spirits"这个单词有着多种含义,从高度酒到灵魂再到情绪和态度。根据上述的解释和例子,我们可以使用它来描述某个让人愉快的饮品,传言中的灵异事件,甚至是某个人的情绪和心情。




1. He poured himself a glass of spirits to celebrate his promotion. (他倒了一杯酒精饮料来庆祝自己的晋升。)

2. The young girl's spirits were lifted when she saw her favorite band perform live. (当这个年轻女孩看到她最喜欢的乐队现场表演时,她的精神被抬高了。)

3. Many people believe that spirits exist beyond the physical world. (许多人相信精神存在于物理世界之外。)




例句:Thanks for keeping my spirits up. (也好过孤独地坐在牢房里祈求上帝保佑 {\3cH202020}than sitting in a lonely cell facing his maker!)


例句:This, uh, encyclopedia of spirits dates to the edo period. (encyclopedia of spirits dates to the edo period.)


例句:Sitting there in high spirits, and eagerly waiting for the play to begin. (兴高采烈地坐在那里 Sitting there in high spirits, 热切地盼着演出开幕 and eagerly waiting for the play to begin.)


例句:Grace our spirits will deliver (翻译:Grace our spirits will deliver)


spirits一般作为名词、动词使用,如在in spirits(兴致勃勃)、in the spirits(在内心)、disembodied spirits([网络] 鬼魂;游魂;死后的灵)等常见短语中出现较多。

in spirits兴致勃勃
in the spirits在内心
disembodied spirits[网络] 鬼魂;游魂;死后的灵
distillate spirits白酒,蒸馏酒
driving spirits[网络] 驾驶精神
Dunkirk spirits敦刻尔克精神(面对困境永不言败)
evil spirits鬼怪;魑魅魍魉
fake spirits假酒
familiar spirits妖精


1. Sitting there in high spirits, and eagerly waiting for the play to begin. (翻译:兴高采烈地坐在那里 Sitting there in high spirits, 热切地盼着演出开幕 and eagerly waiting for the play to begin.)

2. Grace our spirits will deliver (翻译:Grace our spirits will deliver)

3. John Winchester mixing it up with spirits? (翻译:约翰 温彻斯特被鬼魂缠上了 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}john winchester mixing it up with spirits. 难以想象吧 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}can you imagine?)

4. For them, this is a world of mysterious forces and spirits. (翻译:对他们来说 这是个充满神秘力量与神灵的世界)

5. - Were our spirits in the wood that long? (翻译:我们的魂儿困在树里那么久吗 [ Jennifer ] Were our spirits in the wood that long? 我数了年轮 [ Daniel ] Aye.)

6. If the spirits leave me, they will leave the sisters too (翻译:我们所有的希望 都寄托在你的身上 其他的神父会照看 其他的修女的)

7. and with pointed attention continued to talk to her and endeavour to raise her spirits, in spite of being out of spirits herself. (翻译:并且十分关切地继续陪她说话,想使她打起精神,尽管她自己情绪低落。)

8. They were in low spirits. (翻译:他们精神不振。)

9. Nothing like a roaring blaze to warm the spirits, eh? (翻译:没什么比燃烧的火焰更能振奋人心的,是吗?)

10. That gold belongs to the spirits, and they said I can have it. (翻译:那金矿是守护灵的,他们说我可以拥有它 That gold belongs to the spirits, and they said I can have it.)

11. These ancient ceremonies propitiate the spirits of the waters. (翻译:这些古老的仪式平息水中神灵的怒气。)

12. We must devise a way to raise their spirits. (翻译:那我们要想办法振奋他们的精神 We must devise a way to raise their spirits.)

13. The spirits tell me what to do. (翻译:守护灵告诉我该做什么 The spirits tell me what to do.)

14. It's full of spirits - both good and evil. (翻译:当中充满了精神性的东西――有好的也有的)

15. And... she has beautiful eyes Your spirits rise when she walks in the room. (翻译:And she has beautiful eyes,your spirits rise when she walks in the room 回眸一笑百媚生)






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