lyme是什么意思 lyme的中文翻译、读音、例句


lyme是什么意思 lyme的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意思与定义:Lyme指的是一种传染病,也称为莱姆病(Lyme disease),其主要由蜱虫传播,通常在夏季和秋季盛行。该疾病可引起多种症状,包括发热、头痛、皮疹和关节痛等。

2. 症状:Lyme疾病表现出多样的症状,可引起皮肤发生红斑、关节疼痛、脑膜炎、神经系统障碍,甚至致死。

3. 治疗:Lyme疾病目前没有特效药物,治疗过程主要依靠抗生素,但由于细菌愈来愈有抗药性,新疗法和疫苗正在研发中。

4. 预防:Lyme疾病的最好预防措施是避免被蜱虫咬,通常建议外出时穿长袖长裤,涂抹驱虫剂,并仔细检查自己和宠物是否携带蜱虫。


1. Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected blacklegged ticks.(莱姆病是由伯氏疏螺旋菌引起的,通过感染的黑腿蜱咬人传播。)

2. One of the most common symptoms of Lyme disease is a red rash that spreads outwards from the site of the tick bite. (莱姆病最常见的症状之一是从蜱虫咬口处向外扩散的红色皮疹。)

3. The treatment for Lyme disease typically involves a course of antibiotics to kill the bacteria causing the illness.(莱姆病的治疗通常涉及一系列的抗生素,以消灭导致疾病的细菌。)

4. Many people who have Lyme disease experience fatigue, joint pain, and other symptoms that can last for months or even years.(许多患有莱姆病的人会感到疲劳、关节疼痛和其他症状,持续时间长达几个月甚至几年。)

5. To help prevent Lyme disease, it's important to avoid areas where ticks are abundant, stay covered and use insect repellent when outside, and check for ticks after spending time outdoors.(为了预防莱姆病,避免在蜱虫密集的地区活动,外出时保持覆盖并使用驱蚊剂,外出后及时检查身上是否有蜱虫。)


读音:lái mǔ bìng


1. Lyme disease is a tick-borne illness caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. (莱姆病是一种由蜱传播的疾病,由螺旋体菌属布雷利菌引起。)

2. If left untreated, Lyme disease can lead to serious complications like joint pain and neurological problems. (如果不治疗,莱姆病会导致严重的并发症,如关节疼痛和神经系统问题。)




例句:If the population of these other species were increased, the number of ticks acquiring the bacterium and hence the number of people contracting Lyme disease would likely decline. (如果这些其他物种的种群数量增加,蜱类捕获细菌的数量就会减少,因此感染莱姆病的人数就会减少。)


例句:But I-I might have Lyme Disease. (不过我... 我有可能得了莱姆病 But I... I might have Lyme Disease.)


例句:Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium transmitted to humans by deer ticks. (莱姆病是由鹿蜱传播给人类的一种细菌引起的。)


例句:observed that Lyme disease resembles syphilis in that it is caused by a corkscrew-shaped spirochete. (翻译:他观察到莱姆关节炎与相似,因为该炎症系由一螺旋形螺旋体细菌所引发。)


lyme一般作为名词使用,如在Lyme(arthritis 莱姆关节炎(伴有疼痛、发热与皮肤红斑) , grass [植]欧滨麦)、East Lyme([地名] 东莱姆 ( 美 ))、Lyme arthritis([网络] 莱姆关节炎;莱姆病关节炎;如莱姆关节炎)等常见短语中出现较多。

Lymearthritis 莱姆关节炎(伴有疼痛、发热与皮肤红斑) , grass [植]欧滨麦
East Lyme[地名] 东莱姆 ( 美 )
Lyme arthritis[网络] 莱姆关节炎;莱姆病关节炎;如莱姆关节炎
Lyme Bay[地名] 莱姆湾 ( 英 )
Lyme disease莱姆病(由扁虱叮咬而出现麻疹、发烧等症状的一种传染性疾病)
Lyme diseases莱姆病(由扁虱叮咬而出现麻疹、发烧等症状的一种传染性疾病)
lyme grass披碱草
lyme grlyme grass\n[laim]\n【植物】欧滨麦
Lyme neuroborreliosis[网络] 莱姆神经螺旋体病;神经莱姆病
Lyme Regis[地名] 莱姆里吉斯 ( 英 )


1. Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium transmitted to humans by deer ticks. (翻译:莱姆病是由鹿蜱传播给人类的一种细菌引起的。)

2. observed that Lyme disease resembles syphilis in that it is caused by a corkscrew-shaped spirochete. (翻译:他观察到莱姆关节炎与相似,因为该炎症系由一螺旋形螺旋体细菌所引发。)

3. Do you have any idea what lyme disease does to you? (翻译:知道得了莱姆病啥感觉不 莱姆病: 由扁虱叮咬而出现麻疹 发烧等症状的一种传染性疾病)

4. There is a wood near Lyme Regis, also cursed by a public footpath, where the owner has not hesitated on this point. (翻译:附近有个林子,同样因里面的一条公共小道而遭殃,但它的主人在处理这个问题上毫不犹豫。)

5. Lyme disease is a disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, a spirochaete, and spread by ticks of the genus Ixodes. (翻译:莱姆病是一种由伯氏疏螺旋体引起的疾病,由硬蜱属的蜱类传播。)

6. Objective:To investigate the distribution of Ixodes persulcatus and the relation with Lyme disease. (翻译:目的:了解长白山区莱姆病传播媒介-全沟硬蜱的地理位置、分布及其病原携带情况。)

7. He's settled for now at LYme with our good friend James Benwick (翻译:他现在与我们的好朋友 詹姆斯 本威克一起定居在莱姆)

8. We rejected Lyme disease because the couple would have noticed a rash, but a wet, hacking cough is just gonna slip right by? (翻译:我们排除莱姆症的原因是因为如果是的话, 这对夫妇会注意到皮疹 但他们会注意不到干咳?)

9. Haemaphysalis bispinosa may play a important role in transmission cycle of Lyme disease. (翻译:二棘血蜱在传播莱姆病螺旋体上可能起重要作用。)

10. Watch out for poison oak, lyme ticks, bears, dragons... pestilence. (翻译:Watch out for poison oak, lyme ticks, 小心毒葛,莱姆,蜱 bears, dragons... 熊,龙...)

11. There's some small-arms fire. Could be Paylor, maybe Lyme. (翻译:是一些小型武器的进攻 可能是佩勒或是莱姆)

12. Object To study the expression and distribution of IgG and C in skin lesions of erythema chromium migrans in Lyme's disease. (翻译:目的探讨IgG、C在莱姆病皮肤慢性游走性红斑病变中的分布和表达。)

13. No, but I hear Lyme disease is open, so you know.... (翻译:不知道,但是我听说脑膜炎还少人,所以...)

14. He made it his business to go to Lyme, and his account was still encouraging. (翻译:他特意去了一趟莱姆,介绍的情况仍然是令人鼓舞的。)

15. V: Vector-borne diseases spreading, like Zika, dengue and Lyme. (翻译:V:载体传播疾病, 如寨卡、登革热和莱姆病。)






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