forgiving是什么意思 forgiving的中文翻译、读音、例句


forgiving是什么意思 forgiving的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:宽容、原谅。这是一个积极的词汇,表示着一种善待他人,容忍别人过失的态度。

2. 词性:动词,名词

3. 同义词:excusing, pardoning, absolving

4. 反义词:punishing, vengeful

5. 例句:

- Forgiving someone for their mistakes can be difficult, but it's important for the sake of your own mental health.

- It's important to be forgiving in a romantic relationship, as everyone makes mistakes.

- As a teacher, it's important to be forgiving of your students, as they are still learning.

- Forgiving someone doesn't necessarily mean forgetting what they did, but it does mean letting go of the anger and resentment towards them.

- As a Christian, forgiveness is a central tenet of my faith.

- Can you find it in your heart to be forgiving towards your ex-partner?

- It's important for leaders to be forgiving towards their team members, as everyone is human and everyone makes mistakes.

- Forgiveness is not just about letting go of resentment towards other people, but also about forgiving ourselves for our own mistakes.




1. Forgiving others is a sign of strength, not weakness. (原谅他人是一种力量的体现,而不是软弱的表现。)

2. She is very forgiving and tries to see the best in everyone. (她很宽容,尽量从好的方面看每个人。)

3. It took her a long time to be forgiving after he betrayed her trust. (在他背叛她信任之后,她花费了很长时间才能原谅他。)




例句:forbearance, readiness to be reconciled, patient bearing and forgiving of injuries, and requiting good for evil; (凡事克制,乐意和好,恒久忍耐,饶恕伤害,以善报恶;)


例句:And on this higher level he becomes loving and forgiving. (在这个较高的精神层次中 他变得怀有仁爱和宽恕之心 )


例句:People sometimes ask if I believe in "forgiving" criminals. (对于我们就个中原因或暴力预防的理解 人们经常问 对犯罪的原谅或宽恕)


例句:I think true friendship is... forgiving someone in ways that you would never forgive an acquaintance. (翻译:我觉得 真正的友谊是 对于一般人你绝对无法原谅的错误 对于真正的朋友却会义无反顾地选择原谅 Tom是我最好的朋友)


forgiving一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在forgiving and forgetting([网络] 是原谅;宽恕遗忘;宽恕)等常见短语中出现较多。

forgiving and forgetting[网络] 是原谅;宽恕遗忘;宽恕


1. People sometimes ask if I believe in "forgiving" criminals. (翻译:对于我们就个中原因或暴力预防的理解 人们经常问 对犯罪的原谅或宽恕)

2. I think true friendship is... forgiving someone in ways that you would never forgive an acquaintance. (翻译:我觉得 真正的友谊是 对于一般人你绝对无法原谅的错误 对于真正的朋友却会义无反顾地选择原谅 Tom是我最好的朋友)

3. Next time you cross me,I won't be as forgiving. (翻译:下次你再背住我自己乱来 我可不会就这么算了)

4. Still, they are prepared to be forgiving and let bygones be bygones - so long as Japan admits to that part of the history. (翻译:但是,过去毕竟都已经过去,只要日本承认那段历史,所有受害国都愿意敞开宽恕的怀。)

5. By forgiving Stroman publicly in the name of Islam and its doctrine of mercy. (翻译:以以色列的名字和它的仁慈 公开地宽恕斯托曼 )

6. For supporting us in our new life together, for forgiving Nick. (翻译:谢谢你们给支持我们一起开始新生活 谢谢你们原谅了nick For supporting us in our new life together, for forgiving Nick.)

7. I dreamed that God would be forgiving. (翻译:我梦见上帝如此宽容 I dreamed that God would be forgiving.)

8. You kept on forgiving us, but you never really loved us (翻译:你不断地原谅我们 但你从未真正地爱过我们)

9. The trick is forgiving Mackenzie. (翻译:而是原谅麦肯兹 {\3cH202020}The trick is forgiving Mackenzie.)

10. Forgiving the perpetrator for his action does not mean you stop judging the deed. (翻译:原谅犯事者并不代表你已经停止裁定这件事。)

11. When your mind hurts, pain reminds you to quit worrying or to be more forgiving, or to think a different way. (翻译:当你的心灵受伤,痛苦会提醒你停止担忧,或者变得更宽宏大量,又或者用不同的角度去思考。)

12. Then can I take your eyes for forgiving your son? (翻译:那作为饶恕你儿子的代价 挖掉你的眼珠子也行吗)

13. When going through break up, it's better to have a more forgiving... and calm composure! (翻译:分手的时候最好是抱著一种 比较宽容的 心态才好)

14. Teacher Dao is not a forgiving man. (翻译:守规矩是头等重要的。杜先生是个很严厉的人。)

15. It was the first time in my life that I ever felt open to forgiving myself. (翻译:这是我此生第一次 觉得或许我也能够原谅自己。)






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