tfsi是什么意思 tfsi的中文翻译、读音、例句


tfsi是什么意思 tfsi的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义: TFSI 是一种燃料技术,是 Turbo Fuel Stratified Injection 的缩写,这种技术可以提高发动机的效率和输出功率。

2. 应用领域:TFSI 技术主要应用于汽车发动机、摩托车引擎和温室气体排放的控制设备等领域。

3. 优点:TFSI 技术可以提高燃油经济性,减少氮氧化物和二氧化碳的排放,同时提高引擎的动力输出和响应。


1. The TFSI engine helps this car achieve excellent fuel efficiency and strong performance.

TFSI 发动机帮助这款车实现了出色的燃油效率和强大的性能。

2. The new motorcycle features a TFSI engine that delivers superior power and smooth acceleration.

这款新摩托车采用了 TFSI 发动机,提供了卓越的动力和平顺的加速。

3. The TFSI technology can provide up to 20% better fuel economy than traditional engines.

TFSI 技术可以比传统发动机提供多达 20% 的燃油经济性。

4. The TFSI system uses high-pressure fuel injectors to improve combustion efficiency and reduce emissions.

TFSI 系统使用高压燃油器提高燃烧效率,减少排放。

5. Many manufacturers are adopting TFSI technology as a way to meet stricter emission standards and improve engine performance.

许多制造商采用 TFSI 技术来满足更严格的排放标准,提高发动机性能。


读音:tiě sī fēi

例句:这辆新款奥迪采用了最新的TFSI发动机技术,更加节油且动力更强。 (The new Audi model is equipped with the latest TFSI engine technology, which is more fuel-efficient and powerful.)




例句:( Grunting, Muttering ) T-bird-- ([ Grunting, Muttering ] T -bird --)


例句:So I ask, "What would move T, technology, from the numerator -- call it T1 -- where it increases impact, to the denominator -- call it T2 -- where it reduces impact? (于是我问,“假如作为因子的 T 我们称之为 T1 我们希望这个 T1 可以扩大影响 而作为分母的 T2, 我们希望其降低影响。这可能吗? )


例句:I need 50 T-shirts by Friday. (周五前我要五十件T恤 I need 50 T -shirts by Friday.)


1. I need 50 T-shirts by Friday. (翻译:周五前我要五十件T恤 I need 50 T -shirts by Friday.)

2. So I ask, "What would move T, technology, from the numerator -- call it T1 -- where it increases impact, to the denominator -- call it T2 -- where it reduces impact? (翻译:于是我问,“假如作为因子的 T 我们称之为 T1 我们希望这个 T1 可以扩大影响 而作为分母的 T2, 我们希望其降低影响。这可能吗?)

3. We want our T-shirts to be American made. (翻译:我们希望我们的T恤衫是美国货 We want our T -shirts to be American made.)

4. Check out the guy in the white T-shirt. (翻译:调查到穿白T恤的那个人 Check out the guy in the white T)

5. Anyone have a T-shirt, size extra-small? (翻译:有没有人有穿不下的T恤? Anyone have a T -shirt, size extra)

6. # Mi hermano, mi hermana, mi primo, prima, tia y tio # (翻译:# Mi hermano, mi hermana, mi primo, prima, t燰 y t甐 #)

7. Multiple dedicated T-1 lines, state-of-the-art engineering, unlimited resources. (翻译:- It is. 多个专用T1线路 Multiple dedicated T -1 lines,)

8. CPU time: ulimit a "t unlimited." (翻译:CPU时间:ulimit—t unlimited。)

9. I give to you, the T-virus. (翻译:请看 T病毒 I give to you, the T -virus.)

10. You want your perceptions at any time T to be of the world at time T. (翻译:在“t”时间获得感知 此时外部时间也为“t” )

11. "E, F, L, E, P, T P, L, E, P, F, L, F, L, E P, T, P, L, F, E, T, E L, O, P, Z, D, D, E, F, P, O, T, E, C F, L, E, P, T, P, L, E, P F, L, F, L, E, P, T, P, L, F, L, T, M, A, D in U, S, A." (翻译:E F L E P T P L E P F L F L E P T P L F E T E)

12. Vee times tee equals Vee sub zero times ee exponent negative Cee sub five tee. (翻译:v倍的t等于V 0倍的e的负cs乘t次方。)

13. Intervertebral lesions presented relatively equal hypointense on T1WI, and asymmetric hyperintense on T2WI. (翻译:椎间盘T1WI上相对均匀低信号,T2WI不均高信号; )

14. When the T-Virus spread across the Earth, it did so at the speed of the modern world. (翻译:T病毒传遍地球 When the T 西向 曼哈顿)

15. selling our T-shirts as of now. (翻译:售卖我们的T恤了 selling our T -shirts as of now.)




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