duetti是什么意思 duetti的中文翻译、读音、例句


duetti是什么意思 duetti的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an , the following explanation on the word 'duetti' as requested.

1. Definition: 'Duetti' is not a commonly used English word, and it is not listed in most English dictionaries. Therefore, it is difficult to provide a concrete definition for this term. However, based on its possible origins, 'duetti' could be a variation of the Italian word 'duetto', which means 'duet' in English.

2. Context: Without further context, it is hard to determine the exact meaning and usage of 'duetti'. However, as a possible translation or adaptation of 'duet', it could be used in music, theater, or other artistic performances where two performers share a stage or perform together.

3. Origin: As mentioned earlier, 'duetti' could be traced back to the Italian word 'duetto', which is a diminutive form of 'duo', meaning 'two' in English. 'Duet' as a musical term refers to a composition for two performers, often with vocal or instrumental parts.

4. Usage: Although 'duetti' is not a common English word, it might still appear in some artistic or musical contexts. For example, it could be used as a title of a specific musical piece, a name of a duo or a group, or a description of a particular type of performance.

5. Examples:

- The duetti between the opera singers was the highlight of the show. (Here, 'duetti' refers to the duets performed by two opera singers.)

- The new musical features several duetti that showcase the actors' singing abilities. ('Duetti' refers to several duets in a musical.)

- The band's latest al includes a duetti with a famous rapper. ('Duetti' is used to describe a collaboration between two music artists.)

- The theater company presented a series of duetti performances throughout the week. ('Duetti' refers to a series of performances featuring two performers.)

- The dance duo's duetti was the most popular act on the talent show. ('Duetti' describes the performance of two dancers on a competition show.)

Please note that the usage and context of 'duetti' might vary based on the specific situation or context.



例句:他们以一个美妙的duetti结束了他们的音乐会。 (They ended their concert with a wonderful duetti.)




例句:* Piensa que tal vez manana * * estare muy lejos, muy lejos de aqui. * * which means... * (Piensa que tal vez manana Yoya estare lejos Muy lejos de ti Which means...)


例句:The re-fo so la-ti-do My army suit's my tuxedo (再fo,从而LA -TI -DO 我的西装的是我的晚礼服)


例句:Structure and Property of Graphite and TZM Brazing Bonding with Ti Filler (钛基钎料钎焊石墨与TZM合金接头组织和性能研究)


例句:Instead of sining a solo, Brenda would prefer to join with me in a duet. (翻译:布兰达比较喜欢和我一起二重唱,而比较不喜欢独唱。)


1. Structure and Property of Graphite and TZM Brazing Bonding with Ti Filler (翻译:钛基钎料钎焊石墨与TZM合金接头组织和性能研究)

2. Instead of sining a solo, Brenda would prefer to join with me in a duet. (翻译:布兰达比较喜欢和我一起二重唱,而比较不喜欢独唱。)

3. In this study, the Ti-PILC synthesized by the pillaring of Ti-precursor from the hydrolysis of modified TTIP with acetate group in water was firstly reported. (翻译:在本研究中,首次报道了乙酸改性钛酸四异丙酯水解制备钛溶胶的方法合成钛层柱粘土。)

4. @ Do re mi fa so la ti do. @ (翻译:@ @ Do re mi fa so la ti do.)

5. Well, uh, I had a lovely ti... [knock at door] (翻译:啊 呃... 我有个可爱的... 真是谢谢你了)

6. That was the only ti me i n my career I ever disobeyed a di rect order. (翻译:这是唯一的TI我I N我的职业生涯 我曾经违抗二RECT命令。)

7. In Mozart's "the MARRIAGE of FIGARO", he grasped the dramatic power of duet and realized the latent value of the opera buffa style by the vocal musical form of duet. (翻译:莫扎特在写作喜歌剧《费加罗的婚礼》时,把握住了重唱的戏剧力量,以重唱这种声乐形式来创造了喜歌剧风格中潜能价值的全面实现。)

8. This is Ti-Ti. Oh, come now! None of that shy stuff. (翻译:这是踢踢, 噢,来嘛 没见过这么害羞的小家伙)

9. Take a taxi to Fuk Ti Road (翻译:再坐的士去九龙塘福地道 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Take a taxi to Fuk Ti Road)

10. Mick Jagger wants to do a duet! (翻译:强尼·哈里代 法国摇滚巨星之一 在下张专辑跟你合唱呢)

11. For michael jackson's female duet singer (翻译:去面试Michael Jackson的和声和伴唱歌手)

12. By the way, we told the press you'd be recording a duet with the winner of Final Jam. (翻译:顺便说一句 我们跟媒体说 你会和闭营演出的冠军录一首对唱歌曲)

13. Study on all solid state, QCW Ti: sapphire laser. (翻译:研究全固态准连续钛宝石激光器。)

14. Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do, so-do (翻译:Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do So Do)

15. My other half, my one coquette, the answer to my love's duet. (翻译:我的另一半 我风情万种的爱人 回应我的爱之歌)




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