cortaillod是什么意思 cortaillod的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


cortaillod是什么意思 cortaillod的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:While synagogues and the church say they will open for the event, the imam of Lod's Omari mosque prefers to keep his door shut. (犹太教堂和教堂均表示将开门欢迎这一盛事,然而卢德大寺的阿訇却选择闭门拒客。)


例句:Objective To explore the experience in the treatment of acute stage in patients with chronic cor pulmonale. (目的总结慢性肺源性心脏病急性发作期的临床治疗经验。)


例句:The snake that eats its own tail, forever and ever. (The snake that eats its own tail, forever and ever. 贪吃蛇吃到自己的尾巴,永远如此。)


1. The snake that eats its own tail, forever and ever. (翻译:The snake that eats its own tail, forever and ever. 贪吃蛇吃到自己的尾巴,永远如此。)

2. Keep that f-14 on their tail. (翻译:-14跟在他后面。Keep that F -14 on their tail.)

3. So we decided to tail him. (翻译:所以我们跟踪了他 So we decided to tail him.)

4. I got some sort of turkey on my tail! (翻译:I got some sort of turkey on my tail!)

5. It's quite unusual, because we have the Otter Tail Lake and the Otter Tail River very close to each other. (翻译:它很特别 因为在那里Otter Tail湖 和Otter Tail河挨得特别近)

6. On this side -- remember, you're excited about head-tail-tail; you're excited about head-tail-head. (翻译:这半边观众--记住 你们希望看到正反反 而你们希望看到正反正 )

7. Purpose: To discuss the value of plain chest film in diagnosing early Chronic Cor Pulmonale. (翻译:目的:探讨片对慢性肺源性心脏病的早期诊断价值。)

8. They're beak to beak, wing to wing... and it's Nod by a tail feather! (翻译:Wing to Wing by a tail -feather!)

9. Most detailed LOD value set in the mipmap chain. (翻译:mipmap链中设置的详细程度最高的LOD值。)

10. Knuckling at fetlocks, ataxia, tail deviation and tail may be flaccid. (翻译:扣打距毛,运动失调,尾偏斜和尾可能松垂。)

11. # So put your tail between your legs and run off in silence # (翻译:# So put your tail between your legs and run off in silence #)

12. The snake that eats its own tail forever and ever. (翻译:The snake that eats its own tail 贪吃蛇吃到自己的尾巴 forever and ever. 永远如此)

13. Somebody cut his tail off when he was just a baby. (翻译:Somebody cut his tail)

14. Just trying to make a road map For himself. (翻译:You can wag your tail?)

15. They tell me he's developed cor pulmonale and circulatory collapse. (翻译:听说他得了肺源性心脏病 - 还有循环衰竭)




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