bucking是什么意思 bucking的中文翻译、读音、例句


bucking是什么意思 bucking的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义及用途:


2. 例句:

- The employees are bucking against the corporate decisions.(员工们反对公司的决定。)

- The city council is bucking the proposed budget cuts.(市议会正在反对预算削减。)

- The horse was bucking wildly, refusing to be ridden.(这匹马狂躁地打着高跟,拒绝被骑。)

- The stock market has been bucking the trend in recent weeks.(股市在最近几周一直与趋势相反。)

- The celebrity's controversial tweet is bucking the opinions of many of her fans.(这位名人有争议的推文与她的许多粉丝意见相反。)

3. 同义词和反义词:

同义词:oppose, resist, defy, challenge, protest

反义词:support, comply, surrender, accept, approve

- She opposed the proposed merger.(她反对拟议中的合并。)

- They resisted the changes to the company's policy.(他们抵制公司政策的变化。)

- The workers defied the orders to return to work.(工人们不顾反对要求返回工作岗位。)

- The environmental group challenged the government's decision to build a highway.(环保团体质疑建路的决定。)

- The citizens protested the proposed increase in taxes.(市民们拟议中的税收增加。)




1. The horse was bucking and kicking wildly, throwing the rider off its back.(这匹马在狂蹦乱跳、乱踢,把骑手甩了下来。)

2. The employee was bucking against the company's policies and procedures.(这个员工在反抗公司的政策和程序。)

3. The student was bucking against the strict rules of his school.(这个学生在不遵守他学校的严格规定。)

4. The cowboys had to tame the wild horses before they stopped bucking.(牛仔们必须驯服野马,才能让它们停止蹦跳。)




例句:Testing of colour fastness of textiles; determination of colour fastness of dyeings and prints to bucking (纺织品染色牢度的检验.染色和印花的耐蒸煮牢度的测定)


例句:The smallest load capable of maintaining the bar in a slightly bent form is called the critical or bucking load. (使杆保持稍微弯曲形状的最小载荷称为临界载荷或临界压曲载荷。)


例句:Meanwhile companies prepared to reduce prices can keep sales turnover strong, as they seem to be bucking the trend of slowing transactions. (与此同时那些准备降价的公司可以维持营业额强劲,他们似乎在逆交易放缓的趋势而动。)


例句:And for this scheme, the optimal design is conducted under stresses, displacements, local bucking , dimension constraints. (翻译:并对该方案在应力、位移、失稳临界值和几何约束下进行优化设计。)


bucking一般作为动词使用,如在enriched bucking(集燃料堆芯曲率)、elastic bucking(弹性挤曲;弹性压屈)、hum bucking([电] 交流声反应)等常见短语中出现较多。

enriched bucking集燃料堆芯曲率
elastic bucking弹性挤曲;弹性压屈
hum bucking[电] 交流声反应
local buckingun. 局部弯曲\n[网络] 短句来源
measuring for bucking量尺
pulse bucking adder脉冲补偿加法器
self bucking hammerun. 自顶式铆枪


1. Meanwhile companies prepared to reduce prices can keep sales turnover strong, as they seem to be bucking the trend of slowing transactions. (翻译:与此同时那些准备降价的公司可以维持营业额强劲,他们似乎在逆交易放缓的趋势而动。)

2. And for this scheme, the optimal design is conducted under stresses, displacements, local bucking , dimension constraints. (翻译:并对该方案在应力、位移、失稳临界值和几何约束下进行优化设计。)

3. Effect of Topical Anesthesia to Tunica Mucosa Tracheae on Hemodynamics Fluctuation and Bucking Incidence (翻译:气管表面对血流动力学变化和呛咳反射的影响)

4. John is bucking for a promotion.. (翻译:约翰正竭力争取升职。)

5. A belt, called a flank strap or a bucking strap, is secured around the animal's body over the genital area. (翻译:而是因为它们感到剧痛,在它们的身体上 一根皮带牢牢缠绕着紧勒住它们的 也称侧腹绷带或跃马皮带)

6. Becoming even more popular in the long run, they moved with the times while simultaneously bucking every trend that crossed their path. (翻译:成为从长远来看更受欢迎,他们与时并进,同时逆势每趋势想过他们的道路。)

7. The other trend-bucking aspect of the company's business model is its approach to advertising. (翻译:公司经营模式方面的另外一个改变潮流方式是对广告的处理。)

8. As the animal leaves the chute, a tight jerk on the belt is enough to start him bucking in pain. (翻译:当动物离开围栏 出口后 只要用力勒紧皮带就足以使它们 因极度疼痛而挣扎腾越了)

9. In the evenings after work, Mike King can often be found crouched down on all fours in the living room playing bucking bronco with his kids. (翻译:下班后的傍晚里,常常能发现迈克这个孩子王在起居室里蹲在四个人跟孩子们玩骑马游戏。)

10. Now, I know Johnnie's been bucking the saddle a little bit, but I don't see him as a murderer. (翻译:我知道强尼平时有点不靠谱 绝不认为他会啊)

11. A PICTURE of a handsome young man riding a bucking bronco hangs in the office of Max Baucus. (翻译:BaucusMax的办公室挂着这样一幅画,一个英俊的少年骑着一直奔腾的北美野马。)

12. Bucking occasionally on the rail, we began to cross a series of viaducts built a century before over the bends in the river. (翻译:路轨有时拱起,我们开始跨越河湾上一连串建于上世纪的桥梁。)

13. The bucking bar is a specially shaped solid block of metal. (翻译:铆钉顶棒是一种特殊形状的金属实心块。)




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