finding是什么意思 finding的中文翻译、读音、例句


finding是什么意思 finding的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义:'finding'可以指发现的事实、结论、判断或者调查结果等。在医学科研中,'finding'还可以表示研究结果或者指征。

2. 同义词:discovery, conclusion, result, indication。

3. 英语用法:'finding'通常作为名词使用,可单独使用,也可与形容词连用形成复合词,例如'astonishing finding'和'preliminary finding'。在医学研究领域,'finding'还可出现在动词-ing的形式中,例如'finding ways to cure cancer'。

4. 案例分析:

例句1: The finding that dolphins have the ability to communicate with each other by sounds shocked the world.


例句2: The study's findings suggest that smoking can increase the risk of heart disease.


例句3: One finding of the survey was that most people prefer shopping online.


例句4: The preliminary findings of the investigation indicate that the fire was caused by faulty wiring.


例句5: The findings of the research team suggest that a new vaccine will be developed soon.





1. The finding of a new species of erfly excited the scientists.(找到一种新的蝴蝶物种让科学家们感到兴奋。)

2. The police are still searching for the finding of the missing child.(警方仍在寻找失踪儿童的线索。)

3. The research team made an unexpected finding during their study.(研究小组在研究过程中发现了一些出乎意料的结果。)




例句:Yeah, well, then I need to start finding some answers. (then I need to start finding some answers.)


例句:Finding the strength to leave dede Was the hardest thing I ever did, (鼓足勇气离开迪迪是我做过的 Finding the strength to leave Dede is the hardest thing I ever did,)


例句:Still finding new and creative ways to underachieve? (还在寻找创新思路 Still finding new 来激发潜能 and creative ways to underachieve?)


例句:Instagram is finding that pictures are worth (翻译:Instagram的是找到 该照片是值得)


finding一般作为名词、动词使用,如在direction finding([电] 探向)、edge finding(边缘找寻)、distance finding(测距)等常见短语中出现较多。

direction finding[电] 探向
edge finding边缘找寻
distance finding测距
distributive finding[网络] 寻找有利于每一方的陪审团
examination finding检查所见
fact finding实况调查
fault finding故障探测
feeling findingun. 感觉寻求
finding action[计] 查找动作


1. Still finding new and creative ways to underachieve? (翻译:还在寻找创新思路 Still finding new 来激发潜能 and creative ways to underachieve?)

2. Instagram is finding that pictures are worth (翻译:Instagram的是找到 该照片是值得)

3. Going out finding more people, that is taking care of ourselves. (翻译:出去找到更多的幸存者 Going out finding more people, 就是保护好自己 that is taking care of ourselves.)

4. We will resume the finding of Mimom. (翻译:我们会继续去找我妈妈 We will resume the finding of Mimom.)

5. If it means finding Ward and putting a bullet in his head... (翻译:如果这样可以找到沃德 然后用射穿他的脑袋... If it means finding Ward and putting a bullet in his head...)

6. It wasrt easy finding good help here. (翻译:在这里很难找到优秀的人手 实际上... ... It wasrt easy finding good help here.)

7. Finding an Isabel is like finding a needle in a haystack. (翻译:总之,寻找伊莎贝拉蝴蝶 就像在干草堆里面找针一样)

8. That doesn't come from finding your father, that comes from finding yourself. (翻译:找到你父亲是没有帮助的 而是要去寻找你自己)

9. With a specific goal of finding the sleepers. (翻译:为目的的特殊行动小组 with a specific goal of finding the sleepers.)

:// (翻译://

11. But good luck finding one. (翻译:祝你幸运 能找到一个 But good luck finding one.)

12. This is just an exercise in finding harmony, Beca. (翻译:这是找到协调性的练习 贝卡 This is just an exercise in finding harmony, Beca.)

13. There will be no finding of Mimom! (翻译:我们就再也找不到我妈妈了! There will be no finding of Mimom!)

14. It was about finding the truth. (翻译:他知道自己是无辜的 他想找出 He knew he was innocent.)

15. Except for finding you disgusting. (翻译:但他却觉得你很恶心 {\3cH202020}Except for finding you disgusting.)






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