living是什么意思 living的中文翻译、读音、例句


living是什么意思 living的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an English teacher, I would explain the word "living" from the following five aspects:

1. Definition: Living can be used as an adjective or a verb, conveying the idea of existing or being alive. It can also refer to the condition or manner of life, such as a living wage or a living room.

2. Synonyms: Some synonyms for living include alive, existing, surviving, active, thriving, and breathing.

3. Usage: Living is a common word in daily English, used in a variety of contexts. It can refer to physical life, such as "I wanted to make the most of my living years." It can also be used to describe a person's financial situation, such as "She earns a living as a freelance writer." Additionally, living can refer to the conditions in which someone resides, such as "I love the natural light in the living room."

4. Idioms and Phrases: There are also several idioms and phrases that use the word living, such as "living on the edge" (taking risks), "living it up" (enjoying oneself), and "make a living" (earn money).

5. Common Collocations: Living often appears in collocations with other words, such as "living expenses" (the cost of basic necessities), "living proof" (an example that demonstrates something is true), and "living standards" (the level of comfort and necessities available in a particular society).


1. Definition: "I saw the living proof that miracles can happen."

2. Synonyms: "Despite the accident, he was still alive and breathing."

3. Usage: "She makes a living as a teacher, but hopes to one day pursue her passion for art."

4. Idioms and Phrases: "He lives on the edge, always seeking new thrills and adventures."

5. Common Collocations: "The high cost of living in New York City is a challenge for many residents."





1. I need to find a way to earn a living.


2. The living conditions in this city are getting worse.


3. He's a living legend in the world of music.





例句:Living off nothing but packet noodles and cider. (Living off nothing but packet noodles and cider.)


例句:It may look like paradise, but living here is not easy. (but living here is not easy.)


例句:Like, he was just so happy to be living the life he was living. (he was just so happy 他特别幸福满足 to be living the life he was living.)


例句:Gino, where you living now? (翻译:Gino 你现在住哪儿 Gino, where you living now?)


living一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在for a living(为了生存;谋生)、living by(na. 靠…为生;住在…附近\n[网络] 赚钱)、living for(v. 为…而生活;盼望\n[网络] 丁晖)等常见短语中出现较多。

for a living为了生存;谋生
living byna. 靠…为生;住在…附近\n[网络] 赚钱
living forv. 为…而生活;盼望\n[网络] 丁晖
living inna. 住进;(雇员)住在东家\n[网络] 活在过去;居住;居住在
living onna. 以…为主食;靠…生活;继续活着;靠[吃]…生活\n[网络] 继续生活;活下去;不可能性持续运作
living willn. (预先声明病危时希望采取何种措施的)生前预嘱
living withv. 和…住在一起;和…同居;和…妥协;容忍\n[网络] 与它共处生活;与谁居住;伴随
of living[网络] 现代生活方式
the living活着的人们


1. Like, he was just so happy to be living the life he was living. (翻译:he was just so happy 他特别幸福满足 to be living the life he was living.)

2. Gino, where you living now? (翻译:Gino 你现在住哪儿 Gino, where you living now?)

3. Only someone living underground would think that was still the look. (翻译:Only someone living underground would think that was still the look.)

4. ¶ I am just living to be lying by your side ¶ (翻译:# I am just living to be lying by your side #)

5. Living and happy, smiling. (翻译:如我说的生机 生活、快乐和欢笑 like I said, for living. Living and happy, smiling.)

6. Welcome back to the land of the living. (翻译:欢迎回到活人世界 Welcome back to the land of the living.)

7. - Well, his age, living alone. (翻译:- Considering what? - Well, his age, living alone.)

8. And what do you do for a living? (翻译:你的职业是什么 And what do you do for a living?)

9. ♪ Forgive them for living blind ♪ (翻译:♪ Forgive them for living blind ♪)

10. It is. From now on, I am only going to hang out with the living. (翻译:I am only going to hang out with the living.)

11. Heal the world we're living (翻译:Heal the world we are living)

12. Teenagers, living out a fantasy of being independent. (翻译:living out a fantasy of being independent.)

13. No kids, no living relatives. (翻译:没有孩子 没有在世的亲人 No kids, no living relatives.)

14. What do you do for a living? (翻译:What do you do for a living? 你做什么呢?)

15. Vampires are the living dead. (翻译:吸血鬼是活死人 Vampires are the living dead.)




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