
关于”七上小“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Seven on the small。以下是关于七上小的七年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”七上小“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Seven on the small。以下是关于七上小的七年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Seven on the small

A long time ago, snow white and her parents were happy together, but the queen was jealous of snow white. She sent a hunter to kill Snow White, but the hunter let snow white escape. One day, the queen dressed up as an old farmer's wife and gave snow white a poisonous apple.

Snow White ate the poisonous apple. The seven dwarfs fell asleep and were very sad. They put her in the coffin A prince killed snow white.

When she woke up, they married and lived happily.




An Outstanding Student 一名优秀的学生

As an outstanding student, I believe that hard work, determination, and a positive attitude are the keys to success. Throughout my academic journey, I have strived to excel in every aspect of my studies.


Firstly, I firmly believe that hard work is essential for achieving academic excellence. I maintain a consistent study schedule, allocate time specifically for each subject, and review previous lessons regularly. Additionally, I actively partite in class discussions, ask questions when in doubt, and seek guidance from my teachers when facing challenges. By dedicating my time and effort to my studies, I have been able to achieve remarkable results.


Furthermore, a strong determination is crucial to overcome obstacles and setbacks. I maintain a focused mindset and never lose sight of my goals. If I encounter difficulties, I am not discouraged but rather motivated to find alternative solutions. I believe that each setback is an opportunity to learn and grow. With a determined attitude, I conquer challenges and constantly strive for improvement.


Finally, a positive attitude is the foundation of my success. I approach every task with enthusiasm and optimism, believing that I can achieve the desired outcome. I embrace failures as learning opportunities and constantly remind myself of my abilities. By maintaining a positive mindset, I am able to stay motivated and overcome any obstacles that come my way.


In conclusion, as an outstanding student, I attribute my success to hard work, determination, and a positive attitude. By dedicating myself to my studies, maintaining a determined mindset, and approaching challenges with optimism, I have been able to achieve excellence in my academic pursuits. I believe that these qualities are not only essential for academic success but also crucial for personal growth and a successful future.



(snow white and seven dwarfs) a long time ago, snow white and her parents were happy together. But the queen was jealous of snow white. She sent hunters to kill Snow White.

But one day, the hunter let snow white run away. The queen dressed up as an old farmer's wife and gave snow white a poisonous apple. Snow White ate the poisonous apple.

The seven dwarfs who were sleeping were very happy Sad, put her in the coffin, a prince killed snow white, she woke up after they married, very happy life.







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