manifested是什么意思 manifested的中文翻译、读音、例句


manifested是什么意思 manifested的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:表现出、显露出

2. 词性:动词过去式和过去分词

3. 词组搭配:manifest itself(表现出来);manifest one's intention(表明某人的意图);manifest a disease(表现出某种疾病)

4. 短语:no manifestation(没有表现出来)

5. 发音拼写:[ˈmanɪfestɪd]


1. His anger manifested itself in the form of yelling and throwing things. (他的愤怒表现为咆哮和扔东西。)

2. The symptoms of the disease manifested gradually over time. (疾病的症状逐渐显示出来。)

3. She manifested her love by cooking his favorite meal. (她通过煮他最喜欢的饭菜表达了自己的爱。)

4. There were no manifest signs of damage to the building. (没有明显的建筑损坏迹象。)

5. The creativity of the artist manifested in his unique paintings. (艺术家的创造力在他独特的画作中表现出来了。)



1. Her fear of failure manifested in her procrastination and lack of motivation.( 她对失败的恐惧表现在她的拖延和缺乏动力上。)

2. The company's success manifested in its rapid expansion and increased profits.( 公司的成功体现在其迅速扩张和增加的利润上。)

3. His anger manifested in his aggressive behavior towards others.( 他的愤怒表现在他对他人的攻击性行为上。)




例句:It was the most genuine spirit of Zomax, with incomparable cohesiveness, which had been manifested in the storm. (真正的中马精神、中马无可比拟的向心力就在这场风雨中得以见证!)


例句:For a long time, college physical education still had many problems, which manifested in the "big Tiyu view", PE hardware, software, lack of physical education teaching theory. (在相当长的时间内,高校体育教学还存在诸多问题,表现在“大体育观”、体育教学硬件、软件、体育教学理论的缺失等方面。)


例句:However it must be directed and focussed on your intent, if it is to be manifested through your creative power. (但是必须做到明确并且直接的表达你们的意图,只有这样才能通过你们创造的力量来显化出来。)


例句:I had a lot of self-doubt, and it manifested itself in the form of unchecked rage and agression. (翻译:I had a lot of self -doubt, and it manifested itself 我小时候没什么自信, in the form of unchecked rage and agression.)


1. However it must be directed and focussed on your intent, if it is to be manifested through your creative power. (翻译:但是必须做到明确并且直接的表达你们的意图,只有这样才能通过你们创造的力量来显化出来。)

2. I had a lot of self-doubt, and it manifested itself in the form of unchecked rage and agression. (翻译:I had a lot of self -doubt, and it manifested itself 我小时候没什么自信, in the form of unchecked rage and agression.)

3. The testiness of this budding rivalry also manifested itself in technical fouls. (翻译:而这两队之间激烈的竞争也体现在了他们的技术犯规上。)

4. The lords and doctors manifested their gratification also. (翻译:勋爵和医生们也表达了他们的喜悦。)

5. Did you have enmity, hatred or resentment manifested by facts known to both parties? (翻译:你们有敌意,仇恨或怨恨 并且双方都相互知道?)

6. If the Moon was in the first quarter at the time of birth, these tendencies would be manifested in a perfectly straightforward way. (翻译:如果出生时月亮在第一相 这些倾向将直截了当地出现)

7. Our managerial skills are measured by the competence manifested in accelerating this process. (翻译:我们的管理技能是以在加速这一进程中表现出来的能力来衡量的。)

8. Tension and compression, the two forces of life, manifested in a single material. (翻译:张力和压力,生命的两种力量, 体现在一种材料中。)

9. So you manifested fears and images of death to keep you here. (翻译:所以你幻想恐惧和死亡 好让自己继续呆在这)

10. Once the Information Company practised in US Rander, has manifested the strong learning capability and adaptiveness in the high efficiency's work. (翻译:曾在美兰德信息公司练习,在高效率地工作中表现了较强地进修才能和顺应才能。)

11. Result: There exist axonal injury and degeneration of myelinated fibers manifested by fibrillation and normal phase potential; (翻译:结果:神经电图,针极肌电图检测显示,有轴索及髓鞘纤维变性损害。)

12. Algetic ophthalmoplegia manifested the enlargement of cavernous sinus and enhancement of oculomotor nerve. (翻译:痛性眼肌麻痹表现为海绵窦增大和动眼神经强化。)

13. And I did not know Him, but in order that He might be manifested to Israel, for this reason I came baptizing in water. (翻译:我先前不认识他,但为了叫他显明给以色列人,所以我来在水里施浸。)

14. It seemed to me that the great calamity had already manifested itself, that I could be no more truly alone than at this very moment. (翻译:我认为这场大灾难已经显露出迹象,我再也不会像此时此刻这样真的一人独处。)

15. The symptoms of the disease manifested themselves ten days later. (翻译:十天后,这种病的症状显现出来。)






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