silos是什么意思 silos的中文翻译、读音、例句


silos是什么意思 silos的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:silo是指用于储存大量谷物、饲料、化学物品等物质的塔状结构。它可以被用于保护粮食和其他储存物品不被虫子和霉菌染。

2. 词性:silo是一个名词。

3. 词组搭配:silo的常用词组搭配有feed silo(饲料储存器)、grain silo(谷物储存器)、silo unloader(卸料器)等。

4. 短语:没有常用的与silo相关的短语。

5. 发音拼写:silo的音标为/'saɪləʊ/,注意其中的"i"发/ɑɪ/的音。

6. 例句:

- The silos on the farm are used to store the harvested grain until it is ready to be sold.


- The chemical company has large silos for storing their products until they are shipped to customers.


- The silo unloader broke down, so they had to use a different method to empty the silo.


- The farmers had to clean out the feed silo before they could fill it with fresh feed for the animals.


- The construction crew had to put up a new grain silo because the old one was no longer safe.



读音:sī lǒng


1. The farm has several silos for storing grain. (农场有几个筒仓用于储存谷物。)

2. Communication silos can limit the flow of information within an organization. (沟通隔阂可以限制组织内部信息的流动。)

3. The company needs to break down the silos between departments in order to improve collaboration. (公司需要打破部门之间的隔阂,以改善合作。)




例句:Computers control our military equipment, everything from missile silos to satellites to nuclear defense networks. (计算机也控制着我们的军事设备, 从筒仓到卫星, 到核防御网络。)


例句:IATA called for greater cooperation between the US and ICAO to break down silos and share safety information and data. (国际航协已促请美国和国际民航组织破除界限,互换安全方面的信息和数据。)


例句:A couple of years ago, a group of us in Canada decided that we were hitting the limits of what we could accomplish in our various silos. (几年前, 我们几个人在加拿大 认为,我们已经达到了 我们在不同筒仓所能达到的极限。)


例句:Every second that we lose increases the chances that by the time our missiles arrive... their silos could be empty 'cause they've flown their birds and struck us first. (翻译:我们每失去一秒 就增加危险性 在我们的到达前 他们可能已先发射打中我们)


silos一般作为名词使用,如在Los Silos([地名] 洛斯锡洛斯 ( 墨、西 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Los Silos[地名] 洛斯锡洛斯 ( 墨、西 )


1. A couple of years ago, a group of us in Canada decided that we were hitting the limits of what we could accomplish in our various silos. (翻译:几年前, 我们几个人在加拿大 认为,我们已经达到了 我们在不同筒仓所能达到的极限。)

2. Every second that we lose increases the chances that by the time our missiles arrive... their silos could be empty 'cause they've flown their birds and struck us first. (翻译:我们每失去一秒 就增加危险性 在我们的到达前 他们可能已先发射打中我们)

3. And we had a sense that, as we operated within our organizations, it was important to keep information in the silos within the organizations, particularly only give information to people had a demonstrated need to know. (翻译:并且我们觉得, 既然我们是在我们的组织之内运作, 把信息放在组织之内的保险柜里 就极为重要, 特别是,信息只能给那些 已经证明了需要知道的人, )

4. Instead what it's allowed is silos of interest. (翻译:但事实上,互联网创建了各种兴趣小团队. )

5. DRILL RIGS tower over the silos on farms in Pennsylvania. (翻译:宾夕法尼亚的农场,一座座钻塔高耸,俯视着贮粮的圆仓。)

6. All of these efforts are wonderful, but they're working in silos, and many of them are woefully underfunded. (翻译:所有的这些努力都很棒, 但是他们埋头各自为战, 而且很多都严重资金不足。)

7. That was 70 years ago, and the way we gain informed consent, this tool that was created to protect us from harm, now creates silos. So the data that we collect for prostate cancer or for Alzheimer's trials goes into silos where it can only be used for prostate cancer or for Alzheimer's research. (翻译:知情同意书的本意是保护我们免遭伤害 但在这70后的今天,这种方法却形成了信息孤岛 在前列腺癌或老年痴呆症 临床实验中获取的数据 只能存入用以进行前列腺癌或 老年痴呆症研究的数据孤岛 )

8. Load Cells are the preferred measurement technique for vessels and silos on pellet duty. They may also be considered for powder duty. (翻译:秤重单元是用于容器和颗粒料仓的首选测量技术。也可考虑用于粉尘工况。)

9. As a result, nearly 50 US merchants have banded together to form MCX, which plans to store consumer data for its retail partners in separate silos so competing brands can't use the data. (翻译:于是将近50个美国的商家已经联合起来组成了MCX,目的是为它的零售合作方分仓存储数据,这样竞争对手就无法使用这些数据。)

10. OCLC is working to connect these data silos. (翻译:OCLC正在努力把这些数据的竖井连接起来。)

11. Electricity would be used to heat and pressurise argon gas that is then fed into one of the silos. (翻译:电能用来加热和增压送进其中一个筒仓的氩气。)

12. We are still waiting, tweaking away, in silos rather than working together. (翻译:我们还在等待,还在不断修正软件, 窝在实验室里而不是跟大家合作。)

13. The way to break down the silos is to get inter-operability between social networking sites. (翻译:打破孤岛的方式是实现互操作 在这些社交网络之间 )

14. Reeves' new property was one of 18 Titan II missile silos attached to the Davis-Montham Air Force base near Tucson, Arizona. (翻译:李维斯的最新一处地产位于亚利桑那州图桑市附近的。Davis-Montham空军基地曾经拥有18个泰坦II型发射井,其中的一个目前就归李维斯所有。)

15. These two facilities, at Dongkou and Luoyang, are fitted with missile silos to provide a realistic training environment. (翻译:这两个配备了发射井用于提供真实训练环境的训练基地分别位于洞口和洛阳。)






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