paternal是什么意思 paternal的中文翻译、读音、例句


paternal是什么意思 paternal的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:paternal是一个形容词,指的是父亲的、父亲般的、亲切的、慈爱的、保护的等含义。

2. 用法:paternal可以用来形容父亲,也可以用来形容父亲的特质或行为,如paternal instincts(父爱本能)、paternal guidance(父亲指导)、paternal authority(父权)、paternal care(父爱呵护)、paternalistic attitude(父亲般的态度)等。

3. 对比:相对于paternal,maternal则是指母亲的、母亲般的、关心孩子的等含义。


1. His paternal grandfather was a farmer who grew up in the countryside. 他的祖父是个种地的农民,成长于乡下。

2. The father looked down and smiled at his daughter with a paternal warmth. 父亲望下去,用充满父爱的温暖微笑看着女儿。

3. The CEO had a paternal attitude towards his employees and treated them like family. 这位CEO对员工有父亲般的态度,将他们像家人一样对待。

4. His paternal instincts kicked in when he saw his child in danger. 当他看到孩子处于危险中时,他的父爱本能就启动了。

5. She always sought her father's paternal guidance in important decisions. 她总是在做重要决定时寻求父亲的指导。




1. His paternal grandfather passed away last year. (他的爷爷去年去世了。)

2. The paternal line of the royal family can be traced back to the 16th century. (皇室父系可以追溯到16世纪。)

3. He received a lot of love and support from his paternal uncle. (他从他的舅舅得到了很多爱和支持。)




例句:In one place, not far from Baiyu, has " last paternal line clan" which is deep covered in the big mountain. (在离白玉不远的地方还有一个深埋在大山里的“最后的父系氏族”。)


例句:I did not know why my grandfather paternal grandmother did oppose at first I carry on the maximal exercise. (我不知道为什么我的爷爷奶奶最初反对我进行极限运动。)


例句:My paternal grandfather was the first member of his family to leave the village, get an education, and practise law in Calcutta. (我的父亲的爷爷是是家里第一个离开村子的,他在加尔各答接受法律教育并实习。)


例句:The results indicated that the metaxenia was mainly affected by paternal genetic factors, while weakly by the cultivated practices. (翻译:结果表明,蜜梨相关性状的花粉直感效应主要来自父本遗传因素,不同栽培措施的影响则相对微弱。)


paternal一般作为形容词使用,如在La Paternal([地名] 拉帕特纳尔 ( 阿根 ))、paternal acres([法] 自父系继承的土地)、paternal age(父亲产龄)等常见短语中出现较多。

La Paternal[地名] 拉帕特纳尔 ( 阿根 )
paternal acres[法] 自父系继承的土地
paternal age父亲产龄
paternal aunt[网络] 姑姑;姑母;专利
paternal aunts姑母
paternal authority父权
paternal cell父细胞
paternal character父本性状
paternal cousin[网络] 堂兄弟


1. My paternal grandfather was the first member of his family to leave the village, get an education, and practise law in Calcutta. (翻译:我的父亲的爷爷是是家里第一个离开村子的,他在加尔各答接受法律教育并实习。)

2. The results indicated that the metaxenia was mainly affected by paternal genetic factors, while weakly by the cultivated practices. (翻译:结果表明,蜜梨相关性状的花粉直感效应主要来自父本遗传因素,不同栽培措施的影响则相对微弱。)

3. This, of course, was not Beatle John Lennon but his namesake paternal grandfather, more commonly known as Jack, born in 1855. (翻译:当然,这不是披头士约翰•列侬,而是生于1885年、通常称作杰克的他的同名祖父。)

4. I was brought up by my paternal aunt. (翻译:我是由姑姑拉大的。)

5. This mattered, for there was also a strong connection between paternal investment and a child's nutritional state. (翻译:这很重要,因为父亲投入和孩子营养状况之间有很大的联系。)

6. Initially, Pauline and Hermann had planned to name the boy Abraham, after his paternal grandfather. (翻译:最初,波琳与赫尔曼打算让孩子随起名为亚伯拉罕。)

7. The Y chromosome, the piece of DNA that makes men men, traces a purely paternal line of descent. (翻译:还有就是Y染色体,雄性染色体, 能够追溯父系信息。)

8. Her former boyfriend said the prime minister's attitude to her was paternal. (翻译:她的前男友说对她的态度只是像父亲一样的。)

9. I appreciate you being paternal. (翻译:感谢你尽到了父亲的责任 I appreciate you being paternal.)

10. the combinations with Hereford Limousin and Piemontese as paternal parent are better than others in Funing regions. (翻译:在抚宁代表区域,以海伏特、利木赞和皮埃蒙特为父本的组合最好。)

11. My paternal grandfather was the Atreides, descendant of the House of Atreus and tracing his ancestry directly back to the Greek original. (翻译:我的祖父是亚崔迪公爵,阿特柔斯家族的后代,祖先一直追溯到古希腊的起源。)

12. Mrs. Pott received Mr. Pick-wick's paternal grasp of the hand with enchanting sweetness. (翻译:卜特太太用迷人的甜劲儿接受了皮克威先生父亲般的握手。)

13. And the stern paternal penitent seemed to feel in the innocence of his children a return into early life. (翻译:那个严肃的,已经悔改了的父亲,见了他的孩子的天真烂漫,仿佛觉得自己又回到了早年的生活中。)

14. Paternal or parental power is nothing but that which parents have over their children to govern them, for the children's good. (翻译:父权或亲权,不外乎是父母支配儿女的权力,他们为了儿女的幸福而管理他们。)

15. Gamblers are so cold-blooded and greedy, you wouldn't think they'd have paternal feelings. (翻译:赌徒都是一些冷血,贪婪的东西 恶人不应有爱子之心)




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