aimless是什么意思 aimless的中文翻译、读音、例句


aimless是什么意思 aimless的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性和意义:'aimless'是一个形容词,意为“无目的的,漫无目的的”。

2. 反义词及同义词:该词的反义词为'purposeful',同义词包括'directionless'、'goalless'和'unfocused'等。

3. 用法和搭配:该词通常用于描述人、行为、活动等,常与'wander', 'drift', 'meander'等词搭配使用。

4. 实际应用:'aimless'在日常生活和各种文本中广泛使用,如小说、新闻、评论等。

5. 注意事项:'aimless'用于描述人时有时具有一定的贬义,需要根据具体情况使用。


1. He wandered aimlessly through the city. 他在城市漫步,毫无目的。

2. She spent an aimless afternoon wandering around the shops. 她在商店周围漫无目的地度过了一个下午。

3. The company's aimless strategy has led to a decline in sales. 公司的无目标战略导致销售下降。

4. He drifted through life, aimless and without direction. 他浑浑噩噩地度过生活,毫无方向感。

5. The aimless chatter in the room was getting on his nerves. 房间里毫无目的的闲谈让他心烦意乱。



1. He wandered aimlessly through the city streets.


2. I feel lost and aimless without a clear goal.


3. The team's performance seems aimless and disorganized.





例句:What did he deserve but this aimless walk in a world where the only reason for him to live was so that his mother could die in her own bed? (除了在这个世界上漫无目的地闲逛,他还能期望得到别的什么东西呢?他活下去的唯一目的就是为了母亲能死在他的床上?)


例句:And what about this letter that Upton sent to the Russians in America, saying that the hacienda story's the only one that makes a film that anyone could understand in Hollywood and that the rest is just aimless pretty pictures? (还有厄普顿写给在美洲的我的这封信是怎么回事? 说只有拍大庄园故事才会被好莱坞的所有人理解 其他的都只是没有意义的画面片段)


例句:You are completely aimless, and we're gonna give you some purpose make a soldier out of you, all right? (你过得太漫无目的了 我们会让你的人生过得更有意义些 让你变成个真正的战士,好吗?)


例句:My life seemed aimless. (翻译:我的生活似乎没有目标。)


1. You are completely aimless, and we're gonna give you some purpose make a soldier out of you, all right? (翻译:你过得太漫无目的了 我们会让你的人生过得更有意义些 让你变成个真正的战士,好吗?)

2. My life seemed aimless. (翻译:我的生活似乎没有目标。)

3. Her absolute enjoyment of my aimless ramble really surprised me. (翻译:她跟著漫无目的流浪的我 真是令人难以相信)

4. I wanted to be able to escape my life, so i closed my eyes, blocked my ears and set out on an aimless journey. (翻译:我渴望逃离这种生活,所以我闭起双眼,捂着耳朵,开始了漫无目的的旅程。)

5. And it's even nicer to think that maybe somewhere he's awakened this morning, friskily as a colt, and gone off for an aimless run. (翻译:但是当我们想起克里斯多夫·里夫的时候会感到欣慰:他可能在某个地方某个清晨苏醒过来,身形矫健,自由自在的奔跑着,消失了。)

6. In the article about distractions, Morgenstern points out that these aimless impulses are usually your brain asking for a break from work. (翻译:在这篇关于消遣的文章中,莫根施特恩指出这些没有目的的冲动只是你的大脑想要摆脱工作来休息。)

7. Leslie worries that the rise of the Internet, among other social and technological changes, has reduced our appetite for aimless adventures. (翻译:莱斯利担心,互联网的兴起以及其他社会和技术方面的变化已经降低了我们对漫无目的的冒险的渴望。)

8. Tears in her eyes, Widow Zhang took an aimless step, which brought into her line of vision Mrs. Zhu panting on the edge of the stone stairs. (翻译:张寡妇装作不懂,含着一泡眼泪,无目的地又走了一步。恰好看见朱三阿太坐在石阶沿上喘气。)

9. Some aimless infatuation which, for the moment, you feel like indulging. (翻译:没有目标的迷恋 顿时,你觉得自己坠入了爱河)

10. The creatures were extremely malnourished, they were very unhealthy, they seemed to be aimless. (翻译:这生物非常营养不良 他们非常不健康 看起来精神恍惚)

11. It's a comforting perspective when you look at Christopher Reeve. And it's even nicer to think that maybe somewhere he's awakened this morning, friskily as a colt, and gone off for an aimless run. (翻译:但是当我们想起克里斯多夫·里夫的时候会感到欣慰:他可能在某个地方某个清晨苏醒过来,身形矫健,自由自在的奔跑着,消失了。)

12. Colin didn't like to drink much and he found the boozy, aimless conversation of the usual Hollywood gatherings intolerable. (翻译:科林不喜欢多喝酒,而且不能忍受好莱坞经常时那种酒后胡言和信口开河的谈话。)

13. She's in it for the money, but also for fun, another step in her 'Sweet, Aimless Life, ' the title of one of her books. (翻译:她做这些事既是为了赚钱,也是为了好玩。正如她的一本书的书名,这只是她“无目的美好生活”的又一阶段。)

14. In prison, Tyrique was actually aimless at first, as a 22-year-old on Rikers Island. (翻译, 刚进的时候, 泰瑞克并没有明确的目标。)

15. "I am a rather busy man, Mr. Gibson, " said he, "and I have no time or taste for aimless conversations. I wish you good morning" (翻译:“我很忙,吉布森先生,”他说,再见吧”。)




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