fazli是什么意思 fazli的中文翻译、读音、例句


fazli是什么意思 fazli的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:♪ I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know ♪ (♪ I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know ♪)


例句:Well, I-I mean, I-I am -- really? (I -I am ... - Really?)


例句:I believe, I believe I believe, I believe (I believe, I believe I believe, I believe)


例句:If I rearrange that and I push that to (翻译:If I rearrange that and I push that to)


1. I believe, I believe I believe, I believe (翻译:I believe, I believe I believe, I believe)

2. If I rearrange that and I push that to (翻译:If I rearrange that and I push that to)

3. ¶ ooh, yeah, ooh i love you (翻译:Stay* *I want I want I want you to?)

4. I look in the mirror and I like what I see. (翻译:I look in the mirror and I like what I see.)

5. Under the right conditions, I-I-I am capable of just, really crazy stuff. (翻译:Under the right conditions, I -I -I am capable of just,)

6. I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna (翻译:I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna)

7. I like to fight. Well, I'm tired of watching you get your brains beat out. (翻译:I was afraid that if I was myself...)

8. ♪, I, I, I, I, I I got to run ♪ (翻译:I ♪ ♪ I got to run ♪)

9. I was so lonesome, I was blue (翻译:I was so lonesome, I was blue)

10. I have a speech that I wanna make to you, but I was afraid that I was gonna forget it. (翻译:I have a speech that I wanna make to you, but I was afraid that I was gonna forget it.)

11. I want to be, I want to see (翻译:@ I want to be, I want to see @)

12. I feel that i owe you the utmost clarity (翻译:-I... I feel that I owe you the utmost clarity)

13. I got the clock I got the time I got the rhyme (翻译:I got the clock I got the time I got the rhyme)

14. I had no idea about the tracker, and if I did, I... (翻译:I... I had no idea about the tracker, and if I did, I...)

15. If I had one wish, I wish I could be (翻译:∮ If I had one wish, I wish I could be)




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