robt是什么意思 robt的中文翻译、读音、例句

robt在英语中代表"帚崭非娇常峪肌、【男名】男子名"的意思,作为名词时有"我是阿五"的意思,发音是[美 ],robt常被用作名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到78个与robt相关的用法和句子。

robt是什么意思 robt的中文翻译、读音、例句


- 在电子商务中,ROBT可以代表“Robot”,表示机器人或自动化技术。

- 在军事领域中,ROBT可以指代“Remote Operated Battlefield Technologies”,表示远程作战技术。

- 在信息技术领域中,ROBT可以代表“Redundant Off Board Tool”,表示冗余离线工具。

2. ROBT的用法:ROBT通常以大写形式出现,并且可以作为缩写词使用。具体用法取决于其所代表的含义和上下文。

- 机器人

- We are using ROBT technology to automate our assembly line.

- The ROBT is programmed to perform complex tasks without human intervention.

- 远程作战技术

- The use of ROBTs has drastically reduced the number of casualties in recent military operations.

- The military is investing heavily in the development and deployment of ROBTs.

- 冗余离线工具

- The IT department relies on ROBTs for automated backups and system maintenance tasks.

- The ROBT is an essential tool for IT professionals who need to troubleshoot computer systems.

3. ROBT的影响:ROBT代表了不断发展的科技和技术,对各个领域产生了重要的影响。

- 机器人技术的发展加快了生产自动化和工业数字化,改变了传统生产和制造方式。

- 远程作战技术的使用使得军事行动更加安全和精确,可以避免不必要的人员伤亡。

- 冗余离线工具的使用使得信息技术维护更加高效和稳定,可以帮助企业和组织更加有效地管理数据和设备。


- Our factory has invested in ROBT technology to streamline our production process and increase efficiency.

- The military is using ROBTs to scout enemy territory without putting soldiers at risk.

- The ROBT is an essential tool for IT professionals who need to perform system maintenance tasks remotely.

- Amazon is testing ROBT technology to make deliveries more efficient and cost-effective.

- NASA is exploring the use of ROBTs in space exploration to expedite research and minimize risk to astronauts.




1. Robt is a common username used by many people online.


2. I met a guy named Robt at the party last night.


I can't help you with that Robt. I'm not familiar with the program.


robt的中文解释是"帚崭非娇常峪肌、我是阿五",其次还有"罗倍拓"的意思,单词读音音标为[美 ],robt常被用作名词,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到15个与robt相关的例句。



例句:I expected them to say to Rob, "Hold on. We're coming." (我当时以为他们会对Rob说 “坚持。我们马上就来。” )


例句:These men, do they rob you? (这些人 他们把你打劫了吗 These men, do they rob you?)


例句:I don't wanna talk about it here, with this guy, Rob or whatever. (我不想在这谈 有人在这 他叫罗布还是...)


例句:They must be planning to rob it. (翻译:一定是打劫珠宝店 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}They must be planning to rob it.)


robt一般作为名词使用,如在Robt.(n. 【男名】男子名\n[网络] 罗倍拓;帚崭非娇常峪肌;我是阿五)等常见短语中出现较多。

Robt.n. 【男名】男子名\n[网络] 罗倍拓;帚崭非娇常峪肌;我是阿五


1. I don't wanna talk about it here, with this guy, Rob or whatever. (翻译:我不想在这谈 有人在这 他叫罗布还是...)

2. They must be planning to rob it. (翻译:一定是打劫珠宝店 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}They must be planning to rob it.)

3. Rob, come in, this is Helen. (翻译:罗布 请回答 我是海伦 Rob, come in, this is Helen.)

4. He was exhausted, and Rob was staying with him. (翻译:他已经精疲力竭了。Rob就呆在他的身边。)

5. Harold, Mike, this is Rob. (翻译:罗布呼叫赫罗德 麦克 Harold, Mike, this is Rob.)

6. Oh, God, Rob, give it a rest. Oh, God. (翻译:罗伯,拜托你别闹了 Rob, give it a rest.)

7. I won't rob Dobe, I'll rob Yukinojo - of his most precious thing (翻译:我不会打劫藤田 我会去打劫雪之丞 我要偷到他最宝贵的东西)

8. Well, you don't have to rob trains to have panache. (翻译:其实, 并不需要通过地铁来展风.)

9. The very first time I fired the Tac-50 was an awakening to know that there's something out there with that much power. (翻译:狙击手 Rob Furlong 史上最远狙杀)

10. And we heard that Rob was OK, but Doug was too weak to come down. (翻译:我们听说Rob还可以, 但是Doug身体过虚,无法下山来。)

11. (GROANS) Save yourself, Rob! (翻译:想办法,劳勃 Save yourself, rob!)

12. Rob Horn looking for Sheriff Flynn. Over. (翻译:Rob Horn呼叫heriff Flynn 完毕)

13. Scientist Rob Heinsohn set out to discover the secrets of this rare creature. (翻译:科学家Rob Heinsohn 决心找出这种罕见生物的秘密)

14. So Rob tells me you boys hunt demons. (翻译:Rob tells me you boys hunt demons.)

15. And we heard that Rob was OK, but Doug was too weak to come down. (翻译:我们听说Rob还可以, 但是Doug身体过虚,无法下山来。)


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