prodigious是什么意思 prodigious的中文翻译、读音、例句


prodigious是什么意思 prodigious的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:'prodigious'这个单词可以指某种物品或事情在数量或程度方面极大,也可以形容某人在才华或能力方面异常出众。

2. 同义词:enormous, huge, massive, colossal, extraordinary, remarkable, exceptional, outstanding

3. 运用场景:该单词常用于文学作品、社会科学、自然科学和生活语言中。

4. 例句:

(1) The elephant's prodigious size was impressive to all who saw it. (这头大象的庞大体型对所有看到它的人都具有压倒性的震撼力。)

(2) The child showed prodigious talent in music and was soon recognized as a prodigy. (这位孩子展现了在音乐方面出众的天赋,很快便被认为是一个神童。)

(3) The prodigious amount of work he accomplished during his lifetime was truly remarkable. (他一生所完成的巨大工作量确实令人惊叹。)

(4) The prodigious wealth of the businessman made him one of the most influential people in the city. (这位商人庞大的财富让他成为城市中最具有影响力的人之一。)

(5) The prodigious growth of the tech industry has changed the world in many ways. (科技产业的巨大增长在许多方面改变了世界。)




1. His prodigious strength allowed him to lift the heavy box on his own.


2. The best thing about her singing is her prodigious range.


3. The company has experienced prodigious growth in the past year.





例句:It is I, prodigious procreator, sire of insensate manikins, (这就是我,非凡的父亲, 生产无感情的侏儒,)


例句:Mr Darcy is uncommonly kind to Mr Bingley, and takes a prodigious deal of care of him. (达西先生对宾莱先生 好得不得了,又极为照顾)


例句:Thankfully recovered, owing to the prodigious talent of Mr Sherlock Holmes. (幸得寻回 多亏了绝世奇才夏洛克・福尔摩斯先生)


例句:Her prodigious innocence appalled him, freezing on his lips all ardors of speech, and convincing him, in spite of himself, of his own unworthiness. (翻译:她那惊人的天真无邪令他惶恐,把他热情的话语都冻结在嘴唇上,使他不能不相信自己配不上她。)


1. Thankfully recovered, owing to the prodigious talent of Mr Sherlock Holmes. (翻译:幸得寻回 多亏了绝世奇才夏洛克・福尔摩斯先生)

2. Her prodigious innocence appalled him, freezing on his lips all ardors of speech, and convincing him, in spite of himself, of his own unworthiness. (翻译:她那惊人的天真无邪令他惶恐,把他热情的话语都冻结在嘴唇上,使他不能不相信自己配不上她。)

3. This business generates cash in prodigious amounts. (翻译:这生意带来大量现金。)

4. He's also a prodigious art collector, beginning as an intern in Budapest by collecting 16th- and 17th-century Dutch art and Hungarian painting, and when he came to this country moving on to Spanish colonial art, Russian icons and finally Mayan ceramics. (翻译:在布达佩斯的时候还只是个实习生, 专门收集16到17世纪荷兰的艺术品和匈牙利的油画, 他到美国后开始收集西班牙殖民时期的艺术品, 俄国的硬币,马雅的陶瓷。)

5. Marie was a woman with a prodigious appetite... for all things covered with frosting. (翻译:玛莉是食量惊人的女性... 有糖霜的东西她都爱)

6. The factual result indicates the influence of loading project is prodigious in the course of towage. (翻译:实船计算结果表明拖航时的装载方案是影响应力大小的重要因素。)

7. He now presides over one of the most prodigious wealth-generating machines in history. (翻译:他目前执掌着有史以来最庞大的赚钱机器之一。)

8. Norland is a prodigious beautiful place, isn't it? (翻译:诺兰德是个特别美丽的地方吗? )

9. "Oh! yes, " said Elizabeth drily -- "Mr. Darcy is uncommonly kind to Mr. Bingley, and takes a prodigious deal of care of him. " (翻译:“噢,是呀,”伊丽莎白冷冷地说:“达西先生待彬格莱先生特别好,也照顾得他十二万分周到。”)

10. China's imports have ballooned this year, thanks to its prodigious stimulus spending and a rise in commodity prices. (翻译:由于其巨大的消费刺激以及大宗商品价格的上涨,今年中国的进口大增。)

11. Just a small fraction of Mr Mulcaire's prodigious workload could provide the wherewithal for a lot of criminal prosecutions and civil suits. (翻译:GlennMulcaire仅仅一小部分工作量就足以引发一系列的刑事指控和民事指控。)

12. Some sort of albatross. Either that, or he's a prodigious great mew. There it goes. (翻译:有点像信天翁,不然 就是臭海鸥,它又来了)

13. When the soil is less generous and water becomes scarce, humans deploy prodigious efforts to mark a few arid acres... with the imprint of their labor. (翻译:水变得稀少时 人会对少数贫瘠的土地 投入劳力)

14. He's also a prodigious art collector, beginning as an intern in Budapest by collecting 16th- and 17th-century Dutch art and Hungarian painting, and when he came to this country moving on to Spanish colonial art, Russian icons and finally Mayan ceramics. (翻译:在布达佩斯的时候还只是个实习生, 专门收集16到17世纪荷兰的艺术品和匈牙利的油画, 他到美国后开始收集西班牙殖民时期的艺术品, 俄国的硬币,马雅的陶瓷。)

15. Industrial machines are being equipped with a growing number of electronic sensors that allow them to see, hear, feel a lot more than ever before, generating prodigious amounts of data. (翻译:工业机器正被装上 越来越多的传感器, 这使得它们能够具备视觉、听觉和其它感觉 比以前强大多了, 它们可以产生惊人的数据量。)




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