forschung是什么意思 forschung的中文翻译、读音、例句


forschung是什么意思 forschung的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词源和定义:"Forschung"一词来自德语单词"forschen",意思是研究。它通常用来描述系统性和有组织的探究知识的过程和方法。

2. 科学研究:"Forschung"一词通常与科学研究相关。它可以指任何类型的研究,包括实验室研究、社会学研究、人文学科研究等。

3. 学术研究:"Forschung"也可以指学术研究,比如博士论文、研究论文等。这些研究通常是在大学或研究机构进行的,并具有深度和广度。

4. 资金和政策:"Forschung"可以指或私人机构投入的资金和政策,以支持科学和学术研究。


1. Die Forschung hat gezeigt, dass regelmäßiger Sport gut für die Gesundheit ist. (Research has shown that regular exercise is good for health.)

2. Die Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Astrophysik hat in den letzten Jahren enorme Fortschritte gemacht. (Research in the field of astrophysics has made tremendous progress in recent years.)

3. Diese Forschung wurde von der Europäischen Union finanziert. (This research was funded by the European Union.)

4. Die Veröffentlichung wissenschaftlicher Forschungsergebnisse ist ein wichtiger Teil des akademischen Prozesses. (Publishing scientific research results is an important part of the academic process.)

5. Die Regierung hat beschlossen, mehr Geld in die Forschung und Entwicklung erneuerbarer Energien zu investieren. (The government has decided to invest more money in research and development of renewable energy.)


读音:fóu shú


1. 他们将在未来几年内展开对这一问题的深入研究。

They will conduct in-depth research on this issue in the coming years.

2. 这项研究的目的是为了解决能源危机。

The purpose of this study is to address the energy crisis.

3. 我们需要更多的资金来支持这项研究。

We need more funding to support this research.




例句:This Danny Chung torture story. (这个Danny Chung虐囚的故事。This Danny Chung torture story.)

例句:You're now only a point away from Chung. - Presidential bounce. (女士 您只落后Chung一个百分点而已了)


例句:Chung, you have achieved nothing but baseball (你一生人中没做过些什么 没有认真做过一件事,除了打球)


1. Chung, you have achieved nothing but baseball (翻译:你一生人中没做过些什么 没有认真做过一件事,除了打球)

2. Oh, you know, quite fabulous. (翻译:非常可爱 Écoute, euh... très, très chouette.)

3. - And maybe Governor Chung... (翻译:也许Chung州长... ... And maybe Governor Chung...)

4. I just had a bellyful of Chung this morning. (翻译:今天早上我受Chung受够了。I just had a bellyful of Chung this morning.)

5. Written and Directed by Gil-Chae Chung (翻译:Written and Directed by GiI -Chae Chung)

6. Miss Chung, come to have dinner with us! (翻译:钟,你一直咁照顾亚敏 都嚟食餐便饭啦!)

7. Right, 'han-u-chung-dong,' that's supposed to mean... (翻译:你问这是什么意思啊 就是说啊 汗牛充栋 这意思是吧)

8. Isn't this plane amazing? BEN: (翻译:是啊 我们可不可以用这飞机直接压死Danny Chung)

9. I heard that during Park Chung Hee's administration, nuclear weapons were being developed. (翻译:我听说朴正日总统时期 你们曾致力于核开发)

10. I know Governor Chung very well and I can tell you that these allegations are utterly unfounded. (翻译:我非常熟悉Chung州长。I know Governor Chung very well 我可以告诉你们这些 and I can tell you that these)

11. Does someone please want to tell me why Danny Chung is on this television? (翻译:拜托谁能告诉我 Does someone please want to tell me Danny Chung为什么在电视上? why Danny Chung is on this television?)

12. Well, hit Chung with inexperience and Maddox with resignation... actual and general air of. (翻译:嗯,抓住Chung没经验的弱点, Well, hit Chung with inexperience 还有Maddox的辞职。and Maddox with resignation)

13. - Okay, so what am I attacking Chung with? (翻译:- 好了,那我怎么攻击Chung呢? - No. - Okay, so what am I attacking Chung with?)

14. Then he took me on his bike to father's office on Chung-ching South Road (翻译:然后就用脚踏车载我到 重庆南路那边去找爸爸)

15. And welcome to STS-200 ops overview briefing. (翻译:欢迎莅临 S T S 2 0 0 行动简报)


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