oddside是什么意思 oddside的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

oddside的中文解释是"假型、〔工〕假〔副〕箱",还有假箱的意思,在线发音:[美 ],oddside来源于英语,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到77个与oddside相关的释义和例句。

oddside是什么意思 oddside的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:♪ on the sunny side of the street ♪ (♪ on the sunny side of the street ♪)


例句:Did you see them lying side by side? (你看见他们肩并肩倒在一起么 Did you see them lying side by side?)


例句:Get to the side of the stadium. (Get to the side of the stadium!)


例句:They've not only had to eat fantastic quantities of humble pie, indeed humble pie, I would say, with a side order of grovel sauce. (翻译:with a side order of grovel sauce.)


1. Get to the side of the stadium. (翻译:Get to the side of the stadium!)

2. They've not only had to eat fantastic quantities of humble pie, indeed humble pie, I would say, with a side order of grovel sauce. (翻译:with a side order of grovel sauce.)

3. Well, look at the bright side. (翻译:look at the bright side.)

4. Get to the side of the stadium! Right now! (翻译:Get to the side of the stadium right now!)

5. ♪ break on through to the other side, yeah... ♪ (翻译:♪ Break on through to the other side, yeah ♪)

6. Was there anything odd about that picture? (翻译:这张照片有什么异常的地方吗 Was there anything odd about that picture?)

7. Right here on the s-side of the r-road here. (翻译:-SIDE OF THE R -ROAD HERE.)

8. You've probably come across files with extensions such as.odt,.ods,.odp, or.odd. (翻译:您可能遇到过扩展名为. odt、。ods、。odp或odd的文件。)

9. ♪ break on through to the other side ♪ (翻译:♪ Break on through to the other side ♪)

10. Before the revolution, they won the army and police over to their side. (翻译:they won the army and police over to their side.)

11. Slowly turn the head from side to side. (翻译:-And slowly turn the head from side to side -I see now -动作要大方得体,轻柔缓慢)

12. That is an odd thing to go for a walk. (翻译:That is an odd thing to go for a walk. 不见这些还挺怪的)

13. Hey, McLovin, are the numbers on your side odd or even? (翻译:麦爱爱,你那边街道的门牌 是单数还是双数?)

14. You know, could I get a side of bacon? (翻译:could I get a side of bacon?)

15. Let me see the other side. (翻译:Let me see the other side.)




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