tox是什么意思 tox的中文翻译、读音、例句


tox是什么意思 tox的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义:TOX通常是“毒素”的缩写,指化学物质、细菌或病毒等在体内引起的有害反应。此外,TOX也有涉及和使用者的含义。

2. 用法:TOX是一个通用的词语,可以用作名词或形容词,例如toxic(有毒的)或toxins(毒素)。在学术论文中,TOX通常作为专业术语出现。

3. 相关术语:与TOX相关的词语包括:toxicology(毒理学)、antitoxin(抗毒素)、toxinology(毒素学)、toxin shock syndrome(毒素休克综合症)等。

4. 应用范围:TOX广泛应用于医学、生物学、环境科学、化学等领域。了解毒素的来源和影响对于保护人类健康和环境具有重要意义。


1. The lab is conducting research on the effects of environmental toxins on human health.(这个实验室正在研究环境毒素对人类健康的影响。)

2. The toxicity of this chemical compound is very high, and it should be handled with great care.(这种化学物质的毒性非常高,需要格外小心处理。)

3. The antitoxin injection quickly neutralized the venom in the patient's bloodstream.(抗毒素注射迅速中和了病人体内的毒素。)

4. The medical team suspected that the patient's symptoms were caused by toxin shock syndrome.(医疗团队怀疑病人的症状是由毒素休克综合症引起的。)

5. The government is taking measures to reduce the amount of toxins released into the environment.(正在采取措施减少释放到环境中的毒素量。)

tox是一个缩写,通常表示毒素(toxin)或铱(thorium oxide),具体要看上下文语境。




1. 这种食物中含有大量的tox,要小心食用。

2. 这个实验室正在研究如何分离tox和环境中其他化学物质。

3. tox的存在已经严重影响了这个地区的生态环境。




例句:I brought her back to the lab, and we ran a tox report which proves that Neville was poisoned. (我带她回了实验室 做了毒药检测 I brought her back to the lab, and we ran a tox report 发现内维尔中毒了 which proves that Neville was poisoned.)


例句:Tox screen was positive for immunosuppressive drugs, and, um, I am seeing scarring of the aorta. (药检结果显示 抑制免疫力药物呈阳性 我看到主动脉上结了疤)


例句:I'll run a blood-tox, but answer me this, all right? (我们会安排血液检测。不过,我得先问个问题.)


例句:Post mortem and tox came in. (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs22\shad1\3cHF2AA45\be1}尸检报告出来了 {\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs14\bord1\shad1\3cH6C3308\be1}Post mortem and tox came in.)


tox一般作为名词使用,如在STA/TOX([=staphylococcus toxoid]葡萄球菌类毒素)、tox.(abbr. toxicology)等常见短语中出现较多。

STA/TOX[=staphylococcus toxoid]葡萄球菌类毒素
tox.abbr. toxicology


1. I'll run a blood-tox, but answer me this, all right? (翻译:我们会安排血液检测。不过,我得先问个问题.)

2. Post mortem and tox came in. (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs22\shad1\3cHF2AA45\be1}尸检报告出来了 {\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs14\bord1\shad1\3cH6C3308\be1}Post mortem and tox came in.)

3. - So, what's the differential for a negative tox screen? (翻译:- 那么 毒理分析呈阴性能说明什么呢 - 不是中毒)

4. The G-Tox technique makes gravity your ally by aiding venous return to the heart. (翻译:G-tox就是将重力转化为你有利的伙伴的技巧,帮助有“毒”的血液流回到心脏。)

5. I pulled the organ sets and sent off the tox samples. (翻译:我摘下那些器官送去做毒理检验 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}I pulled the organ sets and sent off the tox samples. 好的 你不介意我们看看尸体吧 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Great.)

6. Well, did you find drugs in the autopsy or tox screen? Oh, I didn't order any of that. (翻译:- ê或浪㎝瑀浪代い 琌琩瑀珇摧痉㎡)

7. How are you gonna do a full tox screen when all the human meat has been heated up to the point of sterilization? (翻译:所有的肉都被加热消毒过了 你们要怎么进行毒理检测?)

8. Unless I can tie it to the poisons that I'm gonna find in the tox screen that I just ordered for Sal Price. (翻译:至少我能把它和将在Sal Price毒检里 发现的毒药联系起来)

9. I myself just accused her of being either a wino or a junkie, and that seems not to be the case 'cause the tox screen was clear and so was the breathalyzer. (翻译:我不想宣称她是有脑部疾病 或是成瘾 好像不是这样 因为毒物分析和 呼吸测醉器的结果都是好的)

10. 'In pumping water out of the Peruvian Mines, ' replied Miss Tox. (翻译:“当时他在秘鲁用泵把水从矿井里抽出来,”托克斯回答道。)

11. Well, look. She's not happy that I killed the tox report, but this isn't a trial. (翻译:好吧 听着 她很不高兴我消除毒物报告 但)

12. I said no. He examined my eyes and said he was going tox-ray me. (翻译:他检查了我的眼睛,并且说他打算对我进行X光检测。)

13. But according To the ten different tox screens i ran, Three times each, not poison. (翻译:但根据我进行的10种不同的毒理检测 每种三遍来看)

14. From this office, he has the ability to release sarin gas (翻译:这个人在毒药存储部工作 This guy works in Tox Storage. 从那里 他有能力向这楼里任何一间实验室 From this office, he has the ability to release sarin gas)

15. Sarin gas is leaking in from tox storage through the vents. (翻译:通过通风口泄露进来了 through the vents.)






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