disparities是什么意思 disparities的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


disparities是什么意思 disparities的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 词义:disparities是指差异、不平等或不一致的情况。

2. 词性:复数名词。

3. 词组搭配:income disparities(收入不平等)、racial disparities(种族不平等)、health disparities(健康差距)、educational disparities(教育不平等)。

4. 短语:there are disparities between A and B(A和B之间存在差异)、disparities in (某一方面的)差距。

5. 发音拼写:[dɪˈspærətiz]


1. There are significant disparities in income levels between rural and areas.


2. Educational disparities continue to exist in many developing countries.


3. The study found disparities in healthcare access among different ethnic groups.


4. The government is working to reduce the disparities between the rich and the poor.


5. The report shows that there are disparities in the quality of education provided by different schools.





1. There are significant health disparities between different socioeconomic groups. (不同的社会经济群体之间存在显著的健康不平等现象。)

2. The education system in this country is plagued by disparities in funding and resources. (这个国家的教育系统备受资金和资源不平等问题的困扰。)

3. The report highlighted the disparities in access to healthcare services in rural areas. (该报告强调了农村地区医疗服务获取方面的不平等现象。)




例句:We have to remember that there are increasing and widening health disparities, and there's inequity in terms of proper care management. (我们必须要意识到 健康服务的两极分化在不断扩大, 在适当护理管理方面 仍存在不公平的现象。)


例句:Germany, my own country, in the year 2000, featured in the lower quadrant, below average performance, large social disparities. (2000年我的祖国---德国 被划在较低的象限里, 比平均表现还低,社会差距很大。)


例句:And if scientists can unravel what underlies these biological differences, they might be able to alleviate inborn disparities. (如果科学家们能够解决造成这种生物学差异的原因,也许就能缓解人们的先天差距。)


例句:And then we can debate, you know, is it better to be there, where performance is strong at the price of large disparities? (翻译:这样我们就能辩论, 我们是应该为了一国的教育成就 而牺牲学生受教育的公平机会? )


disparities一般作为名词使用,如在economic disparities(经济差异)、regional disparities(区域差异\n地区差别)等常见短语中出现较多。

economic disparities经济差异
regional disparities区域差异\n地区差别


1. And if scientists can unravel what underlies these biological differences, they might be able to alleviate inborn disparities. (翻译:如果科学家们能够解决造成这种生物学差异的原因,也许就能缓解人们的先天差距。)

2. And then we can debate, you know, is it better to be there, where performance is strong at the price of large disparities? (翻译:这样我们就能辩论, 我们是应该为了一国的教育成就 而牺牲学生受教育的公平机会? )

3. There are noticeable disparities among each group in terms of ages, monthly salary, education levels and vocations . (翻译:各集群在年龄、平均月所得、教育程度与职业上有显著性差异。)

4. Germany, my own country, in the year 2000, featured in the lower quadrant, below average performance, large social disparities. (翻译:2000年我的祖国---德国 被划在较低的象限里, 比平均表现还低,社会差距很大。)

5. Well, if you only focus on your brightest students, you know what happens is disparities grow, and you can see this bubble moving slightly to the other direction, but still, an impressive improvement. (翻译:如果你只是专注于最出色的学生, 差距就会产生, 这个泡泡稍微往右偏移, 但还是有令人印象深刻的改进。)

6. It could eventually overcome the disparities between the privileged and the underdeveloped. (翻译:它最终可以克服享有特权者和未发达者之间的差距。)

7. You see, race is not a biological category that naturally produces these health disparities because of genetic difference. (翻译:可以看到,种族不属于生物学分类, 它不会因为基因差异 自然地导致医疗水平的差异。)

8. And the disparities start before college. (翻译:差距在大学之前就已存在。)

9. Essentially, by identifying the biggest gaps and directing police attentions to solving it, we can deliver a data-driven vaccine against racial disparities in policing. (翻译:通过识别那些最大的差距 并且转移注意力去解决它, 我们可以制作一剂数据驱动疫苗 对抗警务中的种族差异对待。)

10. And then we can debate, you know, is it better to be there, where performance is strong at the price of large disparities? (翻译:这样我们就能辩论, 我们是应该为了一国的教育成就 而牺牲学生受教育的公平机会?)

11. Well, if you only focus on your brightest students, you know what happens is disparities grow, and you can see this bubble moving slightly to the other direction, but still, an impressive improvement. (翻译:如果你只是专注于最出色的学生, 差距就会产生, 这个泡泡稍微往右偏移, 但还是有令人印象深刻的改进。)

12. And if we don't do something soon, the gap in health disparities is going to continue to widen. (翻译:如果我们不尽快采取行动, 医疗健康差距的鸿沟将越来越宽。)

13. Now I know that data that we have at the front desk translates into research that eliminates disparities and finds cures. (翻译:现在我知道, 前台收集到的数据 会转变成研究数据, 用以消除差异、找到解决方法。)

14. What was encouraging was that we saw some decline in obesity, (but) we saw an increase in the racial disparities. (翻译:令人鼓舞的是我们确实看到肥胖症发生率的下降,但是我们也看到肥胖症在种族之间的悬殊差异。)

15. Shalon was a brilliant epidemiologist, committed to studying racial and ethnic disparities in health. (翻译:谢纶是一名杰出的流行病学家, 立志于研究种族和人种 在医疗方面的差异。)






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