mandelbaum是什么意思 mandelbaum的中文翻译、读音、例句


mandelbaum是什么意思 mandelbaum的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an , explanations and examples related to "mandelbaum" from various aspects:

1. Etymology:

"Mandelbaum" is a surname of German-Jewish origin, which literally means "almond tree" in German. In English, it can also refer to a specific type of tree with pink or white flowers (Prunus triloba). In the context of science or math, "mandelbaum" may also refer to a famous fractal or mathematical set named after Benoît Mandelbrot, a Polish mathematician.


- The Mandelbaum family immigrated to the United States from Germany in the early 20th century.

- The mandelbaum tree is a popular ornamental plant in many gardens.

- The Mandelbrot set is a complex mathematical structure that exhibits self-similarity and chaotic behavior.

2. Culture:

"Mandelbaum" can also appear in various cultural references or works of art, such as literature, music, and film. For example, there is a famous novel by Franz Kafka named "The Metamorphosis" that features a character named Mr. Mandelbaum. In music, "Mandolin Wind" is a popular song by Rod Stewart that mentions the name as well.


- Many scholars have yzed the symbolism of Mr. Mandelbaum in Kafka's "The Metamorphosis".

- "Mandolin Wind" is a nostalgic ballad that evokes the memory of a lost love.

3. Abbreviation:

In some contexts, "mandelbaum" may also be shortened or abbreviated as a mnemonic or code word. For instance, in medicine, "MANDEL" can be used as a memory aid to remember the signs and symptoms of delirium.


- The nurse used the MANDEL acronym to s the confused patient's mental status.

- The doctor prescribed a low dose of MANDEL as a sedative for the agitated patient.

Overall, the meaning and usage of "mandelbaum" can vary depending on the context and discipline involved. Here are some extra examples to ilrate the diversity:

- The art gallery showcased a painting of a mandelbaum blooming in the spring.

- The software engineer used Mandelbrot's formula to generate a stunning fractal image.

- The baker prepared a batch of mandelbrot cookies, which are shaped like sliced almonds.

- The linguist studied the phonetics and morphology of the word "mandelbaum" in different languages.

- The trader used a mandelbaum diagram to visualize the complex interactions of global markets.


读音:mán dé ěr bào mǔ

例句:Mandelbaum是一个德国姓氏。 (Mandelbaum is a German surname.)




例句:Liberty and self-government are the two parts of democracy, Michael Mandelbaum says. (曼德尔鲍姆说,自由和自治是的两个组成部分。)


例句:Russia and Iran are different, Mr Mandelbaum believes. (曼德尔鲍姆认为,俄罗斯及的情况则不同。)


例句:When talking about the cultural sources of American strength Mr. Friedman and Mr. Mandelbaum can sound like staunch Tea Party members. (当谈及美国国力的文化渊源时弗里德曼和曼德尔巴姆听起来更像是坚定的茶话会成员。)


例句:Friedman is one of America's most famous commentators, Mandelbaum one of its most distinguished academic experts on foreign policy. (翻译:弗里德曼是美国最著名的评论家之一,而曼德尔鲍姆是美国外交政策方面最杰出的学术专家之一。)


mandelbaum一般作为名词使用,如在Mandelbaum's reaction([医] 曼德耳包姆氏反应, 丝状反应(检伤寒带菌者))等常见短语中出现较多。

Mandelbaum's reaction[医] 曼德耳包姆氏反应, 丝状反应(检伤寒带菌者)


1. When talking about the cultural sources of American strength Mr. Friedman and Mr. Mandelbaum can sound like staunch Tea Party members. (翻译:当谈及美国国力的文化渊源时弗里德曼和曼德尔巴姆听起来更像是坚定的茶话会成员。)

2. Friedman is one of America's most famous commentators, Mandelbaum one of its most distinguished academic experts on foreign policy. (翻译:弗里德曼是美国最著名的评论家之一,而曼德尔鲍姆是美国外交政策方面最杰出的学术专家之一。)

3. Mr Mandelbaum sees only three countries at present with the capacity and the incentive to upset it: China, Russia and Iran. (翻译:曼德尔鲍姆认为,目前仅有三个国家有能力有动机颠覆这一体系:中国、俄罗斯和。)

4. I'm going to agitate the molecules now. Miss Sondra Mandelbaum. (翻译:我现在要激发分子了 桑德拉·门德尔博母)

5. It could use more of the generous responsible spirit Friedman and Mandelbaum recommend. (翻译:美国可以更多利用弗里德曼和曼德尔鲍姆所建议的慷慨而负责的情绪。)

6. Friedman and Mandelbaum at one point praise the beauty of solutions that rise from the bottom up as opposed to the top down. (翻译:弗里德曼和曼德尔鲍姆一度称赞自下而上——而不是自上而下——所提出的解决办法。)

7. Mr Mandelbaum has been preaching the gospel of petrol taxes for a long time, and does so persuasively. (翻译:曼德尔鲍姆长期以来一直在鼓吹汽油税“教义”,他的鼓吹颇具说服力。)

8. Friedman and Mandelbaum go very light on the programmatic details. (翻译:弗里德曼和曼德尔鲍姆在方案细节方面着墨很少。)




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