dix是什么意思 dix的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


dix是什么意思 dix的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


1. 'dix'可能是法语中的数字'10',表示数字上的含义。


- Les membres de l'équipe ont terminé 'dix' tours de te. (The team members completed ten laps around the track.)

- J'arrive à mon 'dix'ième anniversaire cette année. (I'm turning ten years old this year.)

2. 'dix'可能是缩写词,表示某一特定的组织、行业或者领域。


- DIX Financial Services是一家专门提供金融咨询和投资管理服务的公司。 (DIX Financial Services is a company specialized in providing financial advice and investment management services.)

- DIX Aerospace Engineering是一家航空航天工程公司,致力于开发和生产高性能的航空和航天产品。 (DIX Aerospace Engineering is an aerospace engineering company dedicated to developing and producing high-performance aviation and space products.)

3. 'DIX'可能是某个团体、组织或者协议的缩写词。


- 'DIX'代表着十个最强大的国家,他们联合起来形成了一个重要的联盟。 ('DIX' stands for the ten most powerful countries, who have formed an important political alliance.)

- DIX协议是一种用于网络路由的协议,旨在提高网络的可靠性和安全性。 (The DIX Protocol is a protocol used for network routing, aimed at improving the reliability and security of the network.)

4. 'dix'可能是某个人名、地名或者品牌的缩写词。


- Dix是一个常见的姓氏,可能代表某个人的名字或者家族名称。 (Dix is a common surname, which may represent a person's given name or family name.)

- Dix Hills是一个城镇,位于纽约州的长岛地区。 (Dix Hills is a town located in the Long Island region of New York State.)

- DIX是一个时尚品牌,专门生产和销售高端的时装和配件产品。 (DIX is a fashion brand, specialized in producing and selling high-end fashion and accessory products.)

5. 'dix'可能是一个纯粹的字母组合,没有特定的含义或者用法。


- 我不知道'dix'是什么意思,也不确定它是否代表着某个特定的内容。 (I don't know what 'dix' means, and I'm not sure if it represents some specific content.)

- 在某些情况下,'dix'可能只是一个单纯的字母组合,没有任何含义或者用途。 (In some cases, 'dix' may simply be a random combination of letters, with no meaning or purpose.)


1. Les enfants doivent apprendre à compter jusqu'à 'dix' avant d'entrer à l'école. (Children must learn to count to ten before entering school.)

2. DIX Financial Services a récemment lancé une nouvelle stratégie d'investist, visant à maximiser les bénéfices des clients. (DIX Financial Services has recently launched a new investment strategy, aimed at maximizing clients' profits.)

3. Les pays membres du 'DIX' ont tenu un sommet important pour discuter de la paix et de la sécurité internationales. (The 'DIX' member countries held an important summit to discuss international peace and security.)

4. J'adore les vêtements de la marque 'DIX', car ils sont toujours élégants et confortables à porter. (I love 'DIX' brand clothes, because they are always stylish and comfortable to wear.)

5. Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais le mot 'dix' me semble très drôle aujourd'hui. (I don't know why, but the word 'dix' seems very funny to me today.)




1. Il y a dix chats dans le jardin. (在花园里有十只猫。)

2. J'ai payé dix euros pour ces chaussures. (我花了十欧元买这双鞋。)

3. Il est dix heures du soir, il est temps de se coucher. (晚上十点了,是该睡觉的时候了。)




例句:Such concern triggered public health alarm in 1976, when soldiers at Fort Dix , N. J. , became sick with an unusual form of swine flu. (这种忧虑引发公共卫生警报于1976年,当士兵在迪克斯堡,新泽西州,生病了不寻常的形式猪流感。)


例句:I haven't been able to sleep much lately, Dix worrying about you and everything. (我很晚也睡不着,迪克斯... ...担心你和别的事情。)


例句:One good thing about Dix, you can get him for nickels and dimes. (迪克斯的一点好处是, 你可以花很少一点钱雇他。)


例句:Then follows an 8-week trial which the prosecutors said the defendants plan to kill US soldier at the Fort Dix army base in New Jersey. (翻译:接下来是8个星期的审讯,检察官称被告意图新泽里福特迪克斯军事基地的美国士兵。)


dix一般作为名词使用,如在Dorothea Dix([网络] 迪克斯;多萝西娅•迪克斯;朵拉西亚)、Dix formula(迪克斯公式)、entrechat dix(十次交织碰击)等常见短语中出现较多。

Dorothea Dix[网络] 迪克斯;多萝西娅•迪克斯;朵拉西亚
Dix formula迪克斯公式
entrechat dix十次交织碰击
Fort Dix[地名] 迪克斯堡 ( 美 )
Dorothea Lynde Dix[网络] 多萝西娅·迪克斯
dix mt.迪克斯峰


1. One good thing about Dix, you can get him for nickels and dimes. (翻译:迪克斯的一点好处是, 你可以花很少一点钱雇他。)

2. Then follows an 8-week trial which the prosecutors said the defendants plan to kill US soldier at the Fort Dix army base in New Jersey. (翻译:接下来是8个星期的审讯,检察官称被告意图新泽里福特迪克斯军事基地的美国士兵。)

3. Remember when Richard Dix came in here and tried to take over this town? (翻译:还记得那帮土匪到这里来 想占领这个镇吗?)

4. Did that really happen, Dix, when you were a kid? (翻译:那真的发生过吗,迪克斯, 当你还是一个孩子的时候?)

5. Actually, Dix, is there like any news on any deals or anything? (翻译:其实,迪克斯, 是有喜欢的任何消息 在任何交易或任何?)

6. Taub-Dix advises you to steer clear of coconut oil, which she says lacks the antioxidant health benefits of olive or canola oil. (翻译:Taub-Dix建议你避免使用椰子油,因为它缺少橄榄油和菜油含有的对健康有益的抗氧化剂。)

7. Yeah, exactly like a working men's club, Dix. (翻译:是啊,完全像一个辛勤劳作的男人俱乐部,迪克斯。)

8. -You're very welcome Marshal Dix and the world thanks you. (翻译:谢谢你,总统先生 别客气,全世界都感谢你)

9. Dix, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, could I stay here a couple of days? (翻译:迪克斯,如果没有太烦的话, 我能在这里呆两天吗?)

10. Most impressive are Dix's etchings and the sketches on postcards which he sent from the front. (翻译:最令人印象深刻的是Dix从蚀刻画和画在由前线寄出的明信片上的素描。)

11. - Look, Dix take my advice and knock off for a while. (翻译:-听着,迪克斯... ...听我的建议, 停一段时间。)

12. AAI's UAS flight crews conducted Aerosonde and Orbiter aircraft check flights prior to their delivery at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey. (翻译:Aerosonde和Or biter无人机系统在交付之前,AAI公司要在新泽西州McGuire - Dix - Lakehurst联合基地对它们进行飞行检查。)

13. Both Mekary and Taub-Dix recommend canola oil as a healthy, less-expensive alternative to olive oil. (翻译:Mekary和Taub - Dix都建议说菜油也是健康的,而且不贵,可作为橄榄油的替代品。)

14. Dix, isn't he the one with the reward on him? (翻译:迪克斯, 他不就是那个 报上悬赏的人吗?)

15. - Look, Dix do you want to get into something big? (翻译:-听着,迪克斯... ...你想参加一件大事吗?)






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