callaghan是什么意思 callaghan的中文翻译、读音、例句


callaghan是什么意思 callaghan的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 人名:'Callaghan'是英语中常见的姓氏。作为人名,它通常用于表示某个人的姓氏。


- Mr. Callaghan is my history teacher.

- Emma Callaghan is a famous novelist.

- Callaghan family is hosting a dinner party tonight.

2. :'Callaghan'也可以指代詹姆斯·卡拉汉(James Callaghan),英国前首相(1976-1979)。


- Callaghan's government faced many economic challenges during their time in power.

- James Callaghan is remembered for his contributions to the labor movement.

- Callaghan's leadership style was characterized by pragmatism and compromise.

3. 缩写词:'Callaghan'还可以缩写为'CAG',在不同的领域中有多种不同的含义,如加拿大航空公司、通用电气公司和中国农业银行等。


- CAG announced a new route to Paris from Toronto.

- GE is partnering with CAG to develop cleaner energy solutions.

- The CAG branch in Beijing has launched a new financial product.

4. 人名:

- Callaghan是苏格兰足球运动员,现效力于Kilmarnock Club.

- John Callaghan是英国杰出的心理学家和神经科学家,他的研究与人类学习和认知有关。

- Sean Callaghan是新西兰作家,以其创作的短篇小说而闻名。


- Callaghan scored a hat-trick in the last game.

- John Callaghan's research has been cited in numerous academic papers.

- Sean Callaghan's latest collection of short stories has just been published.

5. :

- Callaghan曾任英国内政大臣。

- Callaghan曾面临过许多的挑战。

- Callaghan在竞选首相时提出了“英国与欧洲更紧密的联系”的口号。


- Callaghan was responsible for introducing several controversial measures during his time as Home Secretary.

- The Callaghan government struggled to contain the wave of strikes that swept through Britain in the late 1970s.

- Callaghan's slogan of "closer ties with Europe" was seen as a reaction to the country's increasing isolationism.

Callaghan的中文翻译为卡拉汉,读音为 kǎ lā hàn。


1. Callaghan先生是一位经验丰富、知识渊博的教育专家。

Mr. Callaghan is an experienced and knowledgeable education specialist.

2. 卡拉汉市是一个美丽的小镇,有迷人的风景和丰富的历史。

Callaghan City is a beautiful town with charming scenery and rich history.




例句:I'd do it myself, but I can't get back in time. Callaghan's on his way. (如果来得及 我自己会做的 Callaghan已经在路上了)


例句:(Door buzzes) You find out anything about that task force (Callaghan组建的专案组你听到啥消息没?)


callaghan一般作为名词使用,如在Callaghan(卡拉汉 人名)、James Callaghan(n. 詹姆斯·卡拉汉)、o'callaghan([网络] 欧卡拉汉;奥可拉汉;你一直在奥卡拉甘)等常见短语中出现较多。

Callaghan卡拉汉 人名
James Callaghann. 詹姆斯·卡拉汉
o'callaghan[网络] 欧卡拉汉;奥可拉汉;你一直在奥卡拉甘


1. Where's callaghan? Okay, listen, I gotta find this kid (翻译:好了 听我说 我要在Luke发现之前 找到那小子)

2. Three recent British prime ministers-jim Callaghan, John Major and Tony blair-claim Irish ancestry. (翻译:近年来,有三位英国首相——吉姆·卡拉汉,约翰·梅耶和托尼·——声称具有爱尔兰血统。)

3. How long did Mr. Callaghan say, it'd take to finish the building? (翻译:请问迪克本来预定多长时间 盖好这座大厦?)

4. Meantime, we keep Callaghan as far away from your father as possible. (翻译:同时 让Callaghan离越远越好)

5. Callaghan, if we're going to make sense of these notes, we need to bring Marlo into this. (翻译:Callaghan 我们得把Marlo叫来 才能搞清楚这些笔记什么意思)

6. We're waiting for a warrant, and Detective Callaghan's gonna be handling the Marshall angle. (翻译:我们在等搜查令 Callaghan警探负责Marshall那边的线索)

7. He reminds me of Ian Callaghan at times. They're different players but Cally would also give you everything, running all over the pitch. (翻译:有时他让我想起了卡拉汉,他们是两种不同类型的球员,但是卡里可以给你一切,纵横全场。)

8. Miss Furlong, Miss O'Callaghan and Miss Higgins, (翻译:弗朗 欧卡拉汉 和希金斯... ...)

9. Mr Callaghan has stuck a picture of Mr McCain looking clueless in the driver's seat. (翻译:汤姆还画了一张画,画中麦凯恩坐在司机的位置,一脸茫然。)

10. Detective Callaghan, what can I do to help? (翻译:- Callaghan警探 有什么我可以帮忙的?)

11. Yeah, well, callaghan's busy. (翻译:是啊 可是Callaghan没空嘛 咋了?)

12. That was crazy. You see the way Swarek went after Detective Callaghan? (翻译:真疯狂 看到斯沃克卡拉汉警探的样子了吗?)

13. I was tidying up the room for Detective Callaghan's interview. (翻译:我当时在整理给Callaghan警探做讯问用的屋子)

14. O... or you, McNally. Uh, you're welcome to opt out and work with Callaghan, if you want. (翻译:或者 McNally去 如果你愿意 就退出行动 去和Callaghan合作)

15. Swarek and Callaghan have things covered here. (翻译:这儿有Swarek和Callaghan留守)




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