universe是什么意思 universe的中文翻译、读音、例句


universe是什么意思 universe的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. Definition:

Universe refers to all existing matter, space, time, and energy as a whole. It is the totality of everything known and unknown, including stars, planets, galaxies, and all forms of matter and energy.

2. Etymology:

The word universe comes from the Latin word universus, which means "all together". It was first used in English in the 16th century to refer to the entire world or everything that exists.

3. Scientific understanding:

Our current scientific understanding of the universe is based on the Big Bang theory, which suggests that the universe began as a singularity, a point of infinite density and temperature, about 13.8 billion years ago. Since then, the universe has been expanding and cooling, and galaxies and stars have formed.

4. Cultural and philosophical implications:

The concept of the universe has been central to many cultures and philosophical traditions throughout history. It has been seen as a source of wonder and mystery, a symbol of the infinite and the eternal, and a canvas for human imagination and creativity.


1. The Hubble Space Telescope has revolutionized our understanding of the universe.


2. Many people believe that life exists elsewhere in the universe.


3. The study of the universe is a fascinating and challenging field of scientific inquiry.


4. Some philosophers argue that the universe is infinite and eternal, while others believe it had a beginning and will have an end.


5. The universe is full of mysteries that continue to intrigue and inspire scientists and thinkers around the world.





1. The universe is vast and mysterious. (宇宙浩瀚神秘。)

2. The Big Bang is believed to be the beginning of the universe. (大爆炸被认为是宇宙的起始。)

3. Astronomy is the study of the universe beyond the Earth. (天文学是研究地球以外的宇宙的科学。)

4. There may be other forms of life in the universe. (宇宙中可能存在其他形式的生命。)

5. The universe is constantly expanding. (宇宙不断扩张。)

universe通常被翻译为"宇宙 、万象"的意思,其次还有"体系"的意思,单词读音音标为['ju:nivә:s],universe是一个英语名词,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到87个与universe相关的句子。



例句:# The edge of the universe # (# The edge of the universe #)


例句:astronomy,biotech,exploration,physics,science,technology,universe (astronomy,biotech,exploration,physics,science,technology,universe)


例句:The universe forgives all. (宇宙包容了一切 The universe forgives all.)


例句:Like, maybe the universe wanted this to happen. (翻译:就像,也许上天要我们这么做 Like, maybe the universe wanted this to happen.)


universe一般作为名词使用,如在in the universe([网络] 在宇宙;在宇宙中;在宇宙里)、the universe(周天;乾坤;太虚)、early universe(早期宇宙)等常见短语中出现较多。

in the universe[网络] 在宇宙;在宇宙中;在宇宙里
the universe周天;乾坤;太虚
early universe早期宇宙
Euclidean universe欧几里得宇宙
Einstein universe爱因斯坦宇宙
existent universe[统计] 存在全域
expanded universe[网络] 衍生宇宙;宇宙扩展;扩充宇宙
expanding universe膨胀宇宙
finite universe有限全域


1. The universe forgives all. (翻译:宇宙包容了一切 The universe forgives all.)

2. Like, maybe the universe wanted this to happen. (翻译:就像,也许上天要我们这么做 Like, maybe the universe wanted this to happen.)

://www.ted.com/talks/janna_levin_the_sound_the_universe_makes.html (翻译://www.ted.com/talks/lang/zh-cn/janna_levin_the_sound_the_universe_makes.html)

4. I guess the universe was smiling on us. (翻译:我猜老天对我们露出了笑容 I guess the universe was smiling on us.)

5. That proves that the universe, um, had a beginning. (翻译:证明了宇宙是 That proves that the universe, um, 有源头的 是吗? had a beginning.)

6. The natural order of the universe. (翻译:宇宙的自然法则 The natural order of the universe.)

7. You think that this material universe is all there is? (翻译:你还以为物质宇宙就是一切 You think that this material universe is all there is?)

8. Our universe grows cold and perishes. (翻译:温度逐降 地球灭亡 Our universe grows cold and perishes.)

9. astronomy,big bang,education,energy,physics,science,universe (翻译:astronomy,big bang,education,energy,physics,science,universe)

10. To have squeezed the universe into a ball. (翻译:把这个宇宙挤进一个球 to have squeezed the universe into a ball)

11. many of the secrets of the universe. (翻译:却依旧学识渊博的人 many of the secrets of the universe.)

12. Well, that sounds like giving up. (翻译:perfect universe, is it, Watson? 这话听着像放弃了 Well, that sounds like giving up.)

13. We need to get out of this universe. (翻译:我们必须离开这个世界 {\3cH202020}We need to get out of this universe.)

14. The universe is a wondrous thing, is it not, Mr Turner? (翻译:宇宙很神奇 对吧 透纳先生? The universe is a wondrous thing, is it not, Mr Turner?)

15. evolution,math,physics,science,universe (翻译:evolution,math,physics,science,universe)






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