montagrier是什么意思 montagrier的中文翻译、读音、例句


montagrier是什么意思 montagrier的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:I'm afraid, Michael Travis, I lost your essay somewhere in the Mont Blanc Tunnel... but I'm sure it was good. (迈克尔. 查维 你的作文我好像弄丢了 不过文章应该都不错)


例句:Many flocks spend the winter on the coastal marshes around Mont St Michel in Northern France. (许多雁群选择在滨海的一些沼泽地过冬 这些沼泽地位于法国北部的圣米歇尔山区)


例句:"We whipped up the experiment, and nothing was what it was supposed to be, " Grier says. (葛利尔说:“我们很快就做完了实验,却发现没有一项结果是符合预期的。”)


montagrier一般作为名词使用,如在Montagrier([地名] 蒙塔格里耶 ( 法 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Montagrier[地名] 蒙塔格里耶 ( 法 )


1. "We whipped up the experiment, and nothing was what it was supposed to be, " Grier says. (翻译:葛利尔说:“我们很快就做完了实验,却发现没有一项结果是符合预期的。”)

2. Let's go all the way back to 1932 when, on a peanut farm in Georgia, a little baby boy named Roosevelt Grier was born. (翻译:故事要追溯到1932年, 在佐治亚州的一片花生田上, 一个名叫罗斯福·格里尔的男孩降生了。)

3. If I can get Monica away from Rosey Grier long enough to sign the thing. (翻译:要是我能让莫妮卡远离那个男人般的女魔头 {\3cH202020}If I can get Monica away from Rosie Grier long enough 就能签那破协议了 {\3cH202020}to sign the thing!)

4. You must remember that you are writing to a Trustee of the John Grier Home. (翻译:你一定要记得你是在写信给约翰格利尔之家的董事才好。)

5. A mailbag found by climbers on a glacier on Mont Blanc was part of a cargo lost in a plane crash in the late 1960s. (翻译:一封30年前寄出的情书 是登山队攀登白朗峰时发现的 这件邮包由马拉宝货机载运)

6. I forgot to tell you, actually. Gil isn't coming to Mont Saint-Michel. (翻译:其实我忘了告诉你们了, 吉尔不去圣米歇尔山了)

7. Three, four, five, six, seven, eight. . . Brother shisan said he is now doing business work. Buy a Mont Blanc pen for him, super match. (翻译:四、五、六、七、八…十三哥说他在做业务的工作,买支万宝龙笔送给他,超搭的。)

8. Professor Grier and his team can study objects in and around the ruins to learn about economic changes in the tribe. (翻译:格里尔教授和他的团队可以研究和周围的废墟的对象,以了解在部落的经济变化。)

9. Alpine mountains : and the pyrenees and the Jura mountains, etc. FaYi 4810 meters at the border, mont mountain in Europe. (翻译:山脉:有阿尔卑斯山脉、比利牛斯山脉、汝拉山脉等。法意边境的勃朗峰海拔4810米,为欧洲最高峰。)

10. Switching between these states allows Grier to move objects back and forth. (翻译:格里尔通过转换这些状态来实现向前和向后移动物体。)

11. The estuary of the Couesnon River surprises by the immensity of the bay surrounding the Mont Saint-Michel, by the beauty of light and the colours of the natural elements. (翻译:Couesnon河的河口湾周围充满了各种惊喜:圣米歇尔山周围浩瀚的海湾,美丽的光和各种自然的颜色。)

12. Jarden Corp. is a minority investor in Chartreuse & Mont Blanc. (翻译:Jarden公司是Chartreuse&MontBlanc的小股东之一。)

13. We have Mont Monet, and we also have Mont Blanc. (翻译:我们有蒙大拿 Monet, 我们还有蒙大拿蓝色.)

14. The Montreal skyline as seen from Mont Royal. (翻译:从皇家山上看到的蒙特利尔。)

15. They'll take a share and I'll provide Garcin steel for their line to the top of Mont Blanc. (翻译:他们有一部分股份 我来提供钢铁 修建通往勃朗峰的铁路)




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