noyon是什么意思 noyon的中文翻译、读音、例句


noyon是什么意思 noyon的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义和词源:'noyon'在蒙古语中是指贵族或领主的意思,也可以指高级将领或重要人物。这个词最初来源于中亚一些游牧部落的语言。

2. 用法和搭配:'noyon'通常用于历史、文学或电影等领域,来描述那些旧时代的有权力和地位的人。它也可以作为人名或地名出现。

3. 同义词和反义词:'noyon'的同义词包括贵族、酋长、大王等,反义词则是平民、贫民等。

4. 地域文化特色:'noyon'这个词在蒙古、中亚等地区历史文化中占有重要地位,与蒙古帝国、清朝等王朝的建立和运作密切相关。

5. 拓展应用:'noyon'这个词也常常用于电竞游戏中,例如游戏《荣耀战魂》中拥有'noyon'称号的玩家表示他们在游戏中获得了高级别的荣誉和地位。


1. Genghis Khan was a noyon before he became the leader of Mongol Empire.(成吉思汗在成为蒙古帝国领袖之前是一个noyon。)

2. The noyon's wife was very beautiful and intelligent, and she helped him govern the territory wisely.(这个noyon的妻子非常美丽聪明,她帮助他明智地治理领土。)

3. The noyon held a grand feast to celebrate his son's wedding.(这个noyon举办了盛大的宴会,庆祝他儿子的婚礼。)

4. The noyon of this tribe is very powerful, and he is respected by all the people.(这个部落的noyon非常有权力,受到所有人的尊敬。)

5. In the game of Honor of Kings, only the most skilled players can become noyons and gain the respect of other gamers.(在王者荣耀这个游戏中,只有最有技能的玩家才能成为noyon并获得其他玩家的尊重。)



例句:Je connais un garçon qui s'appelle Noyon. (我认识一个名叫Noyon的男孩。)




例句:You had better look about you and ascertain what you do , and what yon mean to do . (你最好注意点,动作要明白确定,意思也不要含糊。)


例句:Can I interest you in an afternoon of spirited questing followed by a flagon of ale at yon virtual tavern? (我能邀请您 和我来一下午的灵魂之旅么? 而后在那边的虚拟客栈畅饮几杯?)


例句:Round yon virgin mother and child (圣光环绕圣婴 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH000000}{\4cH000000}∮ Round yon virgin mother and child ∮)


例句:Don't let yon dog nod off. (翻译:不要让那条狗打盹。)


1. Round yon virgin mother and child (翻译:圣光环绕圣婴 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH000000}{\4cH000000}∮ Round yon virgin mother and child ∮)

2. Don't let yon dog nod off. (翻译:不要让那条狗打盹。)

3. Well, yon celestial fellow is tugging them all out. (翻译:天使的伙伴在用力把它们拉出来 Well, yon celestial fellow is tugging them all out.)

4. There's an old farm over yon hill. (翻译:小山那边有一个旧农场。)

5. By the end of the month, Mr. Yon updated his NHTSA case file with a memo. (翻译:到2004年三月底时,斯科特•杨用一份备忘录更新了他填写的上述NHTSA文件。)

6. I saw her lie do' - own in yon' - der green gro' - ove; Come, love! ' and I'll tell' you where! ' (翻译:我看见她躺——在那——边绿色的树——林里;来吧,亲爱的!我要告诉你在哪儿!)

7. Yon can say anything you wish. (翻译:现在你说什么都行 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Yon can say anything you wish.)

8. Take Sir Hung the Capable and explore yon forest for the fabled temple. (翻译:带上骁勇的亨爵士探索彼处丛林 的传说神庙)

9. "From far, from eve and morning From yon twelve-winded sky, The stuff of life to knit me Blew hither; here am I. (翻译:“来自远方 来自黄昏和清晨 来自十二重高天的好风轻扬 飘来生命气息的吹拂 吹在我身上 )

10. Hey, yon lood died of fewilier. (翻译:你看起来有些脸熟啊 Hey, yon lood died of fewilier.)

11. I'm running away from an old woman, an old man, a little boy, a bear, a pig and a wolf, and I can run away from yon, too. (翻译:我在逃离一个老奶奶、一个老爷爷、一个小男孩、一只熊、一头猪和一只狼的追赶,我也能逃离你的追赶。)

12. Last night of all, when yon same star that's westward from the pole had made his course into that part of heaven where now it burns, (翻译:就昨儿晚上 在北极星西边的那颗星星 刚好跟现在头顶上一样挂着的时候)

13. - contained in yon small pouch. (翻译:- 都放在那个袋子里了 - 是的 透纳先生 - contained in yon small pouch.)

14. In addition, Pak Gil Yon, Vice-President of Iran last week, Brahimi also held a formal meeting. (翻译:此外,朴吉渊上周还与副总统拉希米举行正式会晤。)

15. For a shirt verminously busy, yon soldier tore from his throat with oaths. Godhead might shrink at, but not the lice. (翻译:因为衬衫满是虫,那个士兵扯开嗓子咒骂起来。上帝可能会退缩,但虱子不会。)






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