trainer是什么意思 trainer的中文翻译、读音、例句

trainer的意思是"指导员、教练员",作为名词时有"陪练员"的意思,发音音标为[`trε:nɐ, `tre:nɐ],在法语中以名词出现较多,在《法汉简明词典》中,共找到99个与trainer相关的同义词和例句。

trainer是什么意思 trainer的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:Trainer是指教练、训练师或培训师,通常指专门为某个领域的人士提供训练或培训的专业人士。在某些领域,如体育、商业、军事等,Trainer还可以指具有一定知识、技能和经验的高级人士。


- The personal trainer helps clients achieve their fitness goals through personalized exercise routines.

- The government is hiring trainers to teach farmers how to use new agricultural technology.

- The military trainer taught soldiers how to survive in harsh environments.

2. 职责:Trainer的职责包括设计合适的培训计划、准备培训材料、授课、监督学习进度、评估培训效果等。Trainer需要具有一定的教学经验和能力,能够理解学员的需求和特点,制定符合实际情况的培训方案。


- The company hired a trainer to teach its employees how to use the new software.

- The basketball coach is also a trainer, responsible for helping athletes improve their skills and performance.

- As a language trainer, it is important to provide a supportive and encouraging learning environment for students.

3. 行业:Trainer是各行各业不可或缺的人才,他们可以在企业、教育、娱乐、医疗、科研等领域中担任重要角色。随着科技的发展,现在有越来越多的在线培训师,可以通过网络为学员提供高质量的远程培训服务。


- The hospital hired a trainer to teach doctors and nurses how to use new medical equipment.

- The gaming company employs trainers to teach players how to master new games.

- The online language trainer provides personalized lessons to students all over the world.

4. 技能:Trainer需要掌握各种教学技能,如讲授技巧、互动设计、课堂管理、反馈技巧等。他们还需要不断学习和更新知识,以保持教学的专业性和有效性。


- The teacher trainer provided tips on how to engage students in the claoom.

- The sports trainer taught athletes how to prevent injuries and maintain optimal performance.

- The IT trainer updated his knowledge of new software in order to better serve his clients.

5. 价值:Trainer,他们的价值在于能够帮助他人提高技能、增强信心、实现目标。通过合适的教学和指导,Trainer可以帮助学员发掘潜力,提高能力,取得成功。


- The language trainer's goal is to help students become confident and fluent speakers.

- The business trainer's workshop helped entrepreneurs develop better marketing strategies.

- The career trainer assisted job seekers in polishing their resumes and interview skills.



读音: [ˈtreɪnər]


1. She is a personal trainer at the gym.(她是健身房的私人教练。)

2. The company hired a new sales trainer to help improve the skills of their sales team.(公司聘请了一名新的销售培训师来帮助提高销售团队的技能。)

3. The Olympic athletes all have their own personal trainers to help them prepare for the games.(奥运会的运动员们都有自己的私人教练来帮助他们为比赛做好准备。)




例句:And Aryabhatt, this is your new dog trainer. (还有Aryabhatt 这是你的新训狗师)


例句:Imagine what Cherry Creek would do if they had a real trainer. (要是有正牌教练来训练 樱桃溪真不知会是何种光景)


例句:I know a lot about being an animal trainer or a killer whale trainer, but I don't know anything about these animals' natural history or their behavior. (我知道怎么去做一名动物训练师 或是一名虎鲸训练师 但剩下的我什么都不知道 关于那些动物的自然史以及本能)


例句:Fitness Expert Chris McCombs is a Personal Trainer in Hollywood California. (翻译:瘦身专家克里斯。麦克白是美国加州好莱坞的一个私人教练。)


trainer一般作为名词、动词使用,如在elliptical trainer([网络] 椭圆机;椭圆滑步机;椭圆训练机)、ejection trainer(弹射训练器)、flight trainer(飞行训练器)等常见短语中出现较多。

elliptical trainer[网络] 椭圆机;椭圆滑步机;椭圆训练机
ejection trainer弹射训练器
flight trainer飞行训练器
functional trainer能培训器
ground trainer地面教练设备
horse trainer驯马师
Link trainern. 林克式地上飞行练习装置\n[网络] 林克教练机;链接训练器;林克机
logic trainer逻辑教练设备
military trainerun. 军用教练机
navigation trainer导航教练器


1. I know a lot about being an animal trainer or a killer whale trainer, but I don't know anything about these animals' natural history or their behavior. (翻译:我知道怎么去做一名动物训练师 或是一名虎鲸训练师 但剩下的我什么都不知道 关于那些动物的自然史以及本能)

2. Fitness Expert Chris McCombs is a Personal Trainer in Hollywood California. (翻译:瘦身专家克里斯。麦克白是美国加州好莱坞的一个私人教练。)

3. GOT MYSELF A HOT TRAINER AND WAS WELL ON MY WAY (翻译:给自己买了一个热水教练 并且很好在我的方式)

4. Well, consequently, you would know that we are looking for a new trainer. (翻译:好了,因此,你会知道 我们正在寻找一个新的教练。)

5. A trainer from Fort Benning's 2nd Battalion, 29th Infantry Regiment, he and fellow trainer, Staff Sgt. (翻译:教练本宁堡的第二营,第29步兵团,他和同伴教员,参谋军士。)

6. Did this female trainer work with this whale on a regular basis? (翻译:这位女驯兽师是否按照正常准则和鲸鱼互动呢)

? (翻译:你有私人教练吗? )

8. And his trainer, John Brown, is the president of USA Boxing. (翻译:他的教练约翰布朗 是美国拳击联合会的)

9. I have a question do you need a net service trainer (翻译:我照例问些问题,照例... 你们需不需要上网辅导员服务呢?)

10. Listen to me, in the den behind the elliptical trainer, the baseboard comes off. (翻译:听我说 在椭圆行的健身器后面的洞里 卸下护壁板)

11. But it was not the trainer's fault at all, watching that video. (翻译:但这绝对不是训练者的失误 在我看了那盘录像之后)

12. I asked the head trainer to recommend the best one. (翻译:小人特向他们的监督官和训练尚宫 恳请推荐最好的人了)

13. She went to the gym with her personal trainer. (翻译:她和她的私人教练一起去了健身房。)

14. The trainer placed an icebag on her head. (翻译:教练将一个冰囊放在她头上。)

15. And here with me today is celebrity fitness trainer Harley Pasternak. (翻译:而站在我旁边的 就是著名的健身教练哈利帕森 你好,哈利帕森。早上好,爱普尔。)




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