oust是什么意思 oust的中文翻译、读音、例句


oust是什么意思 oust的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词释:'oust'是一个动词,表示驱逐、罢免、取代、赶走等意思。它通常指一种强制性的措施,比如通过法律手段或者暴力手段来达到目的。

2. 用法说明:'oust'通常用于被动语态或者被动语态的变化形式中,比如“be ousted from”或者“be ousted by”。另外,'oust'还可以和介词to或者from连用。

3. 同义词替换:'oust'的意思和一些其他的动词比如'expel'、'dismiss'、'remove'等都有些相似之处,但是它通常比这些动词更加强烈和有力。

4. 常见搭配:'oust'常常和一些具体的名词一起使用,比如领袖、公司高管、运动员、记者等等。它也可以和一些形容词一起使用,比如'unpopular'、'corrupt'、'incompetent'等等。


1. The president was ousted from power after weeks of protests. (总统在几周的之后被赶。)

2. The company's CEO was ousted by the board of directors for financial irregularities. (公司的CEO因为财务不正常被董事会罢免。)

3. The team's coach was ousted due to poor performance in the last few games. (由于最近几场比赛表现不佳,球队的教练被解雇了。)

4. The journalist was ousted from the press conference after asking a difficult question. (当记者问了一个棘手的问题后,他被赶出了新闻发布会。)

5. The dictator was finally ousted from power after years of oppression and violence. (经过多年的压迫和暴力,者最终被推翻了。)




1. The shareholders are trying to oust the CEO. (股东们试图罢免CEO。)

2. The rebels succeeded in ousting the dictator from power. (叛军成功地将者赶。)

3. The team's poor performance may result in the coach being ousted. (球队的糟糕表现可能导致教练被解职。)




例句:To give up 8 seats is to oust 8 of our men and hand them to someone else (让出八个 就得赶走八个 把乌纱帽送给外人)


例句:He survived numerous plots to kill or oust him. (他经历了无数次或取缔他的阴谋,他都挺过来了! )


例句:For all that, politicians from within his own party, as well as the opposition, are plotting to oust Mr Kan. (尽管如此,来自他本党和的政客们正在策划一起推翻菅直人的。)


例句:According to an 1876 edition of the magazine Philatelist, timbromania was the earlier word that Herpin was attempting to oust. (翻译:根据一本1867年版的《集邮》杂志,timbromania是海尔宾试图取代的单词。)


oust一般作为动词使用,如在oust of(剥夺)、oust from(驱逐)等常见短语中出现较多。

oust of剥夺
oust from驱逐


1. For all that, politicians from within his own party, as well as the opposition, are plotting to oust Mr Kan. (翻译:尽管如此,来自他本党和的政客们正在策划一起推翻菅直人的。)

2. According to an 1876 edition of the magazine Philatelist, timbromania was the earlier word that Herpin was attempting to oust. (翻译:根据一本1867年版的《集邮》杂志,timbromania是海尔宾试图取代的单词。)

3. Sri Mulyani said in a widely publicized interview that Golkar Party Chairman Aburizal Bakrie was behind the campaign to oust her. (翻译:SriMulyani在多个公开采访里指出GolkarAburizalBakrie是她的计划的幕后主使。)

4. To put it in perspective, it took over a year of protests to oust the Shah of Iran in 1979. (翻译:相比之下,经过了一年的,才在1979年迫使国王。)

5. That is exactly why the Lennoxes of this world will never oust the Robertsons. (翻译:就因为这样 伦诺克斯家永远都比不过罗伯森家)

6. Moves are afoot to oust them from power, bring their injurious actions into the light of public scrutiny, and themselves to justice. (翻译:运动正致力于将他们从权力之椅上拉下来,将他们的为害行动置于大众的监督之下,并给运动拥护者们自己带来正义。)

7. They wanted to oust Batista with a general strike, and we wanted to overthrow him with an armed struggle. (翻译:他们想以一次总 来把巴蒂斯塔弄... 而我们想以一次武装斗争推翻他)

8. Mr Orban is trying to oust the governor of the National Bank of Hungary, Andras Simor. (翻译:奥班先生现在正在努力将匈牙利国家银行的行长安得拉斯•塞莫尔赶走。)

9. Baby cuckoos oust other baby birds from their nests. (翻译:布谷鸟的雏鸟把其他鸟的雏鸟逐出巢外。)

10. Uri Ariel, a Knesset member, says if the police do not oust the families he will do so himself on July 4th. (翻译:以色列国会议员尤利•埃雷尔说如果不对这些家庭进行驱逐,他将在7月4日亲自动手。)

11. Plantation gangs began to oust the patch cultivation of the labourer serf in the case of some staple products. (翻译:在某些主要农产品的种植上,大农场上的伙役奴隶开始撵走了耕种小块土地的农奴劳动者。)


13. The legislative body had voted to oust the country's onetime rulers. (翻译:立法机构已投票罢黜了该国以前的统治者们。)

14. Mr Orban is trying to oust the governor of the National Bank of Hungary, Andras Simor. (翻译:奥班先生现在正在努力将匈牙利国家银行的行长安得拉斯•塞莫尔赶走。)

15. According to an 1876 edition of the magazine Philatelist, timbromania was the earlier word that Herpin was attempting to oust. (翻译:根据一本1867年版的《集邮》杂志,timbromania是海尔宾试图取代的单词。)






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