starrysky是什么意思 starrysky的中文翻译、读音、例句


starrysky是什么意思 starrysky的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 词性:名词,表示“星空”。

2. 词源:由“starry”和“sky”组合而成,意为“充满星星的天空”。

3. 意义:指夜晚天空中充满了繁星的景象。

4. 用途:主要用于描绘或形容星空的美丽和壮丽。


1. The starry sky at night is so beautiful that I can't help but stare at it for a long time.(夜晚的星空如此美丽,让我不禁长时间地凝视它。)

2. The tents were set up in a clearing under the starry sky, and the campers enjoyed a wonderful night.(帐篷搭在星空下的一个空地上,露营者度过了一个美妙的夜晚。)

3. As a child, I used to lie in the grass and gaze at the starry sky, dreaming of exploring the universe.(小时候,我常躺在草地上仰望星空,梦想着探索宇宙。)

4. The stars led in the clear starry sky and added a touch of magic to the romantic evening.(星星在清澈的星空中闪烁,给浪漫的夜晚增添了一丝魔力。)

5. The artist used a palette of blues, whites, and yellows to paint a stunning starry sky on the canvas.(画家运用蓝、白、调的调色板,在画布上描绘了一个令人惊叹的星空。)

starrysky的中文翻译为星空,读音为 /ˈstæri skaɪ/。


1. The night sky is so beautiful with all the stars shining in the starry sky.(夜空如此美丽,所有的星星在星空中闪烁。)

2. Watching a shooting star streak across the starry sky is an unforgettable experience.(看着流星划过星空是一个难忘的经历。)

3. We went camping in the mountains and gazed at the starry sky all night long.(我们去山里野营,整晚都凝视着星空。)




例句:What Tony sees in that moment is the project of philosophy, the project that begins in wonder -- what Kant called "admiration and awe at the starry sky above and the moral law within." (托尼那一刻明白了哲学的概念 哲学始于探究- 康德所谓的“位我上者,灿烂星空; 道德律令,在我心中。” )


例句:# Up in the sky of midnight blue # (∮ 在蓝色的午夜中∮ ♪ Up in the sky of midnight blue ♪)


例句:¶ and I will raise my hand up into the nighttime sky ¶ (# and I will raise my hand up into the nighttime sky #)


1. ¶ and I will raise my hand up into the nighttime sky ¶ (翻译:# and I will raise my hand up into the nighttime sky #)

2. There are giants in the sky (翻译:# 天上有巨人 # # There are giants in the sky #)

3. ♪ dry lightning cracks across the skies ♪ (翻译:♪Dry lightning cracks across the sky♪)

4. Yes, he calls on sky before you are bright (翻译:he calls on sky before you are bright)

5. ? way above the clouds in the sky singing. ? (翻译:* Way above the clouds in the sky singing.)

6. The days seem to be no more than the pale reflection of nights... that turn the city into a starry sky. (翻译:白天相形失色,夜晚将洛杉矶 变成满天星空)

7. * Try to keep your head up to the sky * (翻译:* Try to keep your head up to the sky *)

8. Look through the sky into the starry depths, and you'll find more out there than anyone has imagined or can imagine. (翻译:仰望夜空 在满天星斗的深处 你会发现更多)

9. What Tony sees in that moment is the project of philosophy, the project that begins in wonder -- what Kant called "admiration and awe at the starry sky above and the moral law within." (翻译:托尼那一刻明白了哲学的概念 哲学始于探究- 康德所谓的“位我上者,灿烂星空; 道德律令,在我心中。”)

10. Buildings reach the sky... (翻译:大楼都盖上天了 Buildings reach the sky.)

11. "united, for an instant, "as they crossed the stratosphere of our starry window? (翻译:一同划过我们星光灿烂窗前的顶层 他们从哪里而来?)

12. I feel that I have become to a ancestor in the dark, under the starry sky and with daylight warm on my face. (翻译:脸上是余烬的温暖,周围是暗夜,头上是星光闪烁的夜空,我感到自己变成了原始时期的先民。)

13. The globe on fire, the earth in blood and forgotten my peaceful evening by dint of itching, fighting, hunting, scanning the ceiling and the starry sky! (翻译:火焰中的地球,鲜血中的大地,借着渴望、战斗、狩猎、扫视天花板和满天繁星的天空,忘记了我宁静的夜晚! )

14. Must record, if bright previous on sky (翻译:if bright previous on sky)

15. It is the brightest star at the left of this well-composed starry mosaic spanning about 23 degrees across the northern sky asterism dubbed the Little Dipper. (翻译:它是这张精心构图的星图左侧最亮的恒星,横跨北部天空偏星约23度,被称为小北斗星。)




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