ophthalmic是什么意思 ophthalmic的中文翻译、读音、例句


ophthalmic是什么意思 ophthalmic的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:It has broad prospection in the field of ophthalmic medication. (在眼科用药等领域中具有广阔的前景。)


例句:Ophthalmic surgeons are now performing laser surgery to correct myopia . (眼科医生现在采用激光手术来矫正近视。)


例句:Any ophthalmic disorder may thus negatively impact on this process, especially if it is unrecognised in the early years of life. (因而任何视觉器官的障碍都对此发展存在着负面影响,特别是如果这种情况在他们幼年时未被发现。)


例句:The supply came from the internal ophthalmic, external ophthalmic, superficial temporal and malar arteries. (翻译:结果表明,眼的动脉供应主要来源于眼内动脉、眼外动脉、颞浅动脉和颧动脉。)


ophthalmic一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在ophthalmic administration(眼内给药)、ophthalmic applicator(眼科敷贴器)、ophthalmic arteries([医]眼动脉)等常见短语中出现较多。

ophthalmic administration眼内给药
ophthalmic applicator眼科敷贴器
ophthalmic arteries[医]眼动脉
ophthalmic artery眼动脉
ophthalmic bath[医] 眼浴
ophthalmic cicatrix眼瘢痕
ophthalmic cryounit眼冷冻机
ophthalmic cup[医] 视杯
ophthalmic dioptrics[眼科] 眼屈光学


1. Any ophthalmic disorder may thus negatively impact on this process, especially if it is unrecognised in the early years of life. (翻译:因而任何视觉器官的障碍都对此发展存在着负面影响,特别是如果这种情况在他们幼年时未被发现。)

2. The supply came from the internal ophthalmic, external ophthalmic, superficial temporal and malar arteries. (翻译:结果表明,眼的动脉供应主要来源于眼内动脉、眼外动脉、颞浅动脉和颧动脉。)

3. HPMC is also used as a suspending and thickening agent in topical formulations, particularly ophthalmic preparations. (翻译:HPMC也可被使用作为涂层形成溶液用于药片的包衣涂层,特别在眼药制备方面。)

4. Objective:Research the curative effects of myopia and error of refraction in callans by the ophthalmic acupuncture. (翻译:目的:观察眼针治疗青少年近视屈光不正的疗效。)

5. SETTING: Outpatient Clinic, Ophthalmic Department of Ophthalmology and Otolaryng ology Hospital of a University. (翻译:单位:一所大学眼耳鼻喉科医院的眼科门诊。)

6. It has a very well-equipped pediatric ophthalmic center, which was made possible in part by a gift from the Ronald McDonald charity. (翻译:它有个设备精良的 儿童眼科中心 多亏了罗兰 麦当劳的慷慨捐助 使其成为可能 )

7. Ophthalmic optics; visual acuity testing; standard optotype and its presentation (翻译:眼科光学.视觉敏锐度测验.标准验光字体及其演示)

8. Laser energy meter applied to ophthalmic excimer laser curer (翻译:用于眼科激光治疗机光脉冲能量测量的能量计)

9. Asthenopia is a common ophthalmic disease caused by a variety of reasons. (翻译:视疲劳是目前眼科常见的一种疾病,是由各种原因引起的疲劳综合症。)

10. Retired ophthalmic nurse Michael Stringer from Westcliff-on-Sea in the UK won first prize in the 2008 Nikon Small World competition with this 200x magnified image of diatoms (a type of marine algae). (翻译:来自英国斯特克利夫海边的退休眼科护士Michael Stringer,凭借放大了两百倍而拍摄的硅藻照片,赢得了2008年尼康微观摄影大赛的一等奖。)

11. Results:Superior ophthalmic vein was consisted of supraorbital vein and communicating branch of angula vein. (翻译:结果:①眼上静脉由眶上静脉支和内眦静脉交通支组成。)

12. Conclusion: Nifedipine could distend ophthalmic artery and has similar function on other micro-cerebral vessels. (翻译:结论:硝苯地平可扩张眼动脉,对脑部其它小动脉可能有相似作用。)

13. Objective transcranial color Doppler ultrasound of brachiocephalic artery Takayasu arteritis in patients with intracranial artery and ophthalmic artery … (翻译:目的应用经颅彩色多普勒超声研究头臂动脉型多发性大动脉炎患者颅内动脉及眼动脉… )

14. And, the company suggests, it could reverse its stance against Avastin for ophthalmic use altogether if the FDA gives its blessing. (翻译:而且该公司表示,如果FDA批准,他们将改度,不再反对阿瓦斯丁治疗眼疾。)

15. Comparison of tropicamide and atropine ophthalmic solution in mydriatic refractometry for juvenile hyperopia (翻译:应用托吡卡胺与眼液对青少年远视散验光的对比研究)




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