courteous是什么意思 courteous的中文翻译、读音、例句


courteous是什么意思 courteous的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词源和意义


2. 使用场景


3. 相关表达

'courteous'这个词的意思比较清晰明了,但是在实际表达中,可以加上一些其他的形容词和副词来加强表达的力度。比如说,可以用'terribly courteous'来表示非常有礼貌,也可以用'barely courteous'来表示礼貌的程度不高。


1. The waiter was very courteous and helpful. (服务员非常有礼貌和乐于助人。)

2. It's important to be courteous to your colleagues in the workplace. (在工作场合中对同事有礼貌是很重要的。)

3. The CEO always makes sure to be courteous to his customers. (CEO总是确保对客户有礼貌。)

4. It's not courteous to interrupt someone when they're speaking. (当别人在讲话的时候打断是不礼貌的。)

5. Sarah was barely courteous to her ex-boyfriend when they ran into each other at the party. (当Sarah在聚会上遇到前男友时,她礼貌的程度不高。)





1. He was always courteous to her, even when she was being difficult. (即使她很难相处,他也一直对她很有礼貌。)

2. A courteous smile goes a long way in a good impression. (有礼貌的微笑可以在给人留下好印象方面起到很大作用。)




例句:Be kind and courteous to this gentleman. (然而,说真的,这年头 理智和爱情很难配合上)


例句:I, being of sound mind and body do hereby promise to be loyal, courteous, steadfast and true to Conrad Birdie and the United States of America both indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. (我 身心健全 特此承诺~ 忠诚谦恭 坚贞不渝)


例句:A recent study at Penn State University found that when you smile, you don't only appear to be more likable and courteous, but you actually appear to be more competent. (宾州州立大学近期一项研究 发现微笑 不仅能让你更好看,更礼貌 还能让你看起来更能干 )


例句:He was a kind and courteous man. (翻译:他善良且彬彬有礼。)


1. A recent study at Penn State University found that when you smile, you don't only appear to be more likable and courteous, but you actually appear to be more competent. (翻译:宾州州立大学近期一项研究 发现微笑 不仅能让你更好看,更礼貌 还能让你看起来更能干 )

2. He was a kind and courteous man. (翻译:他善良且彬彬有礼。)

3. The chance that the online hype will make them more courteous towards detainees or at least more cautious is measly. (翻译:网络的压力会让他们更有礼貌,至少会更小心地对待在押人员,然而这样的可能性很渺茫。)

4. At the killing of the hunter, Caroline Meredith, the undersigned Marcello Poletti lifts the cup filled with your product and clearly repeats the following slogan with a courteous and inviting smile: (翻译:在杀害猎人卡罗琳·麦乐迪斯时 签名的马赛罗·波来提 举起装着您产品的杯子清晰重复)

5. JUST FOR TODAY I will be agreeable. I will look as well as I can, dress becomingly, keep my voice low, be courteous, criticize not one bit. (翻译:只为今天,我要做个讨人欢喜的人,外表尽量修饰,衣着要尽量得体,说话低声,举止优雅,丝毫不在乎别人的毁誉。)

6. When somebody sneezes, it is courteous to say "bless you" , even to a stranger. To not say so is considered rude. (翻译:当有人打喷嚏时,即便是陌生人,旁人也会礼貌的说“上帝保佑你”。否则将被视为粗鲁)

7. Girl JuOnly dignified, courteous, the king especially liked it, muttering: "She is the queen of my mind, I am non-that she did not marry. " (翻译:姑娘举止端庄,彬彬有礼,国王格外喜欢,就喃喃自语道:“她就是我心目中的王后,我非她不娶。”)

8. And always warm and courteous with me, he now hardly pays much of ragged beatniks. (翻译:而总是温暖 和有礼貌的跟我, 他现在几乎没有多少支付 衣衫褴褛的BEATNIKS。)

9. It was courteous of him to give his seat to the old woman on the bus. (翻译:他在公共汽车上把位子让给那位老太太,这样做真有礼貌。)

10. "Liyu" refers to respect or a courteous reception, not any kind of gifts. (翻译:“礼遇”就是指尊敬、有礼的待遇,并不是要送什么礼物啊。)

11. In response, he gave me an even more courteous version of the same explanation. (翻译:听到我的回答,他用更礼貌的语气对我 又解释了一遍同样的意思。)

12. Our "Be a Courteous and Considerate Shanghainese" campaign promoted respectful behavior and civility citywide. (翻译:大力开展“与文明同行,做可爱的上海人”主题实践活动,加强了精神文明建设。)

13. At alltimes: courteous, gracious, &professional (翻译:在任何时候:礼貌、和蔼、专业 )

14. A recent study at Penn State University found that when you smile, you don't only appear to be more likable and courteous, but you actually appear to be more competent. (翻译:宾州州立大学近期一项研究 发现微笑 不仅能让你更好看,更礼貌 还能让你看起来更能干)

15. He was witty and charming and courteous and had an enthusiastic interest in biology, and I found myself looking forward to his company. (翻译:他很诙谐幽默也很吸引人,而且对生物学有着充满热情的兴趣。慢慢地,我发现自己开始期盼着他的陪伴了。)




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