gutstadt是什么意思 gutstadt的中文翻译、读音、例句


gutstadt是什么意思 gutstadt的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Cestodes, or tapeworms, are gut parasites of vertebrates. (绦虫,或称带虫,是脊椎动物的肠道寄生虫。)


例句:Now if you think about the gut, the gut is -- if you could stretch it -- 40 meters long, the length of a tennis court. (现在如果你想想我们的肠胃, 如果你将其伸展开, 它有40米长, 相当于一个网球场的长度。)


例句:An exclusive, gut-level... dialogue. (独家的,深入肺腑的谈话,懂了没? An exclusive, gut -level...)


例句:He will gut the foundation of everything we have labored to build. (翻译:他会毁掉我们努力建造的一切的基础 He will gut the foundation of everything we have labored to build.)


gutstadt一般作为名词使用,如在Gutstadt(人名 英 德 古特施塔特)等常见短语中出现较多。

Gutstadt人名 英 德 古特施塔特


1. An exclusive, gut-level... dialogue. (翻译:独家的,深入肺腑的谈话,懂了没? An exclusive, gut -level...)

2. He will gut the foundation of everything we have labored to build. (翻译:他会毁掉我们努力建造的一切的基础 He will gut the foundation of everything we have labored to build.)

3. Maybe more interestingly, 90 percent of the nervous fibers that connect gut and brain deliver information from our gut to our brain. (翻译:或许更有趣的是, 90%连接肠道和大脑的神经纤维 将肠道的信息传递到大脑, )

4. That's like that gut feeling, "Oh, they just get it." (翻译:问题是:你怎么在他们还没有成为你的顾客之前 )

5. Here, The right exec can gut the competition (翻译:{\fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1}对的行政主管有勇气参加竞争)

6. All i know is, i got this feeling in my gut. And i know ... i know that, deep down, you got to be feeling it, too. (翻译:I got this feeling in my gut. too.)

7. But really, it's more that 10 percent of the nerves that connect brain and gut deliver information from the brain to the gut. (翻译:但是事实上,超过10%的 连接着大脑和肠道的神经 把信息从大脑传递到肠道。)

8. - Or I could gut you like a trout. (翻译:或者也可以把你开膛破肚 Or I could gut you like a trout.)

9. Genitive - Mein es gut en Freund es, of my good friend. (翻译:第二格—Mein es gut en Freund es of my good friend。)

10. Based on my gut sense that someone like you (翻译:凭我的直觉认为像你这样的人 Based on my gut sense that someone like you)

11. When it comes to police matters, I go with my gut. (翻译:涉及到刑事案件 我相信自己的直觉 When it comes to police matters, I go with my gut.)

12. I'll gut him to prove his guilt. (翻译:乃是天上极品现在我就把他的 肚子割开让大家看个清楚)

13. Marcia, that was a gut punch you gave in there today. (翻译:玛西亚 你今天的举动正中对手痛处啊 Marcia, that was a gut punch you gave in there today.)

14. So, what determines the membership of our gut microbial community? (翻译:那么是什么因素决定了我们的肠道里 有哪些细菌呢? )

15. I had a gut hunch the two were connected. (翻译:我有预感这两件事情有关系 {\fnArial Black\fs14\bord1\shad2\3cH4E0122}I had a gut hunch the two were connected.)




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