volenti是什么意思 volenti的中文翻译、读音、例句


volenti是什么意思 volenti的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. “Volenti non fit injuria” 是一个拉丁语格言,意为“自愿受伤,无法追究责任”。在法律上,如果被告人明确表达了自己的同意,那么他所遭受的伤害是不可追究责任的。例如:如果你在进行一项有风险的活动前,签署了一份免责条款,那么如果你在活动中受伤,你就不可以向组织者追究责任。

例句:According to the principle of volenti non fit injuria, the plaintiff cannot hold the defendant liable for the injuries he sustained during the activity.

2. “Volenti”还可以是“volunteer”的缩写形式,在招聘广告或志愿者招募中经常出现。它表明参加活动的人是自愿的,并且不会得到任何报酬。

例句:We are looking for volenti to help with the charity event next month.

3. “Volenti”也可以是“voluntary”的缩写,意为“自愿的”。在医疗和社会服务行业中,voluntary service通常指那些由志愿者提供的服务,他们不会得到任何薪水或者其他形式的报酬。

例句:The hospital relies on voluntary donations to fund new equipment and services.

4. 在金融和法律术语中, “volenti”被用来描述那些主动承担风险或者追求投资收益的人。例如,一家投资公司可能会说他们的基金只适合有高风险承受能力的volenti。

例句:This investment strategy is only suitable for volenti who are comfortable with high levels of risk.

5. “Volenti”还可以是“voluntary redundancy”的缩写,意为“自愿离职”。这种离职方式适用于员工和雇主之间达成协议,通常会有一定的补偿方案。

例句:The company is offering volenti to some of its employees as part of a cost-cutting measure.




1. The plaintiff argued that the defendant was volenti and therefore should not be held responsible for his own injury.(原告主张被告是自愿的,因此不应该对他自己的伤害负责。)

2. The volunteers were all volenti and were happy to help with the community project.(志愿者们都是自愿的,很乐意参与社区项目。)




例句:Efficient lighting, long life, high light masks imported materials, nti-ultraviolet, good Heat resistance, import alloy panels, easy to install temperature defense. (高效照明灯,寿命长,面罩采用高透光进口材料,防紫外线,良好的耐热性能,进口合金面板,耐温防长安装简易。)


例句:If Mr Vole had been sponging off Mrs French, why cut off the source of supply? (如果说沃尔先生曾经从弗伦奇太太 身上榨取钱财,他又何必自断财路呢?)


1. Mr Vole, you must not take such a morbid point of view. (翻译:沃尔先生,你不能用 那么病态的观点看问题。)

2. A little vole with a bag on his back was singing and walking across a field . (翻译:一只小田鼠背着包,快活地唱着歌儿,在田野上走。)

3. Mr Vole, I must tell you I am not putting her in the witness box. (翻译:沃尔先生,我必须告诉你, 我不打算让她出庭作证。)

4. Members of the jury, I call Leonard Stephen Vole. (翻译:各位陪审员,我要传唤 伦纳德·斯蒂芬·沃尔。)

5. tick tick "this time , a little full of food and clothes came out of the box , all these were for the little vole . " (翻译:嘀嘀嘀……这回箱子里开出来一辆小货车,车上装满了食品和衣服,都是送给小田鼠的。)

6. P.S. I’m moving to Paris and all I’m bringing is a red dress and a bottle of Baiser Vole. (翻译:如果我去巴黎的话,一定会带回来一件红色长礼服和一瓶Baiser Vole. )

7. Oh, we'll simply put a lean on Mr Vole's £80,000. (翻译:哦,我们只要指望沃尔先生 那八万英镑就行了。)

8. I have your belongings. Sign the receipt, Mr Vole, and we can release you. (翻译:我整理好了你的财物,请你去签收, 沃尔先生,然后我们就可以释放你了。)

9. My dear Mrs Vole, I'm afraid we have bad news for you. (翻译:- 你好。亲爱的沃尔太太, 恐怕我有个坏消息要告诉你。)

10. You'll find Mr Vole very responsive and quite candid. (翻译:你会发现 沃尔先生是个反应很快的人,而且很坦诚。)

11. The prairie vole is a sociable creature, one of the only 3% of mammal species that appear to form monogamous relationships. (翻译:草原田鼠作为一种社会性生物,它是仅存3%的“一夫一妻制”哺乳动物中的一类。)

12. What if you went to a business convention and then, like an artificially stimulated prairie vole, bonded with the nearest stranger? (翻译:要是你本来正参加什么商务会谈,比如人工刺激牧场的田鼠什么的,结果莫名其妙地就爱上了你旁边的陌生人,咋办?)

13. The vole will stay forever with the female he lost his virginity to. (翻译:田鼠会永远留 与女性,他失去了他的童贞。)

14. The prairie vole is one such animal. (翻译:草原田鼠就是这样一种动物。)

15. Miss McKenzie, were you aware that Leonard Vole was a married man? (翻译:麦肯锡,你是否知道 伦纳德·沃尔是个有妇之夫?)






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